Monday, September 1, 2014

A new realization: it will change the way you look at yourself.
I think everyone can agree that there are times in our lives when we would like to see things changed up a bit.  Often people get mired down in the day to day routines that many find themselves in.  Many people get up in the  morning never expecting anything to change from what took place the day before.  It's as if we are on that treadmill where we are going a zillion miles per hour but the landscape never changes.  What we deal with or contend with never changes, and subsequently what we think, what we feel, and how we relate to others doesn't change either.

Well today is a new day and I want you to start thinking about something completely different.  This may be the first time you have ever given any thought to what I am about to say, but if you have read any of my other works then you have certainly heard about this before. Just how do you see yourself?  What goes through your mind when you see yourself in the mirror?  Are you thinking that today will be like yesterday, or is there something in the air that will change everything up today and allow you to begin to live like you have never lived before?

We set the stage for what we experience in life.  We set the mood, the tone, we even have some say in what will happen in the future.  If you are not able to see this, then this is your lucky day, because after today you will know that you have the ability to manifest those things in your life that you have long waited for, but until now didn't really believe they were for you.

There was a time not long ago that I was a manifesting fool.  I mean everything I could think about or say was coming to me quicker than poop through a goose.  Problem was I was thinking and saying all the wrong things.  I was always talking about the lack in my life, the lousy work conditions, the emptiness in my heart due to not having that special person in my life.  Oh you can bet I was living this because I was the one who was making sure that it kept coming and coming in my life.  It wasn't until I figured out that I was the cause of most of my problems that things began to change.  It wasn't until I realized that I had the key to my future, but until such time as I used the key I was still going to be trapped in this prison cell that I had created myself.

When I look in the mirror now I see a divine creation.  I see a person who has been touched by God because I was placed here by God.  I see a person who knows nothing of lack, sickness, or fear.  Now don't get me wrong, I have to work on these things daily, because one can fall back into bad habits quickly.  What I have learned over the last few years has changed my life in ways that I cannot explain, nor are they words enough to tell you how meaningful life has become.  Here's what I learned:  words and thoughts, my words and thoughts, are what will be front and center in my life.  Whether I want to believe it or not, matters not, truth is truth.  You don't have to believe in the Laws of Gravity, they just exist.  You can't change the law of gravity, you simply have to abide by it.  The same can be said about the Laws of Attraction.  Just because you may not believe in it doesn't make it a bunch of phooey.   You will manifest those things you speak about, think about, and feel.  Note to self: think on good things, speak good things, feel good things.  I know this might seem simplistic, but in reality it is.  We as humans like to complicate things, but the things that are spiritual are quite simplistic in nature.

I know people who have fallen to the depths of despair and when you try to help them out, they give you all the reasons why they will never get out of the place they are in.  It's as though they like where they're at.  This is probably true because it has become their truth, when in reality it is not truth but a mere illusion.  Here is the truth: you don't have to live this way.  You can walk in peace, joy, and happiness.  You set the stage for what is going to happen in your life.  You have the same creative power in you as that which placed you here in the first place.  Do you not have your parent's DNA in your body?  You cannot separate yourself from your parents, no matter how hard you may try.  Well the same can be said about your creator.  You cannot separate yourself from that which created you.  Since there is a part of the creator in you, then you have the same characteristics as your creator.  We have allowed people, those who supposedly have all the knowledge about God to tell us what God is like, and what they have depicted as God is nothing even close to what God is like.  Christ himself said that we are gods, that we should expect to do greater works then he did.  OK so who has done this?  Who has walked on water, turned water into wine, raised the dead?  We haven't because we have been conditioned by man to think that these things are only reserved for a few select people, those who have studied and shown themselves approved by those who think more highly of themselves then they should.

So when you look in the mirror do you see a divine being, or a mere mortal?  Do you see the creative power you have, or do you see someone who will always be lacking in life?  When you look in the mirror do you see someone who is deserving of all manner of good things, or someone who will have to go through life always wanting, always needing, or always being a day late and a dollar short?  How you see yourself is going to dictate how you live.  How you live is going to dictate how you feel.  How you feel is going to dictate how tomorrow turns out as well.  Maybe it's time to stop the cycle and begin to see yourself the way you were intended to see yourself and say to hell with what others think, say, or even do.

Until such time as you can see yourself the way the Creator of the Universe sees you, you will never reach the point where you will have those things you were intended to have.  It has taken me years to rid myself of the condition that well meaning people pushed down my throat.  I thought that lack was something that everyone had to go through to teach them humility.  I thought sickness was something that people had to go through to teach them dependence.  No these are things that man has said we have to go through when in reality it is nothing but bunk, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can move forward and walk in the life you were always intended to walk in.

It is time to look in the mirror and see what I see, see what God sees.  You are divine and you are one of a kind.  There is no need for sickness, no need for lack, and no need to feel like you are not deserving of all good things in life.  These are lies from man, and not from the truth that brought you into existence years ago.  Think about this and we can talk about it.  Life will change when you change the way you see yourself in the mirror, I promise you that.


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