Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Tragedy; we all face them from time to time. Sometimes they are monumental, others are just a blip on the screen, but a tragedy none-the-less. How we handle each tragedy is up to us, and often we will not know how we will handle them until we are face to face with them. I can remember as a young boy growing up in New York State having to face certain tragedies. It may have been as simple as having a flat tire on my bike and now would have to walk to swim practice versed riding my bike. As I grew older my tires were now on a car, and don't you know that having to walk after being able to drive is a real drag. I think I learned how to adapt and overcome when these types of events took place. It was a great learning experience for things that I knew I would face as I grew up and went off and began my journey into life.

Most of us would love to have a crystal ball to be able to look into and escape certain tragedies before they took place. Oh if only life were that simple. I look back at my life thus far and for the most part I have been very lucky, for most of the issues I have had to contend with have not been as tragic as others have experienced, knock on wood. Very rarely are you able to look at a news broadcast or read a paper where something dire has not taken place close to you. Most of the time our hearts go out to those who are in the middle of the battle, but we are thankful that it is them and not us. How does one handle the death of a loved one or close friend? When a loving relationship ends, how do we get on with life when all we want to do is escape the pain we are feeling and hide away until the pain goes away? I would love to place all of life's tragedies in one place, face them all at the same time, get through them, and know that I would never have to face another one. I would like to do that, but that is something that is just a little outside the realm of possibility. I like everyone else walking the planet will have to face tragedy from time to time. I take comfort in knowing that I have friends and family who are there to help me when I need it most. I dare say that the last few years would have meant the end of me had I not had friends who stood by me and were willing to help me when I needed it most. I can't thank them enough for being there for me, and I hope that I have been there for others in their hour of need.

I realize that words can often help when faced with a difficult situation, and then there are other times when words are not enough. Oh sure we have good intentions when we say certain things, but lets face it there are times when we want to tell others just to shut it and let me deal with the situation on my own. I have been in this place more often than I want to admit. Not proud of the fact, but I am human, and we all have these moments. There was a time not long ago when I was facing a situation that I simply did not want to deal with and all the encouraging words from others did nothing but pull me down farther than I already was. Do I fault others for trying to pull me up out of the muck and mire, of course not. After all, I try to do that for others on what seems like a daily basis. What I am thankful for most is that my close friends never gave up on me, and even when they were turned away from me, they didn't quit loving me and supporting me. I can see now the good intentions they had on my behalf and I am grateful that they had enough gumption to continue to be at my side and not let me drift away into obscurity.

Tragedy; it is an awful thing, but it also affords us the opportunity to grow, mature, and move forward, even when we don't feel like moving forward is an option. We, meaning you and me, and others, will have to face tragedy from time to time, rest assured there will be people around you willing and able to help, if you will simply let them.

As we move forward into 2011, it is my hope that the tragedies of the past become just a distant memory, and that what lies ahead is wrapped in happiness and joy. If the Phoenix can rise from the ashes, so can you and I. Let this year be a year where we realize our dreams and in that time of realization we are able to help others achieve the dreams they have. Tragedy is a great teacher. Not always pleasant while going through the trials, but always an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and in this case knowledge is power. Think about it........

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