Monday, June 8, 2015

It's just a simple thank you, but it can change your world.
We think about it, we feel it, we even long to hear it; but how often do we just say it?

There should be a million things you are thankful for in your life, but how much time do you spend sending out that thanks to the universe?  How many times in a given day do you realize just how good things are, yet you never take the time to send out thanks?  Being thankful and displaying that thanks are two separate things, but I will tell you, an outward display of thanks will change your life.

Have you ever done something special for someone, something that literally took days and days to plan out, hours to execute, only to receive no thanks what-so-ever for your efforts?  How did the lack of thanks affect you?  Now I know we're not supposed to do things for others just to get back, but lets be real here for a minute.  You have slaved over this idea for ever it seems, invested your time, your money, and your love into this endeavor, and not a single word of thanks.  Anyone would be hard pressed not to be just a little upset.  Now turn things around and look at yourself for a minute.  The Universe works tirelessly every minute of every day on your behalf.  You may never see what goes on behind the scenes, but I assure you things are happening every moment.  That being said, when was the last time you gave a shout out to the Universe, to God, or any other messenger for that matter, for what they have done for you?

I make time every day to simply say "Thank You" for all the blessings in my life, and let me tell you some of the blessings I have experienced didn't really feel like a blessing while I was going through them. Remember that no matter what we go through, we have an opportunity to learn something, and in that learning should be thankfulness for being more equipped to handle the things in life.  If you're thankful for a loved one, tell them that.  If you're thankful for a wonderful job or occupation, then say thank you.  If you're simply thankful for having every opportunity in the world to be who you are, then say thank you.  Your display of thanks doesn't have to be grandiose, it can simply be waking up in the morning, laying in bed and saying thank you for yet another day to be who you are.

If you are looking for more opportunity to be thankful for things in your life, then simply begin by showing thankfulness for what you already have.  Remember that love begets love, happiness begets happiness, and thankfulness begets thankfulness.  If you want to receive more of one thing, then give that one thing.  The Law of Attraction makes no distinction between what you give out and what you get back in return.

Take a minute and just try to come up with something you are thankful for.  I am thankful every day that I get to sit down in front of my computer and write.  I love it when I get to speak in front of a crowd of people and talk to them about destiny.  I thank God daily for the gifts that have been placed in me, and what those gifts were intended for.  I love it when I am walking around and I see something out of the blue, and it reminds me of the splendor of nature, and how I can learn so many lessons simply by paying attention to what is going on around me in nature.  I will simply throw out a very quiet, by heartfelt thank you for having the opportunity to do what I do every day of my life.  Try it, I promise you that the results will be something to be thankful about.

There's a passage in the bible that says to whom much is given, much is required.  Now there is a group out there who believe that this means if you have money you have to give money.  There's another faction who believes that if you have been gifted with something that something was meant for others as well.  I know people who hoard things and the thought of giving away something you have worked so hard for is just not something they are willing to do.  Let me say this, and it may not be what you want to hear, but once again, I can only tell you what I feel.  If you are unwilling to give something away, something that you love, something that means the world to you, then it will be very difficult to ever show true thankfulness for that thing.  People have forgotten that when you give freely, you get freely.  If I only wrote this blog for people willing to pay for it, which by the way I do not, just in case anyone was wondering, then would I really be thankful for the gift of writing?  I write and put out my words because I am thankful for my gifts.  Each day that I write I always thank Spirit for the opportunity to do what I do.  It seems the more I give thanks, the more opportunity I have to spread my words out to the rest of the world.  If it works for me, then I promise you it will work for you.

Taking the time to give thanks is so simple, and yet it is something so contrary to the way most people think today.  People want to be thanked, and in the absence of that thanks, they loose the intent of what they were doing in the first place.  My writing is not intended to bring me credit, it is intended to help those around me.  I am so very thankful that I have not forgotten this, and I will say that I have been blessed beyond measure because I hold this belief.

Take a few moments today and just throw up some thanks for all you have.  It may feel weird at first, but trust me, the more you do it, the more you will want to do it.  Thankfulness is contagious, and when others see your thankfulness they will desire to be the same way.  If you want to change your world, thereby changing the rest of the world, then begin by simply saying thank you for what you have, for what you have learned, and for all that is about to come to you.  It's just simple thank you, but it will change your world.

1 comment:

  1. This is all so true - giving thanks works miracles. Thank You, God/Spirit for All always! Thank you, Scott for sharing this and for all you do ... forever! :)
