Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Power of One
How much can one person get done in a day?  How much should a single person get done in a day?  How often do you get everything done in a day that you set out to get done?

Often the comments I hear is that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done that one desires or hopes to accomplish.  This often leads to frustration, worry, and a certain degree or level of anger.  So here is my question for the day:  how much is too much, and is too much something you have been trying to do for far too long?

I will admit that I love it when I can look back at the end of the day and realize that I have accomplished everything that was on my to-do list for the day.  I also know that I have found myself frustrated beyond believe when I have let the day slip by me and haven't done a thing that I set out to do.  Once again we have let our own idea of time, wasted time to be exact, to define the day, and that does nothing but bring about more frustration.  I understand that there are deadlines that have to be met from time to time.  I understand the restrictions that some jobs place on people and what these restrictions can mean to getting things done in a timely and effective manner.  I also understand that we tend to let these things ruin our day, and if our day is ruined, what does that mean to those around you who have to occupy the same space you are in?

The power of one is the power you have to accomplish all those things you have been destined to accomplish in this life.  The power of one is the most amazing thing in the universe and once you understand it, there will be very little that will stand in the way of you accomplishing some pretty phenomenal things.   The power of one is available to you, to your friends and loved ones, family, associates, to everyone.  This power has been around longer then you might realize and yet too few understand the power of one, let alone adopt it as a part of who they are.

What is the power of one?  Where does it come from?  Who is it for?  These are great questions and once you understand where it comes from, what it can do for you, and why you need to hold on to it, things will change for you, forever.

The power of one is an understanding of how powerful you are as an individual.  It is understanding that there is a power within you that is as powerful as anything and everything.  Some may think I am speaking in riddles, but when you finish this today, you will see that they are anything but riddles.  This power that I am talking about is the knowing that you are not here by mistake.  Your being alive right now is in the proper order of the universe, and there is no one else on this planet, in this entire universe that can accomplish what you were designed to accomplish.  If you can understand the potency of your being, the depth of your uniqueness, then you will begin to understand the power of one.

I have been on the other side of this power, and I will tell you it is no place you want to be, or if lucky ever have to visit.  Not knowing the real you is what keeps people from understanding and accepting the power of one.  If you cannot see yourself as an incredible being, you will never fully understand the power of one.  We have been conditioned throughout life to think less of ourselves as a way to mitigate any type of self-absorption.  After all who are we to think more highly of ourselves?Thinking to high of one's self is on par with conceit and self-importance.  This is what the world teaches, but who is this teaching coming from?  It comes from others who want to hold you back, hold you down, in the hopes that you never come to a complete understanding of the divine in you.  If you were to understand the greatness of who you really are, it would only show others what they are not.  These are the people who would do almost anything to keep you tied up and never knowing the true you.

You are one with the rest of the universe, and the universe is one with you.  As inter-connected beings there is nothing we are not, and there is not anything we cannot become.  We are only limited to the degree that we limit our imagination.  Imagination is what creates, and with each creation comes a better understanding and recognition of the power of one.  The power of one is never what others think about you, it is all about what you know about you.  This single point is what will catapult you to greatness, and this greatness is what you were born with.  The power of one is knowing that no matter what your background, your lineage, you are in fact the one.  There will never be another you, and there will never be a better time then right now.  The power of one begins with you and ends with you.  The power of one is simply you.  Your ability is unlimited, your understanding is unlimited, and your divinity is pure and holy.  It is time to forget about what isn't and focus on what is.  It is time to see you for you and not what others see you as or what others depict you as.  You will never measure up to man's expectations, but man will never ever be able to reach the points you will reach when you recognize the power of one.

You are it, it is you, and from here on out, this is what you will be.  You are the power of one.  We each have this ability and when we all accept this, watch the world change in front of you.

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