Friday, September 12, 2014

It's always best to start at the beginning.
I know I have been on a rant lately about imagination and thoughts.  It's not that I have nothing else to write about, it's all about setting a foundation, and it is this rock solid foundation that will serve you well in the future.

Everything begins with a thought or idea.  There has never been a thing, as I have said before, that did not begin with a simple thought or idea.  We have hundreds of thousands of thoughts that run through our minds each and every day.  Many times we discount these thoughts and never give them much notice.  Others seem to stick around, and every now and again we will act on them.  Funny thing, when we place action to these thoughts things begin to take shape, things begin to happen, and then things begin to change.  This in and of itself should give you pause to think about your thoughts and ideas, and just what might come from them if you do more than just think about them.

I could have thought about writing my first book until the cows came home, but until I put action to those thoughts and ideas, nothing was going to get the book published.  How many different thoughts have you had in your lifetime that could have been something, but because you stuffed the thought deep and away from any forward momentum, things never seemed to materialize?  I dare say that there are very few people who have never had an original thought. In fact, I would say it would be impossible to think that there has never been a time in your life when you did not have a thought that if brought to completion could and would turn your life around entirely.

If we fail to act upon our thoughts and ideas you are just throwing away any chance of being the person you were intended to be.  Think about it this way, and for many of you who have read stuff by me you will have heard this before.  If there is an idea floating around your mind, there is a reason for that.  God does not put thoughts into our mind simply to pass the time of day.  The Creator of the Universe does not do things that does not ultimately have a purpose, and quite frankly will always give you thoughts and ideas that will lead you to the discovery of your purpose, your true destiny.

Certainly we have thoughts that pass through us that are way out there.  This can be said about everyone, but ultimately you will be given the direction you need to walk out your life's path, you simply need to take what is given and use it.  If one is going to walk in their own destiny, and not one set up or thought of by someone else, then you are going to have to figure out why you are getting certain thoughts and ideas, recognize where they come from, and step out and do something with these thoughts.

Why am I spending so much time talking about thoughts and ideas?  The answer is simple, thoughts and ideas are what will bring you to the place you are supposed to be.  I marvel at people that I talk with who will tell me they have no idea what to do next.  They seem to be in limbo in regards to their desires and wants.  When I push them for reasons they will simply tell me they have no idea what to do next.  This is when I begin to question them about what they are feeling, what they are thinking, and then they begin to realize that they have had the answer all along, but never gave thought to the thoughts that were floating around their mind.  Now don't misunderstand me, not every thought is going to have a direct correlation to your destiny.  Face it, we as humans have some pretty bizarre thoughts from time to time.  The thoughts and ideas I am speaking about will be right in line with your passions, and if handled correctly will get you to your destiny.

When I was in Corporate America I can recall being a part of many Brain Storming Sessions.  The common rule in any session is that there are no dumb ideas and to lay everything out.  Now not every idea that is presented at one of these sessions has merit, but there is merit in hearing every idea.  The purpose is to listen, keep an open mind, and then together as a team decide which option is best, and then proceed to doing what was recommended.  You have inside of you the same Brain Storming capacity as anyone.  You will have idea after idea, and your role is to weed out the weird, and keep only those that will ultimately get you to your goal.  Small ideas can lead to amazing things.  Some ideas are nothing more then building blocks leading you to a bigger or better idea, which will lead you to bigger and better results.  The key is not to discount those thoughts and ideas that keep popping into your mind.  There is a reason you keep thinking about it!!

Look back on some of those crazy ideas you may have had years ago.  You may not have put everything into action, but I can assure you that there are bits and pieces of each idea that have and will continue to play a part in what you are doing right now, or what you are trying to do right now.  Not everything is going to come to you signed, sealed, and delivered.  There will be occasions when you will have to continue to work on things, but this effort that you put out will ultimately show you where you need to go and how you need to do it.

Those little tiny thoughts, ideas, dreams, are and will always be stepping stones to your destiny.  Do not discount them, do not ignore them, and whatever you do, don't fight them.  If you have missed an idea, and that idea is part of your destiny, I can assure you it will pop up again in the future.  Your role right now is to be open to the ideas and thoughts that come to you.  It may take a while for things to jell up, but trust me they will.  Let your imagination fly and see where it will take you.

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