Monday, January 10, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

A new week has begun, and with it comes new challenges and opportunities. What we do with each challenge and opportunity depends on us. Robert Frost wrote about the road less traveled. Many times we are faced with difficult situations and seemingly impossible task. Many have a tendency to run from these circumstances, whiles others embrace them, and see them as opportunities to prove ones fortitude. However you decide to handle these issues is entirely up to you. I am one who will look at each situation and decide which road to embark on. Now let me tell you that I have picked many a different and difficult road in times past. I would like to think that I have the intestinal fortitude to get through each situation I am confronted with. Truth be told, I am just as fearful, just as confused, and just as intimidated with difficult situations as any other person.

Over the last few months I have been struggling with several different situations, none of them easy to deal with, and none of them with any clear end in sight. There have been days when I have been thrown for a loop, and days when it would have been better if I had just stayed in bed and slept the day away. I have seen the belly of the beast so to speak, and hope that I never have to go there again, but such as life is, there will be a time when I will be right back again. But I do have hope; hope for today, hope for the future, and hope that all my struggles will lead to successes.

I was having brunch with a very close friend yesterday. It was a fantastic time and we had some very good conversation. I am one who thrives on good conversation, so it just was an added plus to the occasion. Anyhow, we were talking about the last few months and my life in general. Now I am not one who typically talks about my struggles. I guess I was raised to keep most private things just that private. But don't you know there comes a time when you have to realize that you can't always do it all alone and you need to reach out for the help of others. It was a great feeling knowing that someone cared enough about me and my situation to want to sit and listen to my dribble, and just be a sounding board. Now I have had other friends who have been willing to listen to me, and for that I am very grateful. Every now and again we just need to know there are people out there willing and able to be there for us. The key is to be there for others when they need you. True friendship is always a two way street and never one sided. Just thought I would throw that in for good measure. Back to my story; so I was talking about my trials and tribulations, and it really made me think about where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be doing. All of you who have followed this blog know by now that my life's dream is go around the country speaking to others about walking in their destiny. I am such a believer that everyone has a destiny and everyone should be given the opportunity to walk in that destiny. I guess I need to get my head out of the clouds and do something about it. We all have dreams, but unless you put action to those dreams they really only sit there and no one benefits from them, not me, not you, not anyone. So here's the deal, let's make a commitment today that we are all going to start walking out our dreams. Yes we may need to take baby steps, and yes just taking the first step may in fact scare the daylights our of you. But taking the first steps in walking out your dreams will begin a process that can not be stopped, and once the forward progress begins, the rest is as they say "Child's Play".

I was thinking about this blog the last few days. I am not sure who reads it, if anyone. I gave some thought to not writing anymore, but then I knew that I would be letting myself down if I stopped writing. It is after all very therapeutic for me, and if that is the reason I write, then I better continue. I know that what I have inside of me was placed there for a reason, just what that reason is, I am still trying to figure it out. I feel as though I have a mission to complete and until I get the sense that the mission is complete, I don't dare stop writing. The flame that burns inside of me is one that I have tried to put out in the past, but it will not go out no matter what I am going through, no matter what hurdles or barriers I run into. I encourage each of you to look at your dreams, aspirations, and goals, and realize they were put into you for a very specific reason. It may be to benefit you, but more importantly it may be to benefit others. Dreams are from higher power, much higher than you or I will ever be able to understand fully. If I fail to achieve my dreams, then I have failed to be the person I was designed to be. The person I was designed to be, is the person that I want to be. It is time to go from the dream and idea stage to the doing stage. Please join me in my journey, because it is your journey also. Here's to fulfillment of our dreams, and walking in our destiny. It's time to move forward...........

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