Wednesday, January 19, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Late start today. Had to go to the apple store to get a new phone, was not planned, but I must say apple really came through for me and for that I am very grateful. I was walking downstairs to do some laundry yesterday and slipped on the top step and proceeded to fall all the way to the bottom. Suffice it to say my phone was the injured party. It's funny but I was never so lost being without communication, hard telling what I would have done had the Apple Team not been so good to me. It's nice to know that there are companies out there who really do care about their customers. They have earned me as a customer for life.

So now on to bigger and better things. I have been giving some serious thought lately about my life and what this year has in store for me. Most of you who have taken the time to read this blog can undoubtedly attest to the fact that things have been anything but smooth and without ripples for quite some time. Now I'm not saying that I have it rougher than anyone else, but human nature being what it is I have had a difficult time not thinking that I am alone in the issues that I am dealing with. Now I don't want to make it sound like I am having a pity party. There are people out there who have it a whole lot worse than me. Trust me when I say my heart goes out to them. I was watching the news yesterday and saw a report about an individual who robbed one of the local grocery stores in the area. My first thought was was a fool this person was, but after some reflection I could feel some of his torment. He must have been at the end of his rope and robbing this store was a sign of the desperateness he was feeling. Sure maybe he is just the type who is prone to doing things of this type, but I have to believe that things had gotten so bad that he felt he had no alternative. I think there are times in each of our lives when we feel we have no alternative. Drastic times require drastic measures. What those measures manifest themselves as one never really knows, but suffice it to say most of the time the end result is not what we would expect. I really do feel bad for anyone who is so down on their luck that they feel they have no choice but to do things that normally would never cross their mind.

We in this country are going through a period of trials and tribulation. There are many people, present company included, who live paycheck to paycheck, or should I say unemployment to check to unemployment check. Many people, present company included, who are beginning to doubt what they always thought was a confidence, that they could accomplish anything they put their mind to. I wish I could say that I was immune to the feelings of dread and fear, but as a walking, talking, breathing human being, alas I am in the same boat as so many other people. I guess what I attempt to do is look past the here and now, and think about the opportunities and possibilities ahead of me. I think if I continued to look at the place I am at right now I would go mad in just a matter of time. Trust me when I say going mad is not high on my list of things to do today. I have to believe that my best days are still ahead of me, and what I am going through right now is just happening because it is supposed to teach me something. What that something is I'm not quite sure as of yet, but I'm sure there are reasons. I want to speak to those who are going through similar situations and let you know that things will get better. As I wrote the other day, when you have reached rock bottom, the only way you can go is up. Now it may not seem like things will get better, and for many they have given up hope that things will improve and they will gain victory in their current battles. But I guess that is where faith comes into the picture, and there are times when faith is all we have. Faith will be tested, and our faith will be questioned more times than not. But faith in it's simplest form is nothing more than knowing that you will wake up tomorrow morning and you will have a chance to do something else. Will faith get you through your current battles or struggles? Maybe yes and maybe no, but let me tell you that without faith there is no hope for the future. What you put your faith into is entirely up to you. To some we put our faith in friends, family , and loved ones. Others put their faith in a higher power. I'm not here to tell you who to put your faith into, simply extend your faith and see if it doesn't have positive effects on your life. We all as humans have an eternal optimism. That uncanny ability to look past the here and now and with hope believe that things will work out somehow. This eternal optimism is nothing more than faith at work, faith that says you will get through the sticky situations and that tomorrow the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

No matter what you are going through today, whether you feel like throwing your hands up in the air and surrender to the dismal feelings that reside in you, or walking around without the slightest idea of what to do next, the sun will rise tomorrow. When that sunrise happens look at your window and know that it is there for you. You are going to make it. You are going to reach the mountain top, and you will come out smelling like a rose. I have faith in you and maybe just maybe that will be enough. Think about it.......

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