Sunday, September 20, 2020

Not always easy, but always advised to Stay Strong.
We've all faced challenges in our life.  There are times when these challenges seem impossible to handle, and at other times we see these challenges as mere blips on the screen.  No matter what we face, what we might be gong through, or even what we fear for the future, or for the unknown, we need to always stay strong.  Not always easy to do when we face challenges, and obstacles in our life, but you really have to simply stay strong.

I guess the question becomes, how do we stay strong?  How do we get round the barriers to what we are trying to accomplish?  How do we simply make it through the day, hoping to fight again tomorrow?  All good questions, and I hope I'll be able to provide you with a suitable answer today.  

First things first, and this may come as a shock to some, and to others it just might seem impossible or just down right ridiculous to think of.  You are not just human.  Yes you walk around in a flesh and blood body.  You feel things, see things, but this is all from a human perspective, and not from a vantage point where you rise above challenges, because challenges are mere illusions. Do you remember growing up as a child your parents telling you to think about something other then what you were experiencing?  For example:  it's bloody cold outside, you have frosted lips and eyebrows, and your mom tells you to think about being on a warm Floridian Beach soaking up some sun?  If your mind could go to the beach, feel the sun beating down on you, warm water washing up on the shore, some how you began to feel just a bit warmer, or at least not focused on the 20 below weather outside.  What we focus on, we will eventually walk in.  What we feel, we will eventually experience.  What we believe, will eventually happen.  Sadly we often focus, feel, and believe things that don't really serve us well.  

There are so many books on the market about manifesting this thing, or that thing.  If you want $1,000,00 to show up in a suitcase in your backyard, bam there it is!  If you're wanting to be named Athlete of the Century, bam there it is.  I could list a million things, and bam there it is.  We all know it really isn't that easy, at least from what each of us have experienced in our lives.  I have nothing against manifesting what you truly desire, in fact I encourage it.  Where too many of these books and tapes (now that shows my age lol) go wrong is they never explain that you have to do some self-help work first.  You have to put yourself in the right place to receive what you are hoping or believing for.  The first thing really is believing, or simply knowing that you are worthy of having those things you dream about.  Really knowing that you are beyond just being a mere human is critical to manifesting what you desire.  I will say that those who have not yet learned to value who they are, will not get what they truly desire.  Those who only see themselves as pawns in the game of life, they too shall be without their hearts desire.  There's a reason man was given dominion over the earth at the beginning.  We have forgotten our roots, and we have forgotten that we are strong by virtue of us being here right now.

We have entered a period of change in our world.  I'm not speaking of political, or environmental change, although you'd have to be an idiot not to be aware of those two things, but I digress.  The change that is upon us is a change of perspective, a change of priorities, a change of awareness.  Many people are feeling the shift.  It has caused some sleepless nights.  It has sent many into an almost blurred vision moment.  What was so clear before has gotten foggy.  Don't be afraid of this.  Sometimes what you were observing before was leading you in a different direction, and this blurriness was nothing more than a direction changer.  A direction change that you really needed to make.  Yes it probably sucked a little bit as you felt you were loosing ground, but these changes, these shifts,  are necessary to get you to the perfect place.  

One of the questions I get asked often, and to be honest, ask myself often is how do I stay strong in the midst of a storm?  It's easy to accept our position as having dominion over the earth when things are going well.  What's not easy is believing the same thing when we are up to out backside in problems and distractions.  You have to know, that you know, that you know, where you came from, and why you are here.  If you don't truly believe in your magnificence, if you don't stand in your power, your I Am presence, you will never stay strong, and every single wave of doubt, fear, uncertainty, will wash you away.  I realize that this is no easy task from time to time, but having a foundation of truth under you is the only way of handling storms.  

I have to remind myself daily who I am.  I have to feel who I am.  I have to see who I am.  You will have to do the same thing.  Standing in your power, remaining strong when everything around you seems to be exploding will get easier.  But let me caution you:  simply thinking something is not the same as believing something.  When you at your core know who you are, when you have no doubt that you are a created being, sent here to this world to create, then and only then will you be able to stand strong.  We have been sold such a bills of goods from those who have come before us.  This has short changed us to the point where we no longer know our true essence.  We have been told that we can't change things.  We have been schooled to believe that life is nothing more than a maze of hazards, a  puzzle with one missing piece.  We have felt that what is, is all there is.  Well that's not truth, not by a long shot.  You are the missing puzzle piece.  You are what completes the picture.  You are the creator, the builder, the designer.  

I want you for just a moment to picture a perfect world for you.  Do you have this pictured in your mind?  Really, close your eyes right now, and picture you being in the perfect place.  If you can see yourself in a perfect world, doing the perfect thing, at the perfect time, then I want you to ask yourself this simple question?  Why would you be able to see this in your mind, and not believe it is there for you right now?  The reason you can picture it in your mind is because it is meant for you.  The reason you see it, is because you are supposed to be it.  Here's a truth: if you can dream it, you can live it.  If you can dream it, you can be it.  If you can dream it, it was meant to be.  Dreams come from imagination, and imagination comes from the source of all.  Everything that exist today started in someone's imagination.  

Hold fast to your dreams.  Stand strong in your ability to imagine things.  Know that you, by your very existence, are a creating being, someone meant to create things in this life.  We stay strong by staying true to who and what we are.  Knowing who and what you are begins with accepting the perfection of the creator, who does nothing out of that perfection.  Yes life will throw challenges our way, and yes we will have not so-good days, but standing in your power, your strength, you true essence, will keep you strong and focused on where you need to go.  

I leave you with this little golden nugget:  If at first you don't succeed, get in line.  There are plenty of people who have failed the first time around, only to make it to the top the second time.  The difference is that they did not quit.  They stood in their power, and they simply made it happen.  Yes change may be required, but change brings results.  Stay strong, be bold, and for goodness sake, please, please, please enjoy the ride.  In any journey what we see along the way is often the best part.  Don't just focus on the first or last step, but rather the entire journey.  So move along my dear ones, and enjoy the journey, as you discover more and more each day.



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