Monday, June 22, 2015

Too Little, Too Late? Never!!!
It's never too late to change things up.  It's never to late to try something new.  It's never to late to do the right thing.  Quite frankly, it's never too late to step out into your destiny and accept the one thing you were always intended to be.

I've known so many people in my life who feel as though life has passed them by and what's the point of working yourself into a frenzy just to be smacked down again by those around you.  I'm kind of an expert when it comes to being smacked down, but I've also become quite the professional at getting back up and then kicking the crap out of those who want me to stay down.

I don't believe in the premise of "Too little, too late".  I feel as though you will be given every opportunity there is to discover why you are here right now, and what it is you are supposed to do with your life.  The plans I had for my life when I was younger seem to pale in comparison with those that I have now.  My earlier plans were laced with pride and arrogance.  They were all about me, and what my success would look like to those around me.  I wasn't interested in helping humanity, I was only interested in obtaining power and then using that power to get what I wanted.  I have no doubt that I could have achieved all of that, but when I look back on life I am so stinking happy that things didn't work out like I had wanted way back then.

If I told you that you could do anything you wanted, be anything you wanted, and it didn't matter what other people thought, how would you feel?  If I told you that you could have the desires of your heart, how would you feel?  If I told you that it's never too late to step out into your True Destiny, would it bring a tear to your eye?  The honest truth is that it doesn't matter what others think, or say, or even feel: what matters is what you think, say, or feel.  I know how frustrating life can be when you seem to be stuck in a dead end job.  I know what it feels like when others around you seem to keep pushing you down, never allowing you to become or do what is in your heart to do.  I know all too well what it feels like to want something so bad, so deep, and yet you don't have the foggiest notion of how to get there.  Here's my question to you:  is this the place you want to remain, or are you willing to do something to get out of this trap and start doing what truly will make you happy?

We tend to live on a time schedule that man determines.  Time means nothing when it comes to destiny.  Forget about time!  When we live our life according to other's standards of time we are only setting ourselves up for failure and let's face it, failure sucks.  I'm going to say something again that I have said hundreds of times already:  time is an illusion.  We only set ourselves up for additional failure when we fall victim to time.  You have to start believing that you are perfection, and in that perfection time is meaningless.  When you base your life on what others think, or tell you is right and proper, you are allowing others to dictate your actions, and there is only one thing that can come from that, it's called controlled chaos.

Take a look around you at those people who continually tell you what you should be doing.  Do these people seem happy, or is their attempt at telling you what to do covering up their own insecurities in life?  It seems to me that those who want to always offer you advise are the same people who are stuck in that dead end job, or have given up on their dreams and visions.  It's easy to offer up advise and judgment when you have nothing to loose.  Do you really need to heed the advise of those who can't seem to find the real them?

It has taken me years to get to the point I am at right now.  Had I followed the good intentions of others, I still would be lost and I would have undoubtedly given up on my dreams.  People love to control other people because maybe it gives them a sense of superiority. People love to crap on the ideas of others because maybe they feel guilty that they never went after their own dreams.  I have seen others who are so filled with envy and jealousy over the success of others that they are spitting bullets.  If you cannot be happy for the success of others around you I will bet you dimes to donuts that you have yet to see any real success in your life.

The time has come to lay the ax to the root of that which has limited you, slowed you down, or kept you boxed into a life that you were never intended to be boxed into.  It is never too late to walk in your destiny.  You might be saying you are too old to do it now: knock it off!  You're only too old if you allow yourself to feel you're too old.  If it is pity you are looking for, let me tell you, you won't get it from me.  What you will get from me is someone who will tell you to take a chance and forget about the past.  If you want things to change up in your life, then you are going to have to change up the things you have always done.  You can't sit there and complain that things are getting no better, when you are not doing anything differently then what you have done in the past.

It's never too late to go after your dreams.  If you still have dreams that come to you, that you think about, then you still have time to go after them.  Trust me, you will only stop dreaming when you stop breathing.  You may not follow your dreams, you may not believe in your dreams, you may run from your dreams, but I assure you, you will never stop dreaming until the day you die.

Do yourself a favor and realize that it is never too late to do something, even if that something is tiny and would seem inconsequential, at least you're putting it out there.  When you take action, things come back to you, and when things come back you begin the cycle again.  Get out there and do something, and watch as things change up for you.  It's never too late, never ever.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to keep on going, believing in and following our dreams no matter what our age. You're right, Scott, every day is a new day to follow our destiny and do what makes us happy, serving others, living a joyful, happy life. Blessings and Love. :)
