Friday, March 21, 2014

I have a dream.
I have a dream.  Each of you have a dream.  Those who claim they do not have a dream are either just simple idiots, or unwilling to admit what they really want to do for fear of what others might think.  Dreams can come to us while we sleep, while we walk around on a beautiful spring day, or while we sit at our desk at work wishing we were any place but here.  Today I want to encourage you to take a step toward achieving all those dreams that may have yet to be spoken to anyone, but still are very real to you.

There was a time when I would tell people that the only difference between a dream and a goal is that you would work toward a goal, but dreams would only come to fruition if everything else in the universe lined up and of course there was an element of luck attached to it.  Since making this statement many years ago I have slightly changed my position on this.  Now I still see goals as a very important part of each life, but goals should always lead toward the fulfillment of one's dreams.  My goal each week is to write my blog at least three times and share it with you.  I love writing and I love motivating others toward their goals and dreams.  It is a work of passion and I love every minute of it.  My goals will ultimately lead me to my dreams.  My dreams are much bigger then simply writing a blog three times a week.  Writing is easy truth be told, what is harder is helping people realize they can have what they want, when they want it, and how they want it.  My dream is to help others achieve each of their dreams.  When I say achieve their dreams I mean really walk in those things that they have held in their hearts for years, and walk in those things that would truly bring happiness to them and countless other people.

If you believe as I do that dreams are given to you by the Creator of the Universe for a very specific reason then why in the world would you ever discount a dream?  When you take the time to reflect on the joy you would experience when you achieve a dream, then it really does make sense to go after your dreams with everything you have inside of you.  I can't let go of my dreams.  There is not a single day that passes that I do not think about helping others discover and walk in their destiny.  It is something that is so real to me, and it is something that I just can't deny.  I have let fear stop me in the past, not because I was unwilling to do certain things, but because I thought who was I to have such lofty goals and dreams.

When I set out to write my first book I wanted to write about destiny:  How each of us have a destiny and how important it is to discover that destiny and ultimately walk in it. When I set out to write my second book the process was the same, then came the third, the fourth, fifth, and finally the sixth.  My goal was to write something that would help others discover their reason for being here.  These goals have all lead me to my dream of motivating and encouraging others to step out into those things that would completely fulfill them.  I love getting up in front of a crowd and share stories of victory, and also stories of failure.  I want people to realize that they are no different then I and if I can do what I love most in life then they can do the same.  What I need you to see is that there is no measure of a dream.  We have to get away from putting values on our dreams verses someone else's.  The dreams I have are for me and the dreams you have are for you.  It is quite possible that your dreams will be far reaching and far more important then mine, but it doesn't matter because they are your dreams, and they have been given to you for a reason, that reason is what you were born to do.  I cannot be who you were intended to be just as you cannot be the person I was intended to be.  We have to get away from always feeling that we have to compete with others and that if our dream is not somehow superior to theirs then we have missed the mark.  If your dream is to be the best parent in the world, then be that parent.  When it is all said and done you will have walked in your destiny and that is all that matters.

It is now the moment of truth: have you given up on your dreams or are you willing to take a step toward them?  Look deep into your heart and be honest, have you left your dreams on the rubbish heap of life simply because others have made you forget them or possibly because you thought they were unattainable?  It's never too late to pick up on your dreams.  There is nothing worse in life then wanting something, seeing something, and believing in something, and yet that something just seems a little outside of your reach.  It's not that they are out of reach, they are simply things that you just don't quite believe yet.  Believe in your dreams.  They were given to you for a reason, and you can't just let them sit there and never put any action toward them.  At the end of the day you will hate yourself for giving up too soon or not fighting hard enough for what you truly believe in.  You must believe in the dreams that have been given to you.  They were given to you and only you, because you and only you can do what has to be done with them.  Never stop dreaming and never stop believing in dreams, they are divine guidance meant specifically for you.

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