Friday, June 5, 2015

Thinking is sometimes the kiss of death.
Yep, we all have the tendency to over think situations and events in our life.  We are never going to get away from our mind thinking about things throughout the day.  Just try to shut your mind down for a minute and see if you have zero thoughts.  I guess there have been people who can simply block things out, but shutting down the mind, not so much.

As much as we would like to close down from time to time, if only to simply relax and forget about things, our mind doesn't always allow us to do that.  What I want to talk about today is how so many people will over think things, almost always to their own detriment.

When I talk about over thinking what I mean is that there are those who can't take the simple approach to anything.  Everything is a major decision, and everything has been left in the balance until such time as they can decide what to do next.  I've seen people so bogged down in thinking, that the one thing they really want in life has passed them by a zillion times because they have been unable to see it.  When we allow our thoughts, and sometimes intellect, to over-ride our intuition, there are going to be problems.

Your spirit, or as some put it, your intuition, is never going to lead you astray.  Your spirit is in direct communication with God's Spirit, and as such able to conceptualize some pretty phenomenal things.  Our intellect on the other hand is only able to go as far as what we may have been taught, or what we have experienced up till that point in time.  I will be the first to admit that I have fallen prey to only following my intellect and simply denying the perfection of my spirit in the past.  We as humans feel as though we have to be the architect of everything in our life, and nary a step can be made unless we think about it.  You can think about things, just don't think it to death.  There are people out there who have spent so much time thinking about things that they never get around to doing the things they are thinking about.  Now just as a reminder, I'm not saying to never think.  I'm saying don't over analyze things.  Not everything in life requires you to write a dissertation about it.

What is your gut telling you to do?  How many times have you begun to do something, and something inside is cautioning you about it, you go ahead and do it anyway, and BAM you are in a huge mess?  Instead of following your gut, you followed your intellect, and you ended up with either egg on your face, or face down in the mud.  Now this isn't always going to be the case, but I bet a fairly high percentage of people will resonate with what I just said.

Now here's where people begin to have problems.  If they are inclined to be the over-thinkers, and they don't understand that they are a spiritual being with abilities far superior to almost any other thing in the universe, then they will probably discount the importance of intuition, or listening to their heart.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the heart is incapable of lying to you.  It is only when you have not been able to recognize your heart, your spirit, from other things running around in your mind, that you begin to have serious issues with things.  We all know right from wrong.  Most of us know that Two plus Two equals Four.  If you ask the average person what color was Grant's Great White Horse, they can give you an answer.  If you ask the average non-spiritual person what does the voice of his or her spirit sound like, they look at you like you have two heads.  If you cannot recognize your spirit voice within, then you only have your intellect or thoughts to go by, and we all know what can happen when that happens.

Life really isn't all that complicated.  We make it complicated, but in truth, you have everything you need from the time of birth, to navigate the treacherous roads that await you.  That "everything" is your spirit.  A spirit that was fully formed and developed the moment of your creation.  The only reason it may not have benefited you thus far is because you have neglected to bring it into your every day life.  I know firsthand how difficult it can be to shut the mind down and simply follow the leading of your spirit, your intuition.  I get it, but I also know the perils of simply following your mind and not your heart.  Your intellect is eventually going to come into play, but don't make the mistake of having everything you do in life be based on your intellect.

Life is supposed to be fun.  Life is supposed to be thrilling.  Life is supposed to be about doing what you love, being with those you love, and extending that love out to the rest of the world.  I can assure you that if you simply go through life always over thinking, always having to rationalize things, and always having to come up with the perfect plan, then you will miss out on some of the fun, some of the thrills, and lots of the love.  If you want to simplify your life, then stop over-thinking things.  Learn to follow your intuition, and simply let go.

As impossible as it is to completely shut your mind down, I will tell you that you can train yourself to slow it down, and replace it with your heart.  In the end, intellect has been able to accomplish a lot, but think how much more could have been accomplished if intellect was just the back-up to your heart.  You have within you the greatest teacher in existence.  When will you realize that and begin to utilize it?  There's no time like the present I always say.  Listen to the voice of your heart, and when you begin to do this, you mind will get out of the way, and when that happens, well let's just say there will be no stopping you.

1 comment:

  1. My heart is saying you're right on with this message, Scott. I've found that listening to and following my heart is the fastest route to true happiness, and makes life so much simpler and rewarding. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Love. :)
