Thursday, September 10, 2020

This is the moment.
This is the moment.  This is the day that has been approaching for what may have seemed like forever, but now it's here. Call it a turning or decision point, a crossroad.  Do you chose the path of least resistance, or do you follow your heart and go down the path that you know leads to your destiny? What was meant to be is finally coming into view.  Few, if any of my close friends,  have been immune from the crazy energy that has wrapped itself around our planet over the last few days, weeks, and months.  The shift was as obvious as the nose on my face.  What I want to talk about today is you.  What I want to share with you is my heart.  What I hope to accomplish is, well let's just say I hope it is life changing, because this is the moment.  

Let' begin our journey with a truth, a truth that is as real today as it was the day I first thought about it.  Life is a journey of discovery, and along this trail, this path, you will learn all you need to learn to position yourself in God's perfect place for you.  I see so many people who feel they have to fabricate something in order for them to do what they kind of think they need to be doing.  I see people who dabble in this and dabble in that, only to discover that dabbling is not committing, and without commitment, there is generally very little satisfaction.  Discovering your purpose, following your passion is really the only way of ever being completely satisfied and excited about what it is you're doing.  You can play at certain things, but without that 100% commitment on your part, what ever excitement you might feel at the beginning will fast dissolve into just another day of doing something.  Let's be real for just a moment and confess that there are times when each of us run up against a brick wall.   We can't seem to find the answers, we certainly are not comfortable where we are at, and praying for just a smidgen of relief is constantly on our lips.  Been there, done that, can't lie.  That being said, there comes a time when you are going to have to decide what to believe.  Will you go with what others say is your plight, your cross to bear, or will you accept the truth that you are a created being, created for the express purpose of being a creator?  I see I may have sparked some interest with my last statement.

When we've been put through the wringer, as is the case for many of us, past, present, and future, we often neglect to find the bright spot, the silver lining, in whatever we are going through.  Yea, I know not always easy, but try to do it anyway, the results just might surprise you.  Everything in your life, everything you may have gone through up to this point, has been nothing but preparing you for this moment.  Every lesson, every bruise, scrape, or bump, every tear you may have cried, was meant to be.  We've all made huge mistakes, but even those have been a part of the plan.  Easy to accept now, maybe not so easy while you were going through whatever it was you were going through.  No matter the past, it has brought you to this moment.  This moment of choice, this time to decide, your opportunity to step out.

When you finally discover that where you have been has prepared you for you where you are going, you will experience a release.  This awakening will open your eyes to the possibilities, the opportunities to walk in your destiny.  I personally have been focusing on me as of late.  I've made it a point to know the I am that I am.  I am standing in my power, I am walking in my strength.  I encourage each of you to do the same.  It's not always easy to do when you face struggles and pitfalls, but it is something that has to be done. 

This is the moment when you are going to have to make a decision.  Will you continue as is, or will you shake things up a bit, and accept change, throw uncertainty to the curb, and walk with your head held high into your future?  It seems like an easy question to answer, on the surface that is, but not so easy when the time comes to make the decision.  Has what you have been doing gotten you to the place you want to be, or dreamt of being at?  If the answer is yes, kudos to you, keep i t up.  If the answer is no, then maybe it's time to change the way you see things or do things.  

My greatest desire is to help others discover their rightful place in this world.  My destiny is in helping others discover their destiny.  Each of us has an unlimited amount of potential.  We have been given the ability to manifest anything, and quite frankly everything we could ever desire.  The question is, do you believe that?  Do you fully understand just how special you are, and just how powerful you are.  Your power was not placed in you so you could dominate others, or get you to a place where you would lord over people.  Your power was placed in you to be a tool for the rest of humanity.  What you focus on is what will manifest, good, bad, or indifferent.  

This is your moment, this is my moment, this is our moment.  What you do now is entirely up to you.  Recognize that you are so much more than just a human who walks around this planet.  You have always been, and will always be.  You can reach for the stars, and when you do, you will touch the face of God.  

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