Sunday, May 3, 2020

Don't always believe what you see.
Is it real, or is it memorex?  Is a mirage real, or just a figment of your imagination?  What seems real to some, when you really delve into it, it's just something that isn't.  When you finally get to the place you think the object should be, like an oasis in the desert,  it is just an illusion.  Well the same can be said about some things that go on in our lives.  Often we feel they are real, but after reflection, after refusing to give in to what others expect, you discover it is simply another illusion.

What I'd like you to do today is focus on reality.  Stop looking at things that really don't matter, and instead look at things differently.  Much of what we have been taught in life is based on untruths.  Now these untruths have been handed down to us from previous generations, who had them handed down to them from previous generations, and so the cycle continues.  It is time to break the cycle of conditioning, and start looking at things through the eyes of a creator.  It's time to change things up and toss out the old ways of doing and seeing things, and now see with your spiritual eyes.  Stop listening to others, and listen to your heart.  There's no doubt about it that a mirage can seem real, especially when what you see is what you think you really need.  Sadly what you think you need is nothing more than your inability to believe that you already have everything you need.

Here's a simple truth, yet many make it almost impossible to grasp:  you are everything you will ever be, and you have everything. already, that you will ever need.  Has that last statement made your head spin?  Truth is, you were complete at the instant you started forming in your mother's womb.  I'm not talking about your physical self, I'm speaking about your spirit, your true essence.  We focus too much on what we see.  Most of what we see in life is nothing more than a mirage.  It looks real, but it's not.

We've been told in the past that man is ever evolving. If you look at technology, I would agree, we are forever expanding our knowledge base, and with that comes amazing inventions.  We as humans however,  have not evolved.  Well, evolved in terms of our true abilities.  We have been conditioned to believe that we are simply mortals.  Our view of being human has limited us to a mere pittance of what we should truly be operating as.  Do you remember the television series Bewitched?  Samantha would simply twitch her nose and there was a result.  Now we call that witchcraft, but what is interesting is that when she twitched there was no doubt what the outcome would be.  Well unless of course you were Aunt Clara, and then all bets were off.  Let's be blunt: you inhabit a flesh and blood body, but you are first and foremost a Spiritual Creature.  This body is going to turn to dust some day, but your Spirit, your true essence, is never going away.  Why do we focus on things that are only temporary, when what we should be focusing on is what is eternal?  It's maddening when I see others who refuse to accept what is real, but will base all things on a mirage.

Think about this: if we expanded our abilities as spiritual beings to the same degree that we have expanded our knowledge of technology where would be be right now?  If we simply held true to our true selves where would we be right now?  If we operated in spirit and not in flesh where would we be right now.  We have allowed our lives to be controlled by things that aren't real, and negated all those things that are real.  There will come a time when we are going to have to make a decision.  I guess the only question I have for you is what will you decide?  If you want to evolve you are going to have to tap into your own power.  This power was given to you simply because you were created.  There have been so few people over the eons who have truly walked in their power.  When man was created we were given dominion over the earth.  We have walked away from that, and it has gotten us to where we are in this moment.  We see things and we believe that they are real, when most of the time they are simply illusions.  We see things and we automatically accept them as normal.  There is nothing normal about lack, or scarcity, or fear, or anxiety.  Yet we allow each of these to control our lives.  It's time that we take a step back and recognize the huge bill of goods we have been sold.

Can you even imagine a world where each inhabitant walked in their power.  I'm not talking about the power that others try to use to control people.  Truth be told if we knew our true essence there would be no competition among others as others would know the true meaning of personal power.  I detest those who think they are better than others.  They seem to believe that everyone around them is there to serve them.  They will do anything to make it to the top of the social latter.  This is not walking in your power, this is stupidity, and it is dangerous.  Walking in your power, and not being moved by illusions or mirages, is the only way to experience what you were always intended to experience.  I have to remind myself each day that I am that I am.  I have to always be mindful of my words, my thoughts, and my feelings.  Each of these things have the power to create.  Many times we create things in our lives that we really don't want, but we can't blame anyone but ourselves from bringing them into existence.

So you have a choice to make.  Will you continue to be moved by illusions, or will you live your truth?  Will you stand in your power, or will you be controlled by what others tell you you must do?  I for one am tired of living in fear of reprisal for being different.  Different is what I am striving for.  Walking in my uniqueness, my strengths, my power is what I desire.  I was created to create, not simply do what others expect me to do.  I was placed here to have dominion over all things.  That does not mean to dominate, that is ego.  I want to know the peace, the joy, the happiness, of being the real me.  We take life one day at a time.  We move forward one step at a time.  We grow one experience at a time.  Let's move forward together, and see what is real.  Trust me, walking in what is real is so much better than walking in the illusions that others have set in place.  A mirage is not real, let's not be fooled by them.  Walk in what is real, and create your own reality.

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