Monday, March 17, 2014

It takes two to tango!
Does it always take two to tango?  I guess this depends on what your definition of tangoing is.  The reason I am bringing up this topic this morning is because I have come to the conclusion that if life is a journey, then there is no reason whatsoever to do it alone.  I know there will be those out there who will fight me on this, as is their right, but that will not deter me from my commitment to share with everyone that you need others in your life to get you to the point you were intended to get to.

I have had people along side of me throughout my entire life who have been pillars to me.  Without them I certainly would not be where I am at today, and without them, I dare say that life would have been a whole lot more complicated and less joyful.  I have managed over the last three of four years to complete six manuscripts and at the end of each one I have acknowledged certain people in my life who have been there for me and without them, well lets just say that life would not have meant as much to me.   I dedicate each book to someone, not because I owe them anything, but because I desire to let them know how important they are to me in my life.  If you were to write a dedication or acknowledgment page, who would you include?  Who are the people who have meant the most to you and have imparted to you in a measure that is almost incalculable? I am of the opinion that we all have these people in our lives, yet we often neglect to tell them how important they are to us.

It is true that we all have people who come and go out of our lives, sometimes they depart for the right reasons and sometimes not so much.  We have lost loved ones due to death.  We have fallen away from certain relationships because of time, distance, or just the everyday events of life.  I have some regrets in regards to some people who have come into and out of my life.  There are some who I wished I had told them what they meant to me, and there are others who although I learned lessons from them because of their presence in my life, I would just as well not have ever met them.  Where ever you fall on the spectrum is not the issue; what is at issue is that you recognize that you cannot complete this thing we call life alone and being an island unto yourself.   I know how difficult it is to let others know your fears and doubts.  We as humans have been conditioned to believe that if something is worth having or doing, then you must do it alone.  That is such rubbish and the sooner you get this stinking thinking out of your head the sooner you can accept the help that others have been gracious enough to offer you.

I want to take a minute and touch on a topic that is quite out of this world so to speak, but I would be less than honest if I did not spell it out here and even more so, disrespectful to those forces out in the universe who have been sent to help, when all else fails.  As a writer, light worker and empath, I depend on my understanding of God, Angels, and other Spiritual Messengers to do what I do.  So many people have disregarded these beings, if for no other reason then they do not have a belief that they exist.  I can assure you that they do exist, and they are there to assist you in so many different ways.  I have been guilty of dancing around this issue when I deal with others, mostly out of a fear that they will see me as some strange or "off my rocker" type of person.  It has only been in the last year or so that I have found myself unmoved by other's doubt or ignorance of spiritual matters and I make a point of interjecting spirituality into almost every conversation I have with others who have come to me for guidance.

I could never have made it this far in life had it not been for my relationship with other spiritual beings.  I have witnessed the unexplainable.  I have felt the presence of angels and I will tell you that they are very much real and very eager to assist you, if you would simply ask for help.  It really doesn't matter who you call upon when you need assistance: friends or acquaintances, angels or other messengers, the point is to be willing to allow these entities to be there for you, in the way that you need them to be there.  If you were walking around the desert dying of thirst and someone gives you a glass of water, you have two choices: drink it and live or don't and die.  The same can be said about asking for assistance from others: ask and get what you need, or don't and go without. Which one makes more sense to you?

You see, it does take two to tango.  The question you have to ask yourself is will you be brave enough to make the request and once made, will you be wise enough to accept what comes your way?  I have said this before, but like so many other things that I have said in the past, it bears repeating:  we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we don't believe.  Simply because something may not be explainable does not make it unreal or impossible.  You each have allies who want nothing more than to help you out when you need it most.  Do not let your unfamiliarity with spirituality stand in the way of getting help when it is most needed.  Life is complicated, but it becomes even more complicated when you refuse help or when you refuse to ask for it.

Think about this for a minute and then ask yourself a simple question.  Has there ever been a time in your life when you experienced the unexpected or unexplainable, but when it was all said and done you knew that you had been helped by something or someone that just happened to be at the right place at the right time?  Help is always available if you are brave enough to ask for it.  I ask for it everyday and I receive something everyday.  Give a try and see if those situations that seemed impossible or impractical don't just pan out the way you always hoped.

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