Wednesday, January 12, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

I began this blog yesterday, but somehow got preoccupied with other things and never had an opportunity to finish it. Maybe it was a good thing as I was unsure of what I wanted to write and was coming down with serious writer's block. It's amazing what a good nights sleep will do for you. I had hoped to get an early start on today's blog, but mother nature had other ideas, leaving us with nearly a foot of snow and it's still coming down. Oh the joys of living in New England.

I had begun my blog yesterday talking about gifting and callings. We all have abilities inside of us, and those abilities have been given for a reason. There are individuals who have tried and tried for years to determine what those callings are. I for one have also grappled with that question for years. I can remember many many years ago laying awake at night crying out to God wanting to know what I was supposed to do with the time I have on earth and just what was it that I was good at. I know people who have the ability to do almost anything. There are people who are natural athletes. People who have intellectual abilities you only dream about. Others still, have mechanical aptitude, I am not one of those lol. It's kind of like when we were younger; if you had curly hair you wanted straight hair, if you were small in stature you wanted to be big. It always seemed that you wanted something you weren't. I guess wondering what you are good at is very similar. It took me too many years to count to figure out what I was good at. As a matter of fact it came as such a surprise to me when I finally figured it out that you could have knocked me over with a feather. It was one of those "Dah" moments.

If you are at that point in time where you are trying to figure it out let me give you one big hint. This Hint just maybe will save you hours of worry and torment. Are you ready for the answer? Ok, here it goes; Don't worry about it. When the time is right you will know that you know what you are supposed to do, and all you need to accomplish these task will be available for you. Now I know there are people out there who are ready to kill me for saying this, but the simple truth is, you have what you need to be successful and walk in your destiny. Yea, there's the "Destiny" word again. You can shoot daggers at me later if you like. It took me many years to get passed the constant worry that I would never determine what it was I was good at. I would watch other people become successful and each time I would fall a little deeper into a depression just knowing that I would never figure out what my place in life was. It's kind of like when you were younger and you would mail off your two cereal proof of purchase seals for the Tony the Tiger Bike Radio. It would go out in the mail and you were sure that it would be in the mailbox the next day. When tomorrow came but the mail box was empty you didn't quite understand why it didn't come. But heck at age five did you really understand that it took 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. After about five or six days you gave up, and sure enough about the time you forgot about it, it showed up and you were all smiles. Well finding one's destiny is a lot like that. About the time you give up it shows up and you are all smiles. All the previous days seem to pale in comparison to the bright future you are thinking about. Destiny has a way of creeping up on your and looking you square in the face when you least expect it.

If I have learned one thing over the last fifteen or twenty years it's not to worry about time lines. Time lines are only barriers to getting you where you need to be. If you truly believe in Destiny, then time is never a real factor. If it is meant to be it will happen whether or not you want it to, and without regard to the passing time. I know this may seem stupid and infantile, but I really can't look at it any other way. We've all heard that patience is a virture. Yet patience is something that we find hard to display at times, especially when we feel as if time has passed us by and we are at a place where we will be forever. As one person has always said, "Let not your heart be troubled", there will come a time when you are walking in your destiny and all will seem right in the world. I have come through troubling times in my life, and there have been times when all I wanted to do was roll up in a little ball and not wake up the next morning. I have had to fight with my own demons and realize that life is not always easy and if you want something bad enough, you have to give it all you have, even when all you have doesn't seem Like it's enough.

One final thought; Destiny is who you are suppose to be, doing what you are supposed to do, and believing that all will be as it should be. If I can get through the difficult times, so can you. Believe in yourself and the things that reside in your heart. If you will believe in yourself, all things will line up in proper order and in due time you will be walking in your destiny. The dreams that reside inside of you will come to pass and others around you will benefit from what you have to offer. Do not allow fear to grip you, and refuse to give up. Think about it...

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