Friday, June 19, 2015

Take a walk on the wild side.
If you're ever going to go anywhere, do anything, be something, you're going to have to get wild.  If you're ever going to discover your True Destiny, then you're just going to have to give up on traditional wisdom and take a walk on the wild side of life.

"Who are you kidding:  why would I want to take risk, especially when my livelihood is dependent on it?"  "Right, just throw wisdom out the door, are you crazy?"  Well maybe I am and maybe I'm not, but I'll take crazy over man's conventional wisdom any day.  Now before you go off half cocked hear me out:  I am not saying not to use common sense in what you do. I am speaking about falling prey to what man says is normal in life.  We've talked about this so many times in the past: you are not slave to the conditioning of man, period, end of story.  Your path to walking in your destiny is not dependent on what man thinks is prudent, wise, or even common place.  Your path is just that your path, and nothing that anyone else says or does is going to alter the path you have to go on.  That being said, if you are going to go on this journey, why not make the most of it and enjoy the hell out of it while you're getting there?

I'm thinking back on many of the achievements man has made on my short time on this planet.  I'm not quite sure how we survived life before the invention of the smart phone, the IPad, or any other of the modern day marvels most everyone has available to them.  I do know this: each one of these devices began with an idea, and then someone ran with it.  Conventional wisdom would say that prudence is required when trying something new, something revolutionary, something unheard of.  OK, if conventional wisdom says to hold back, what does your gut tell you?  Does your intuition tell you that you should wait it out, and once all the planets line up perfectly you can begin to investigate this glorious idea of yours?  Let me tell you, if you wait for all the planets to line up perfectly, someone else is going to beat you to the punch, and then you are going to be left holding an empty bag of ideas.  Please forgive me for being crude, but just get off your ass and do something with those things that are running around your brain.  Trust me, sitting around waiting for a miracle to open up in front of you so you can do what is in your heart to do is just stupid.  Don't misunderstand: I believe in miracles, but I also believe that things will begin to happen miraculously when you start something.

Let me ask you this simple question:  is what you have done so far worked?  I mean, if you are still waiting for things to begin to happen with your dreams and stuff, how long are you going to wait?  Take a walk on the wild side and maybe just maybe things will begin to click and then watch as your view of things changes up.

When I talk to people about destiny I am amazed at the people who will resonate with what I am saying.  I would say that 8 out of 10 people I talk to agree with my thoughts.  The remaining 20% wouldn't recognize destiny if it were a snake biting them on the Arse!   Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, destiny is not something that you have to worry about.  Your destiny is already inside of you.  You simply have to take it, and do something with it.  If you ever plan on getting to the promised land, then you are going to have to take a walk on the wild side.  If you spend all your time playing with all the other people who refuse to step out, then you are simply wasting time.  The tame side of things is nothing more then a smoke screen created by those who haven't the guts to step out into their destiny.

If you are still doing the same old thing day in and day out, is there any reason not to change things up and take a walk on the wild side?  If you are content with your place in life, and I mean total contentment, I applaud you, and I share in your joy.  If on the other hand you fall into the remaining 80% of the population that has yet to discover the joys of living and walking in their destiny, maybe it's time to get wild.  Certainly those around you may talk, they may feel you have gone off the deep end, but who cares?  It's your destiny that matters, not theirs.  You are always going to have the doubters, the haters, the one's so blinded by envy that they are going to do anything to derail you.  Stay clear of all these types and just be who you were intended to be.

Take a walk on the wild side of life and see if this new way of doing things doesn't become the norm for you.  Get moving my darlings, there is much to do, much to experience, and the sooner you start, the better things will become.  I love walking on the wild side, and when you try it, you will love it too.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am walking on the wild side in True Destiny and loving it! :) Thanks for sharing this, Scott. Blessings and Love. :)
