Monday, March 3, 2014

Let it all hang out. Part II
Happy Monday!  I took a few days off, well from writing that is.  We have been doing some remodeling, and those tend to turn into ten plus hour days. However, this is a new week, so time to kick it into high gear and get back to blogging.

I want to talk about expectations and setting the intention today.  There are times in each person's life when they are desiring something, but that something never seems to materialize. Far too often people want, but then something gets lost in the translation and once again they are waiting and waiting for something to come about that seems to be just out of their reach.

Setting the expectation or the intention is nothing more than seeing things that may not be as if they were in the here and now.  When I set out to write a book, I see the completed book even before the first word is written.  I see the thousands of people who will read what I have written and how their lives will be changed by the words on paper.  I feel the joy of completing the manuscripts and then seeing it published.  If I cannot see the end product then there is no real reason to step out and try to do something.  Intentions must be the first thing you do if you are ever to move forward with those things you know you should be doing.

I have been guilty of sabotaging my own life because I failed to set the right intention.  I can want and desire all day long, but if I cannot see myself doing what I desire, feeling what I desire, then all the want in the world is not going to add up to a tinker's hurrah.  I want to give you a word of warning, because this is where most people fail.  They begin the right way, they set the intention, but then something comes along that knocks the wind out of their sail and all of a sudden what they were believing for simply vanishes.  Come hell or high water you must hold on to your intentions.  Oh they will be tried, but the strong will survive because the strong will not give up hope.  I have wanted to step out further into my destiny for quite sometime, and I know what it will be like when I am speaking in front of thousands of people in various venues. If I let the naysayers have their way, I would still be working some corporate 9 to 5 job, with zero job satisfaction, and even less personal satisfaction.  Just because I may not be speaking right now does not mean it will never happen.  To me I know the whole of my journey and I have an open heart for it.  Most people fail not because some outside influence got in their way, but their own self got in the way.  They have forgotten that they are the ones in control and in charge and in the absence of self-rule, nothing is ever going to get done, at least the stuff that is closest to their hearts.

I was just talking to a friend who is having a difficult time with life right now.  I had to remind this person that the words we speak will often turn into self-fulfilling prophesies.  As spiritual beings we have the same ability to manifest things as our creator.  Problem is, we often speak things into the universe that we would not wish on our worst enemy and yet we are asking for them to manifest into our own lives because we are not smart enough to realize that what we say we can have.  If you are tired of living in lack, then simply stop talking about lack in your life.  If you continue to talk about hating your job, then chances are you will continue to be stressed over work related issues.  We attract what we say, so clue into this and only say things that you would like to attract into your life.  This is not rocket science my friends, and yet too few people will pick up on it.

If you are beginning your journey then enjoy it.  Quit talking about all the ruin in your life and start talking about the good you desire.  If you are tired of the ups and downs, then set the intention to stay above the fray.  There are so many things you should be thankful for and yet when was the last time you spoke about them?  If you focus on the bad, then bad will follow you each and every day of your life.  If you want to turn things around then begin by watching what you say and even what you think.  If I find myself in a mode where I am thinking negative thoughts then I simply close them out and bind them up.  I will think about those things that I know to be true, that I know are for me, and that I know I am suppose to be walking in.  I will tell you that getting your words to line up with your intentions is one of the hardest things to do, but once you master this, your life will change for the better and then you will never go back to the old way of doing things.

If you believe in the divinity of the Creator, then you must also believe in your own divinity.  As I have said before, you will never separate yourself from the one who created you.  If it is impossible to be separate from God, then it is also impossible to separate yourself from those things that God has placed in you.  Face it, failure at this point in time is not an option.  If you have read my blog for any period of time then you must know by now that I am not willing to let anyone walk away from their destiny.  There is a shift about to happen in the spiritual realm and if you are wise you will prepare yourself for it.  Do not find yourself on the losing end of this shift.  I am telling you that things will turn around for you when you begin to talk in a way that is creative in nature and not destructive like your history has shown.

There are great things in store for you when you realize that you create the greatness that you desire.  Set the expectation and intention and see if things do not turn around for you.  You may experience a small hick-up from time to time, but these minor glitches need not be turned into major obstacles that sidetrack you from your destiny.  It is time to learn a new approach and when you do, see if things do not change for you in a mighty and powerful way.  Let me know how things go and together we will celebrate in style.

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