Monday, June 1, 2015

The Dawn of a New Era.
Each and every morning the sun rises in the east signifying a new day, a new era so to speak.  Each morning ushers in new opportunities and possibilities.  Each new day should bring each of you what you desire most, does it?  Do you look at each new day as an opportunity to achieve something different?  Do you look at each new day as a gift, one that should be cherished and nurtured?  Do you look at each new day and marvel at the beauty of who and what you are?

This is our challenge, and this challenge is one that when successfully handled, will change the way you look at things, and do things, for the rest of your life.   I was talking with a new acquaintance last night, and the term that kept coming up was "pessimist".  I would say the glass is half full, he would say half empty.  I would look at life as a chance to really do something great, he would see it as only something to survive.  I can't say as I blame him for his observations as we have been conditioned since birth to think this way, but that can all change.  Man's conditioning, as I have said so many times in the past, wants to make you believe that we as humans are destined to live a life of want, need, and no fulfillment, at least to the vast majority of the population.  This needs to change, and this change will come when you grasp the idea that each day brings with it the chance to usher in a new era of doing things, and being what you were created to be.

How many times have you wanted something, only to be shot down by those around you because they have failed to obtain those things they want most out of life?  I mean if you surround yourself with doubters, do you really think that anything else positive is going to happen around you.  For that matter, if you surround yourself with those who are always bemoaning life, do you really think you will ever be in a place where you will have the things you want most out of life?

If you want to experience the dawn of something new, then you have to set the intention that that is what you shall have.  Until such time as you can believe that all manner of goodness is just as much for you as anyone else, you will always be looking at things from the outside.  Too many times in life we allow what others think dictate what we think.  If you do this, can you actually expect things to work out the way you want them to?  If you desire a new era in your life, then you are going to have to let go of what others think, and catch hold of what you know is for you.  I know that I am doing what I was created to do, and I refuse to let others around me talk me out of my destiny.  What I do, I have been divinely equipped to do, and you have been given these same traits to accomplish what you were sent here to do.  It is only when we listen to others that we get out of place, and when you are out of position, then nothing is going to happen.

I look at each new day as an opportunity to be blessed by others, and to be a blessing to others.  I look at each new day as an opportunity to walk deeper in my purpose, and in doing so, know that what I am doing is divinely inspired.  I look at each new day and I just smile.  I smile because I get to do what I love most.  Can you say the same for yourself?  If you are driving to work on a Monday morning just praying that your place of employment has burnt to the ground, then my guess is, you have yet to accept the concept of a new dawn.  Why in heavens name do you subject yourself to such torture, working at a job you hate, when all you have to do is leave it behind and do what you truly desire?

I know change can be scary at times, but is stepping out into something different, something that you know you love, going to be any worse then the misery you have to endure each day at a job you hate?  Trust me, I have been trapped in loveless jobs before, and I will tell you that taking that step of faith to get out of there, although scary as hell, will be the best thing you ever did.  I see people everyday who look as though joy has been stripped from them, and all they have to look forward to is a bunch of tomorrows no different then their today's.

The dawn of a new era is just waiting for you to accept it.  If you are at a point where life has got you down, do you really have anything to loose by stepping out in a new direction?  To accept this new dawn, this new era, is going to take courage.  Accepting this new dawn, this new era, is going to take determination.  Accepting this new dawn, this new era, is going to take you to new places that will boggle the imagination.  If you are ready to try something new, if you are ready to change things up, if you are simply ready to step out into your destiny, then look upon the new day and realize that life is about to change.

The Dawn of a new Era is a wonderful thing, and it is something that everyone needs to experience, not just once, but everyday.  I love knowing that I will get to experience this new dawn each and everyday.  I look at each dawn with anticipation at what it will bring me, and with what I can bring to others.  This is how you need to approach it, and when you do, things will change for you.  It is a new day, and that is always a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, with each rising sun comes new adventure, new joy, a chance to experience the beauty of Mother Earth, the sky, planets, stars, the Divine within ourselves - All That Is. As Scott often says, let it out - let the power within out, and live in happiness, doing what you love, living your destiny. Thanks for writing this inspiring blog, Scott. Blessings. :)
