Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do you just blend in, or do you stand out? The decision is yours.
I stepped out onto my back porch this morning just to take in a few deep breaths of the fresh morning air and I saw, perched on a clump of trees, a beautiful long haired brown cat.  At first I didn't even see it as it blended in perfectly, but as the cat moved I saw it and just watched it for a few minutes.  As I looked I wondered just how many times in my life I have just blended in with the landscape instead of making a bold statement of who and what I am.  The question I have for you this morning is when was the last time you made a statement of who you are verses just blending in with the rest of society?

Now there is nothing wrong with blending in, and there are times when this is not a bad thing.  But, there are other times when one should boldly stand up and be seen for who and what they are.  The beauty of your individuality, the splendor of your confidence and determination; these are things that belong to you but should also be shared with others.  There is nothing worse then getting lost in the landscape because one is afraid to step out and be who they were designed to be and more importantly, share those things with others around you.

We have all been given traits and characteristics for a specific reason.  The personality you have is there to allow you to be the person you were intended to be and accomplish the things that were intended for you to accomplish in this life.  I have seen people who have placed themselves in a self imposed exile because they refuse to show their true colors, all in an effort to fit in.  Did you ever give thought to the fact that the personality you have may be there for others to learn from?  If someone takes offense to who you are, then that is their cross to bear, not yours.  I could no more change my personality then I could change the color of my eyes.  Sure I could put in different color contact lenses, but that would just be a mask, the true color of my eyes would not change.  Likewise, I could attempt to change my personality to fit in better, but would I really have changed who I am, or would it just be another mask?

I guess my point in all of this is to say that maybe the time has come for each of us to be the people we were intended to be and if others don't like it, well then tough.  They are not the ones who have been called to what you have been called to do, so why worry about how they may interpret why you are the way you are.  There is nothing worse in this life then relegating yourself to a position that you were never intended to be in, but you have placed yourself there because you wanted to be liked or because you didn't want to rock the boat.  Once again, did you ever give thought to the possibility that you were placed in that position to do just that, rock the boat.  There are plenty of situations out there that are in dire need of being rocked a little bit, and if you can be the driving force to get it done then more power to you.

I am simply amazed when I see someone who has all the talent in the world, but for whatever reason has decided not to progress as far as possible for fear that others may think of them as some self-centered, ego maniacal, know-it-all.  Please don't seek yourself short.  Don't pull back into your shell simply because those around you may not have the ability to accept you for who you are.  Your greatest asset is knowing why you are the way you are, and knowing how to use the tools that have been placed in your hands in order to accomplish certain things in this life.  I don't give a rat's ass if what I do, or who I am bothers someone else.  They have not been tasked with what I have been tasked to do, and they certainly do not have the foggiest notion of my true intentions.

I have been ridiculed in the past because I always give people the benefit of the doubt.  Some say I am a pushover, some feel as though people take advantage of my kindness and generosity.  I am forever telling people that I only do what I desire to do and no one makes me do the things I do.  If I want to help someone out financially, then what does that hurt anyone else, it's my money after all.  I love to help others see the talent they have inside of them and help them step out into it.  There are those who feel as though I feel I am better then them because I want to help others, somewhat of a misguided view, but hay, they can think what they want.  I can't change my desire to help others, and because of that I can't change what I have been called to do.  I could easily try to mold into the wood work and just be like everyone else, but that would not be good for me, not good for others, and certainly not good for those who need what I have.

So answer me this:  do you just want to be part of the landscape or do you want to be the person you were intended to be, full of promise, full of talent, and full of life?  Step out of the framework that others have tried to put you in and set yourself free on your own path.  Do not let others define you.  Do not let others limit you.  Do not let others box you up so that you never walk in your destiny.  It is time that you make a splash.  It is time for you to begin to paint your own portrait, where you can be center piece, and not just a part of the background.

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