Monday, September 15, 2014

Become a beacon of light.
Ever been in that place where you would have given everything you had just to get some help?  Ever just needed someone to talk to, if for no other reason then you no longer wanted to feel all alone in the world?  Have you ever been in such a dark place in your life that even a small candle would have seemed like a burning supernova of light?

Most if not everyone has been in these places at one time or another.  It's never a fun place to be in, and it is my hope that you never have to occupy this place again.  If you have been in this place then you know how desperate one can become to escape it.  This is what I want you to think about when you have not given of yourself to others who were in need.  Now I know that extending the hand of friendship is not always easy.  Those in need seem to make the request at the most inopportune time, but I dare say that many of your request for assistance have come in the wee hours of the morning.

It's often easy to say that you are always available for those in need, but you and I know differently.  It's not that you want to hold back the help, but let's face it, when the request continues to come from the same people who have been helped by you and others so many times, there is a tendency to finally say "do it yourself", or "you made your bed now sleep in it."  If you indeed want to be a beacon of light, then do you really have the right to say no?  Take a look at the light house.  Can the light house pick and choose which ships will be the recipient of it's light or is the light out there for every vessel in the area?

As I lightworker I really don't have the right to pick and choose who is the recipient of my abilities.  God did not call me to this place to be the decider of who gets what.  When one is entrusted with a gift that is intended for humanity, then I guess humanity is your audience and there should be no holding back.  I have seen people who want certain things, they claim they will do anything to get it, but when push comes to shove they tend to back pedal especially if what they need to do to get what they want is more then they bargained for.  Now not everyone does this, but there are a few out there who do, and I feel for them.

If you truly desire to be a beacon of light, then you give up the right to choose who is the benefactor of your gifts, your generosity, and your efforts.  If you begrudgingly give to others out of some sort of obligation, then I will tell you don't waste your time.  Being a lightworker is something I am, it is not what I do.  I love being a beacon of light, and just as the lighthouse cannot choose the ships it supports, I cannot choose who comes to me for assistance.

A true beacon of light is egoless.  It is never what's in it for me, but rather how can I help.  I do not help because it brings me accolades or publicity.  I help because those are the gifts that have been placed in me, and gifts are there to share with others.  Now there is nothing wrong if you decide that you do not wish to be a helper of others.  There is no judgement on my part.  I do not have to live your life just as you do not have to live mine.  What I will say is this: if you are unwilling to give of yourself to others, you will never fully experience the life you were intended to live.

The law of sowing and reaping is very real, just as the law of attraction is real.  If you give peace, love, and joy to others then you will reap this as well.  If you are unable to sow a smile to someone in need then the time will come when that much needed act of kindness you desire will pass you by.  Being a beacon of light is so simple, but too many people do not understand it.  There are people who feel as though that giving for the sake of giving is counter to the mindset that you have to earn everything.  Sowing a smile to a stranger never cost a thing.  That smile you give to someone will ultimately change another life half a world away, twenty years down the road.  You may never know how your kindness changes a life, but you can bet it will.

We all have gifts and talents.  We have them for one reason and one reason only: to share them with others.  Man has conditioned us to believe that what we have is for us alone.  The more you can procure the more successful you are.  If you give something away, then you have lost it forever.  The truth of the matter is this:  if you give something away freely it will find itself coming back to you, and coming back to you in a measure that is unquenchable.  I may never know how my words have helped others, but I do know that I am doing what I was created to do, and by virtue of that my reward will be great.  I get to sow peace and happiness every day of my life.  I get to be a beacon of light, and my reward is knowing that I will never be without the same peace and joy that I extend to others.  Turn up that beacon of light and watch as the world changes right in front of your eyes.

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