Monday, January 17, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

It's a new week, and I thought it about time to get back up on the horse that has bucked me off for the billionth time over the last few years. To say that times have been trying over the last few months is an understatement. I guess what they say is true that those things that do not kill us make us stronger. I'm not so sure I believe that especially when going through a difficult time, but I also know that I am still alive, so there must be a element of truth to it. I was doing some channel surfing the other day, television being what it is today, I was finding it difficult to find a show that really grabbed my interest. Anyway, as I was going through the channels I ran across a Televangelist who was talking about "Seed Faith" and how it was there for everyone. That God would manifest a supernatural return on your giving. Now I am not here to dispute what God can and will do in other people's lives. I have a deep abiding faith in God, but watching this show really made me think about a few things, and I must say that I am a little shocked at what I was thinking. I have seen people in the past move others to action by appealing to their situation. Let's face it when people are desperate, as many are in today's trying times, they will try just about anything to get out of the struggles they are facing. I guess I have an issue with someone who plays on the fears of others as a way of gaining what they need. Now I am not saying that all of this is wrong. I know there are good ministers out there, who are truly doing what they believe they are called to do. But what do you do when you don't have this so called "Seed Faith" to give. Does that automatically drop you out of contention for God to move in your life? Now I know that this blog is going to get the dander up with many of my believing friends. It is not intended to do that, on the contrary. I am just asking a simple question that I'm sure many others are either thinking or asking themselves.

I guess life has a way of making us look at the different situations we face and come to the conclusion that we can either run away and hide from it all, or look it right in the face and do what we can to overcome the obstacle or barrier to getting what we want or need. I think the issue that bothers me most is that having faith for something is not predicated upon how much you give, but rather the willingness to give even when you don't have two nickles to rub together. I always thought that it was what we had inside our heart that mattered most, not what we choose to give. I have known people who would give away their last dollar to others in need, while there are a few out there who have more than they could ever spend, and refuse to help those in dire straights. Why am I rambling on like this today? I guess I have had an epiphany so to speak. People will often prey on other people's emotions. When we are going through a difficult situation we will do some crazy things to get through them. We will not always use common sense and often will do things that are out of character for us. We will allow others to manipulate us because we see it as a last resort. If I do this good deed, then what I am believing for or needing will come back to me. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you think this is how it is, don't waste your time or energy. We do for others not because of what it will give back to us, but because we simply want to do. If I am in need of something, I am in need of something case closed. Whether I do for someone else is not going to change the need I have in my life. Now I know this may sound like sour grapes, it isn't. I am so tired of people who will use other's misfortunes as a launching pad for what they want. It's like the Snake Oil Salesmen of old, run into town, prey on the down and outs, and then head for the hills once you have taken all their money. There is a special place in hell for people who will do this, and I would say that hell is pretty full of people like this right about now. To play on someone's emotions who is down and out, well in my opinion, if you do that you are really the lowest form of life on the planet.

There is no magical way out of trying or difficult times. Some people will have an easier way to get out of them, while others will spend their last bit of energy just to survive. There is no right or wrong way to function in these times, you do what you think best, and after that, roll with the punches. I believe that we go through tough times to learn things that we might not ordinarily learn if all things ran perfectly. What issues I face today will be different from the issues I face next week, next month, or even next year. But what I learn today from the issues I face, may help me in dealing with things that will be thrown in front of me in the future.

Now let me leave you with this final thought: I believe that God is in the miracle business. I believe there are real miracles that happen every day. What I don't believe is that in order to get this miracle you have to pay for it, not in the way that many profess today. Does it take faith? Oh yes it does, but not always faith to move mountains. Faith as tiny as a mustard seed is all you need, especially if that faith is true and pure. I have faith that I live each day the best I can, with what I have to live it, and with a knowledge that I will always try to do what is right and helps others whenever possible. If you are in a place where you need a miracle then take my advice, believe that goodness is out there and that you are just as deserving as others to be the recipient of it. It is not based on how much you give, but rather if you had it to give would you? Only you can answer that question. Think about it.............

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