Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bridging the Gap.
The gap between what we want, and where we are is sometimes so wide, we often feel as though what's the use.  This gap has been described as that frustration, that not knowing why things are going so wrong so fast.  The gap often seems so far, so high or deep, that no matter what you try, think, or say, there really isn't any reason to continue to pursue those things that you truly desire.

Well that gap, in all reality, is nothing more then your inability to understand why you desire the things that seem to stand on the other side of the gap.  Once you begin to understand the reason you desire something, the reason it keeps coming back to you, the sooner you will pull this great divide together and have what you desire.

There's an old saying that the gap between having and doing the things you desire is really only about six inches, and this is about the distance between your ears.  Your mind is what determines whether you have what you want.  I have said this a thousand times before, but once again it bears repeating: you have not, because you believe not.  Your heart can tell you all day long why you can have your hearts desire, but that pesky mind is what keeps you from obtaining the things that truly mean the most to you.

So once again, what is it that you want?  Please don't insult my intelligence by saying nothing, because quite frankly there is something that everyone wants.  Be honest with yourself and admit that there are things you would like to have, love to try, but something is keeping you from it. Comments from others often stop people in their tracks.  The naysayers who will never be able to support you in your dreams and ambitions, those who want nothing more then for you to fail, because they can feel better about their own failures.  There are people who simply are unable to grasp the concept that they can have what they desire and since they have not reached that point where they can have what they want, they are hell bent on helping others stay in this place of frustration.

Let me ask you another question, and this question often frustrates people because they often do not have an answer.  Do you really feel as though you are deserving of having those things that you desire?  It's an honest question, but it's a question that many are unable to answer.  If you do not feel worthy of having all the goodness in life, then it is doubtful you will ever obtain it.  People have a tendency of believing that they must suffer certain things in life, simply because that is life.  Well let me say this, that is nothing more than a huge pile of crap.  You deserve all the finest things in life, and you deserve them everyday.  If you are not walking in this then the first thing to do is realize that you aren't and then begin to change the way you think.  So many people have been living without joy and happiness in their lives, and since they have been without it, they often get to the point, where not having it is normal.  If you constantly are living in an environment of lack, then that begins to be your norm.  You live with lack, you learn to survive on lack, and therefore you know nothing but lack.  It's time to strip away the lies that man has said is the norm, and walk in those things that were intended for you since the beginning of time.

The space between your ears is what needs mending, and once you fix that, the rest is as simple as 1-2-3.  I see people everyday who dearly want things but for whatever reason are unwilling or unable to go after them.  They have allowed fear to stop any movement forward.  This fear has been nurtured for so long, that they do not recognize it as fear.  Some will call it caution, some will call it playing it safe, but when you get right down to it, it's still fear.  Fear that you might fail, fear that you might look stupid, fear that others will be critical or judgmental.  Hey, I've been there, on both sides.  I have feared things, and I have also judged.  I'm not proud to admit that, but I am human.  What I have learned to do is not worry what others think, but rather move forward in those things that I know to be true.

So what is your heart telling you to do, that your mind is saying just the opposite?  What are those things that you know would bring you happiness and joy in your life, but for whatever reason your mind says to just play it safe and don't muddy the water?  This is the gap, the difference between your heart and your mind.  Sooner or later you are going to have to pick one, and it is my desire that you follow your heart, as it is impossible to have anything but truth come from the heart.

I know how horrible it feels to want something so bad and never really believing that you will have it.  I have spent hours, days, weeks, and months wanting, but until such time as I could believe,  what I desired was nothing more than a passing whim.  I urge you to step back, figure out what you really want, and do whatever it takes to get into your mind why what you want is what you should have.  The mind can be a huge benefit to you if you can get it to understand that nothing is impossible if what you desire is what comes from your heart.  Certainly this may take some retraining on your part to put away thoughts of the past, but the sooner you are able to move forward and forget about all the things of the past, the sooner you will be able to have those things that are in your heart.

The Gap is something that can be pulled together, and what used to seem like an impossible span, becomes a tiny crack in the sidewalk that you are more than able to walk over.  I urge you to begin to realize that you are divine, and through this divinity you can have all that your heart desires.  It all begins with understanding who and what you are.  I know who you are, you just need to come to the same realization.  Trust me, once you understand, there will never be a gap that will ever be too big to bring back together.

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