Friday, January 2, 2015

You have not because you ask not. You ask not because you simply don't believe.
Well it's finally here, 2015.  The month long lead-up to the start of the New Year is finally over, and now the question is:  what do you do with it? What will 2015 look like?

If you are like most people you look forward to ending the previous year and look outward to what you hope is change for the better.  What would you say if I told you that you have within you the ability to set the tone for the entire year ahead of you?  What would you say if I told you that you control all that will go on during this next year?  If you desire something then all you need to do is set the intention.  Now I know that there are many, many people out there who can't believe it is as simple as that, but in all actuality it is that simple.  What isn't simple is forgetting what has transpired in the past and let the past go.  What isn't simple is forgetting what others tell you and go with what you know to be true, even when it goes against the norm.

Living with intention is knowing and accepting what you should be doing, doing what you love, what you are passionate about, and living like there is no tomorrow.  Most everyone I know goes to bed each night with the intention of getting up the next morning to live another day.  If you can set the intention for getting up in the morning, why is it so difficult to set the intention for what you want for the upcoming year?  I get that what you want might be something huge, but given the fact that the Creator of the Universe put that desire in you, isn't it plausible that the means to get those things also reside in you?  Once again, if you allow the conditioning of man to control your thoughts and actions then you will continue to live the life that you have so ardently desired to be left behind when the previous year came to a close.

I will tell you that there is really only one thing that will stop people from setting and living with intention, and that one thing is disbelief.  Doubt and unbelief will kill a vision, kill a dream, and soil a future quicker than poop through a goose.  Most people stop asking and stop dreaming because they have stopped believing.  Well, that's if they ever believed in the first place.  There are plenty of people out there, present company included, who have allowed situations to drive decisions, even when you know that what you are doing is wrong and contrary to what is in your heart.  I have allowed fear, doubt, and past happenings to dictate what I did, or in some cases what I didn't do.  The key is to say "Not any more".  You have to draw a line in the sand and take a stand.  If you desire something, then simply set the intention. If you are looking for a particular outcome to a situation, simply set the intention.  If you are looking at 2015 and want to know the outcome, simply set the intention.

I can hear the naysayers already.  If setting the intention were that simple then everyone would be doing it, and the world as we know it would change.  I could not agree more. If everyone walking the planet set the intention of discovering their destiny, began walking in their destiny, then I can assure you that the world would most definitely change, and change for the better.  Problem is, far too many people haven't a clue about their destiny, have never even pondered the importance of setting an intention, and that is why they hope against hope that the next year will be better then the last.

Let your New Years Resolution be that you will set into motion the thoughts, the words, the feelings of completing what you desire to complete this year.  Make it a daily event that you set the intention of what you want to transpire during any given day.  Certainly this may feel like an act of futility at first, but I can tell you that the times will change as your actions and thoughts change, and then you will see the world in an entirely different light.  Look at it this way: if you have been on the loosing end of things over the years, what have you got to lose?  I mean really, if what you have been doing over the last decade hasn't work, what makes you think things will be different this year than last?  If you want things to change, and change for the better, then why not try setting an intention.  The worst thing that could happen is that you move no where, and how much different is that then what your are experiencing right now?  If, on the other hand, things turn around and you figure out that you in deed do control what happens in your life, well then life as you know it will change forever.

I cannot sit around any longer and let words of doubt come from my mouth.  The thoughts that do not serve me nor my purpose on this earth, are the thoughts that I now hold captive.  I feel, right now, what it will be like to write and publish another book.  I can feel the excitement of walking on stage and speaking to five thousand people.  I have set the intention of changing the lives of others by what I do each and every day.  If you desire to have the same results, if you want to get out of the trap you have been in, if you simply want to experience different things, then start setting the intention that that is exactly what you will do.  If you can not speak it, think it, feel it, you will never have to worry about doing it.

2015 can be your breakout year.  Certainly we hear people say this each new year, but this year can be different.  Set the intention.  Learn more about who and what you are.  There is a presence inside of you that is there to guide, there to move, and there to change you.  If you want 2015 to be different, then you need to change things up.  I promise you this:  if you can set the intention of what you desire in 2015, not let doubt or unbelief sway you, then all your dreams will come into existence.  This is a great time to move forward, and together we will change the face of this planet.  It may take some time, but we have all the time we need.

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