Thursday, May 7, 2020

Be still, and know.
It's difficult when life is coming at you a million miles a second to remember that there is a time to be still and just know that things will work out. Maybe now is that time for you. Heck, maybe it's that time for everyone during these crazy times.  I think when all the pandemic issues have left us, and I'm not sure when that will be, I think we will look back and will have learned a very valuable lesson.  I just want to warn you that I may write some things that send you over the edge, that might anger you, or in some cases, make you turn away out of disgust.  No matter how today's blog makes you feel, do me a favor and just think on it for a moment.  There's nothing worse than making some kind of knee jerk reaction.  Let these words percolate for a while before you go off and do something crazy.

At this current moment I have not lost anyone to corona, nor do I know anyone personally who has.  I hope you find yourself in that same place.  If you have lost a friend, a loved one, a family member, then I offer deep condolences to you and your family.  I would never make light the loss of a loved one.  Loss is a terrible thing, and it takes everything you are to get past it at times.  What I want to bring forth this morning is just a simple reminder.  Now honestly, some may take this as a rebuke, but that's not what I am attempting to do this morning. I simply want to remind you of who you are.  I want to bring to the forefront of your mind why you were created in the first place.  I just really want to encourage you to break away from what others are doing, and do your own thing.  Doing your own thing may seem bizarre to others around you, but sometimes weird and crazy is what the doctor ordered.

I had a nearly two hour drive the other day to get to a job site.  During that time I put on some oldies but goodies to pass the time.  I found myself reflecting on some things that I had long ago put aside, as if to say I had outgrown them.  We have a tendency at times to downplay the importance of past lessons, but on this occasion I was glad to open that box again.  Anyway, what I discovered is that in many ways I am far more centered, far more aware, far more focused on the real me, then the me that others would like me to portray.  So many people are walking around fearful of everything they see, everyone they run into, and that must really suck to be honest.  Now I'm not suggesting that you throw caution to the wind.  I wouldn't throw myself into a pit of venomous snakes and have no cares. What I'm suggesting is that you take a few moments to thinks about things.  I was reading a quote from Adrienne Maree Brown, "Things are not getting worse.." she says, "They are getting uncovered. We must hold each other tight and continue to pull back the veil."  It is tough when you know the true you, and yet you are constantly reminded of your "mortality" by those around you who live in utter fear each day.  Certainly we are all going to die one day.  That being said, death is simply the end of a chapter, not the end of the book.

What I'm trying to say is this, and I will be as kind and as delicate as I can be.  Stop letting things get in your way.  Stop worrying about things that have no bearing on who you really are.  Walk past all the fodder out there, and simply be still and know.  You are not some weak human.  You are not someone who is subject to the way things seem to be.  You are a creator. You are a spiritual master.  You need to take up your sword and slash the daylights out of all the negativity out there.  For crying out loud, is it any wonder why people are down and depressed over having to be cooped up in home for the last 50 plus days?  If you fall into a pile of crap and never wash it off, you're going to continue to smell like crap.  Maybe not the most delicate way of saying it, but I am what I am.  Step away from the doubt, walk away from the fear.  If you hold on to it, you will own it, and who wants to own doubt and fear?

I want you to know the significance of your being.  I want you to walk in your power, and not abdicate your rightful place in this universe because of someone who is unable to get out of their own way.  Let's face it, there are plenty of people out there who are scared to death right  now, but does that mean you have to follow suit?  You can if you want to, but you're not obligated to get on their train to nowhere.  Let me ask you this, has worry ever changed the outcome of an event?  Did the hours spent pacing the floor ever impact what you were going through?  I would much rather focus on my self, my true self, my essence, than only see fear, doubt, worry, and the list goes on.  Now let me say this, just in case someone is thinking I don't care about precautions.  There is nothing wrong with being careful.  There is nothing wrong with following guidance to keep you safe.  What I am addressing here is not basking in all the fear out there.  My god, I don't have enough time in the day too worry about what others are freaked out about.  To be honest, I'm quite content at the moment.  I'm really pretty happy.  Why?  Because I don't have to be what everyone else expects me to be.  They can walk around with one foot in the grave, I don't have to follow.  I know I am that I am.  I know my power, and I accept my greatness.  If you want to get above the frey, then walk in your "I am Presence", your power, and your greatness.

Be still, and know that you are something special.  Be still and know that you are a creator.  Be still and know that you can and will change things around you.  Life is precious, and while we only have a finite amount of time on this earth, what you do with that time is going to dictate your level of happiness and joy.  My advice is don't think on things that distract from your happiness and joy.  There will be things that come up in life that will challenge you, no doubt about it.  How you handle those challenges will depend on how you see yourself.  See yourself as strong, as determined, as a spiritual master, and you will handle all situations.  See yourself as insignificant, as just a mere mortal, and you will get buried beneath all the garbage out there. It's really as simple as that.  I'd like to think that I will never have to deal with negativity, but you and I both know, not likely.  Stay focused on the real you, know your true essence, and then watch things change in front of your eyes.

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