Sunday, March 30, 2014

There are no shades of gray, only black or white.
In life some people will tell you that there are no shades of gray in things, and that things are only black or white.  I'm on the fence when it comes to this, and there are not many times in my life that I am on the fence about anything.  I have known periods in my life when many, many things were gray areas, and not everything was as simple as black or white.  I guess it all depends on your vantage point, and what it is that you are trying to figure out or trying to accomplish.

Shades of gray, when it comes down to it, is nothing more than confusion.  Not knowing if something is supposed to be this way or that way.  Not knowing if what you are doing is right or wrong, or even possible.  Not knowing if what you want is really what you want or what someone else wants for you.   Boy have I been down this road before and in all likelihood will have to travel down this road again in the future.  This time however, I will be equipped with something that I never had before, but that I have finally found, and it has saved my life more than once.  When anyone is confused it is a sign that they either lack the required knowledge to do something, or they are attempting to do something that was never intended for them to do.  It is very similar to trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.  Sure you may be able to jam it into this space, but was it really designed to fit into it?

The one thing that I discovered, that has changed most everything from shades of gray, was my True Destiny.  No longer was I being tossed and spun around by others telling me what I should be doing and why I should be doing it.  I had taken ownership of my destiny and that cleared up any shade of gray that may have existed.  Now is the time in your life when you must take ownership of your destiny and begin to walk in it.  There is no worse feeling in the world then desiring to do something and yet never feeling like you will be able to do those things that are dearest to you.  It's almost like walking down a long corridor that never seems to end and with each step you take the corridor seems to grow in distance, making it nearly impossible for you to get to the end.

If you find yourself on that perpetual tread mill always moving but going now where, then I suggest you stop what you are doing and make the determination that you have a destiny.  Determine that you will walk in that destiny, and that no longer will the shades of gray that have fogged up your vision keep you from doing those things that you were designed to do.  I wish I could tell you that I have all the answers, I do not.  I wish I could keep you from the ups and downs of life that you will experience, I cannot.  What I do have is a desire to see you walk in your destiny and anything I can do to help you discover and walk in it, is what I have been designed to do.    There are not enough descriptive words in the English language that I could use to tell you how I long for everyone to walk in their own destiny.  Not the destiny that others have picked for you.  Not the destiny that you think you should walk in, but the destiny that you know you should walk in.

When I was a child I saw things as a child, and there were many shades of gray.  This happens when you are tossed about by everything that others tell you and you have yet to determine for yourself what is truly important to you and what those things are that make you who you are.  Self-discovery is something that we will all have to accomplish if we are to accomplish those things that were birthed in us at the time of our creation.  Many times these discoveries are hindered by some of the things we experience in life.  Many times these discoveries are covered up by hurt and fear, but there will be a time when you will have to take a deep breath and just jump into them.  If you are at that place in your life when you know there is more to life then what you are experiencing right now, then this should be a sign that it is time for more self-discovery.  If you are all the time anxious and on edge, this is a sign that you are just about ready to take a dip in the pool of destiny.

It is time to rid yourself of all shades of gray and determine what is real, what is right, and what is your destiny.  Your age, social status, your education, where you live, where you came from, or even how others see you is not what will determine if you walk in your destiny.  You and only you can make that determination.  I and many others like me are here to help you discover your destiny.  Until such time as you decide that you want to walk in your destiny, you will not walk in it.  The joy, happiness, and contentment that you will experience when you decide to step out in your destiny is a feeling that will never be duplicated, no matter what you try to measure it up against.  We all deserve to have these feelings of contentment and satisfaction, and you are no different from anyone else.  If you lack the joy, happiness and peace in your life that you have always desired, then might I suggest you put down what ever you are doing and spend some time in quiet meditation and ask for some answers.  I have said this before, people do not ask the question because they often do not want the answer.  We have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we do not believe.  You must believe that you have a destiny before you will ever walk in it.  Trust me, you have a destiny.  Ask the question and see if the answer does not come to you.  There has never been a better time to discover the greatness that resides inside of you, and this greatness is there to share with others.  Please take some time and discover those things that have been placed in you.  Until we meet again, know the great desire I have to help you walk out your destiny.  What you have is what I need and I am not to shy to ask for your help.

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