Friday, September 5, 2014

Freedom from your past is freedom for your future.
You will never move into tomorrow if you continue to hold on to the past.  You need to learn from the past, but you don't need to hold on to it.  People have made a fine art out of holding on to things of the past, and quite often they are things that do not necessarily serve them well.  It's a hard lesson to learn, but learn it you must or forever be held back.

I was in a time of meditation yesterday, and I was shocked when I discovered that I had been holding on to some things, that haven't served me well, and they may very well be the things that have kept me in a place of want for way too many years.  I won't go into what some of those things were, but what astonished me was when they happened and even more astonishing was that I still had not been able to cut away from them.  As Albert Einstein says we should learn from the past, but by golly that does not mean hold on to it and never let go.  If you ever want to move into the future you will have to relinquish the ties that bind you to your past.

I am a firm believer that we have used words, albeit unknowingly at times, that have kept us in a state of want, a state of lack, a state of confusion, and in a state of, well the list goes on and on.  The point is that we declare certain things in our lives that would be better left unsaid.  I hear almost daily people bemoaning their current situation and they are doing nothing more then propagating the species, the current situation I mean, even more by speaking negativity and unbelief in almost every avenue of their lives.  Until such time as you are able to watch what comes out of your mouths, you will be victim to your own words.

There is also the occasion when we have bound ourselves to beliefs that once again do not serve us well.  If you were the product of parents who always seemed to struggle financially, there is a good chance that you might continue the cycle.  It was all you knew, so it becomes your reality.  What is missing is a knowing that you were never intended to walk in lack, but to date you have not figured this out so the thoughts and conditioning of the past simply follow you along.  It is time to break the cycle and have what is your birthright.

I want to talk about vows for a minute.  When we speak of vows the first thing that comes into the minds of most people are the vows we speak at a wedding ceremony.  You promise to be together for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until death do you part.  You are saying without reservation that this is what you will do.  Some people hold on to those vows, some do not.  However, we have made vows our entire life, and many times people are not even aware that they have done it.  I believe that vows should be taken seriously and one should never speak them unless their intent is to follow through.  Now I know things change in life, but vows should be taken seriously.  That being said, there are times when we have said stuff that will trap us in places we really would rather not be.  It seems like every time I have said "I will never" in my life, what ever it is that I have vowed never to do, always seems to be the thing I do or that finds me.  "I'll never be fat" well missed out on that one at one point in my life.  "I'll never be poor", once again poor found me.  "I'd never be like that person", yea that found me too.  You see, when you fixate on things, whether it be the state of your finances, your weight, or whatever, you tend to focus on the negative side of things, and the law of attraction then is forced to give you more of what you are focused on.  So if it's lack, you get to live through more lack.  If it's a weight issue, then you will be tempted every step along the way in ways that will make it difficult to ever shed those unwanted pounds.

Now I know that this may seem like a lot of mumbo jumbo to people, but we have to watch every word that escapes our mouths, or even tries to get out.  We often talk about the past things in our lives, but simply by talking about them they extend their life, and then it also extends the impact it has on our lives.  I know it's fun at times to play the victim card, but in actuality all that does is keep you bound to whatever it was that made you a victim in the first place.  You can learn from what happened, but you don't have to continue to relive it forever.

It is time to cut the cord of past vows that are not serving you.  It is time to cut the cord to past beliefs that no longer serve you.  It is time to cut the cord to your past which has done nothing but keep you trapped in misery, and in this misery you see no end to the downside of most things.  I encourage you to take a moment and simply make the statement, whether out loud or simply in your mind, that you break the words of the past.  Speak that you toss out all that has not served you well.  Focus on what awaits you and not on what has already taken place.  Yes we can learn from the past, but don't trap yourself in it.  There is nothing worse then living in that perpetual cycle of the past.  Trust me, the longer you live in it, the longer it will continue to be right in front of you, and then it's just like yesterday.  How nice would it be to wipe the slate clean and simply live the life that you always wanted?  You can do this, and I am standing there with you.  Remember the past is a great teacher, but the future is what should keep you always moving forward and moving forward with a smile on you face, joy in your heart, and peace as a way of life.

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