Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A tale of two cities.
You open your eyes and before you is nothing but splendor and beauty.  All things are perfect and the times could not be better.  "Please pinch me, I want to make sure this is real." You open your eyes a second time and for sure you want to go back to the original view as now you see nothing but desolation and utter sadness.  How can this be?  How can there be nothing but beauty and tranquility one moment, and the next nothing but fear and dread?  Our lives are quite similar to what Dickens writes, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."  The question I have for you this fine day is why?  Why such a change from one day to the next, one week to the next, or one year to the next?  Why are there moments when all things are right, and just seconds later things come toppling down on you?  Either we are in our own "spring of hope"  or our "winter of despair", but never just one without the other.

I was woken up at two this morning with today's blog topic.  I repeated it several times in my head so as not to forget it, but then I realized that when Spirit gives you something, it will always come back to you when you need it, so I was not worried that I would forget it in just a few short hours.  What I wasn't sure of was why this topic, and why today.  When I got up this morning I had all kinds of ideas running through my mind, but the one that was most prevalent was a simple truth: we set our own days up by our own words and thoughts.  Most people want to believe that only good will prevail, but they tend to allow the negative to creep into their lives, simply because they have come to expect it.  We set ourselves up for failure because we speak it into being.  We set ourselves up for hurt because we speak it into being.  We set ourselves up for trouble because we feel as though that nothing better will come along to take its place.  If you can change the way you think and speak, you can change the way your day will go.  If you can change the words that come out of your mouth, you can change the direction of your life.

I can remember a time many years ago when I went to Paris, France.  I had always hoped to get there one day and as I stood beneath the Eiffel Tower I literally pinched myself to make sure I was awake and not just dreaming that I was where I was.  I couldn't believe I was standing there, but I was, and it was magnificent.  How many times have you had to pinch yourself to make sure that you were not dreaming when you were in an incredible place in your life?  Most people who have to pinch themselves do it because of doubt.  They want to believe that good things will follow them, but in truth they do not really believe it.  Shouldn't goodness be a part of your day every day?  Shouldn't the best things in life be a part of your life every day?  If they are not, the question has to be asked once again, why not?  Why do bad things happen to good people?

You have a decision to make today.  Will you allow things to come into your life that bring you no value and only hurt and despair, or will you take control of your words and thoughts and start to realize that you have the ability to change what ails you?  I will tell you that most of the time people are unaware of the words they speak, but the danger lies in the fact that whether you are aware of what you are saying matters not, those words will still come back to haunt you.  As I have said so many times in the past, we have been conditioned since birth to accept certain things into our lives.  We have been conditioned by others who have not yet figured out that the words they speak have power and if they ever want to change the direction of their life, they had better change the words that are coming out of their mouth.  Man says we have to suffer lack.  Man says we have to learn to handle times of turmoil.  Man says we have to take the good with the bad.  Well let me say this, stop the madness, stop it once and for all.  If someone is telling you that things have to be bad just because it will help you appreciate the good, well then they are not doing you any favors.

You are a spiritual being first and foremost.  Yes we have a human body, but that is only a shell.  Your true essence is a spirit, and as such, your spirit is as perfect as God is perfect.  If your spirit is perfect, then what your spirit tells you is also in that perfection.  If what your spirit tells you is perfect then why are you not following what your spirit is telling you to do?  I will bet you all my future earnings that your spirit is never going to tell you that living in lack, or living in fear, or living just for the sake of living, is God's best for you, nor is its God's plan for you.  Man will say these things, but never God.

Let me ask you this final question:  why do some people seem to have all the luck and others seem to fall into a pile a poop every time they try something?  If God has said it is good for good to happen to others, why then are you always on the other end of the stick and only experiencing bad?  God does not play favorites, and he is not a respecter of people.  What God does for one God will do for others.   If you cannot see yourself experiencing good, then good will never follow.  If you cannot speak of good, then good will never follow.  If you cannot believe that good is for you, then you will never experience good.  You are just as deserving as the next person, problem is, most of the time we don't believe that.

Yes it was the "best of times" and the "worst of times", but it was all based on what you believed and what you spoke into existence.  It is time to watch what comes out of your mouth and begin by knowing that you are deserving of good things just like everyone else.  When you get up each day be thankful and begin by just saying "this is the best of times".  Trust me, your day will begin with a smile, and if that happens it will end in a smile as well.  Let me know what you think.

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