Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stand tall, stand proud, and be the real you.
Today's blog is nothing more than an invitation to be the real you.  It is nothing more than an invite to be authentic, and to love yourself like there was no tomorrow.  If any of you have been like me over the last few weeks, my emotions have been right there on the surface almost 24/7.  I'd be driving down the highway listening to the radio, and bam, I'd have this over the top need to simply cry.  Now many of the tears were out of total gratitude for what the Universe is doing for me.  Some of the tears were just signs of compassion.  I'm sure I'm not the only going through this, as there is a major, and I do mean major shift going on right now in the cosmos.  What I want to bring to you this beautiful morning are a few words of encouragement.  Words to keep you strong, words to help you grow, but most importantly, words that will allow you to see the real you.  Self-love is the beginning point of any relationship, and we all need to love ourselves, more than anything else in existence.  

In my upcoming new book, The Forty Greatest Lessons of Life, I have a chapter on beauty.  I talk about your true beauty, your inner beauty.  In this particular chapter I give you a strong reminder:  if you can't see or appreciate the beauty that is the real you, the authentic you, the inner you, then does it really matter what is reflected back to you from a mirror?  Being able to stay strong, to be proud, and to be the real you all begins with knowing who you are, what you are.  Staying strong and proud is essential to making it through these crazy times.  Loving who you are, appreciating all you bring to humanity, simply knowing that you are amazing, these are the first, and sometimes most vital steps, in standing tall and proud. 

Too many times people like to judge our words, and all of a sudden being proud of yourself is somehow over the top conceded.  Well it's not, and you needn't  bother worrying yourself about what others think.  I'm proud of myself each day.  I'm proud because I get to do what I love each day.  I'm proud because I was placed here to change humanity.  I'm also proud that I get to recognize the perfection of my design, and my being here each and every day.  You need to do this.  You need to accept your perfection and greatness.  When you begin to do this, standing tall and proud will be as common place as waking up to pee in the morning.  A little graphic, but let's be real we each do it everyday.  

When one is able to recognize the significance of who we are, we stand tall.  When one is able to accept his or her greatness, we stand proud.  When one is able to boldly go where they may have never gone before, then they are being true to themselves, and are being real.  I know this may seem non-sensical to many people, but for many they have never accepted the real them.  Too many people have allowed words spoken by others about them to paint them into a box.  Let me tell you, know one has the right to paint you into a corner.  No one can tell you who you are; you need to discover it for yourself, own it, and then walk in it. In these crazy political, and pandemic times, more than ever you simply have to understand your strengths.  Accepting your power, walking in that power, sharing that power with others, is quite frankly the only way we are going to come out of this period with any resemblance of normalcy.  

I was speaking with my closest friend yesterday.  She lives in Washington D.C, and as much as I miss seeing her, our bond could never be deeper.  We were talking about this shift.  Now many people, much more versed in the things of Spirit, Quantum Thinking, and the like, are saying that this is a total realignment of the Universe.  If you have been dealing with emotions, if you haven'e been able to figure up from down, worry not, you're not alone.  We are being prepared right now for this new plane of existence.  Truth be told, it's a little intimidating, but trust me, we will get through it.  That being said, because of this shifting, this change of "Seasons" so to speak, we need to stand tall.  We need to remember just who and what we are.  I know I sound like a broken record, but we simply have to step up and be us. You just may be the catalyst that someone else needs to get them to where they need to be.  

I've started reading a series of books by Neville Goddard.  He was a writer and speaker during the 1930's through the early 1970's.  He is difficult to read.  Many times I am rereading paragraph after paragraph just to grasp what he is presenting.  One of his many repeated points, in nearly every book, is standing in your "I am" presence.  Most of you have read previous words from me about the 'I am" presence.  Simply put, you are creators by the very fact that you are here right now.  We were never intended to simply exist in this life time.  Until such time as you begin to grasp this concept, you are going to stay in that corner that someone has painted you into.  We are created beings, sent here to create.  There is no other way for me to say this. Stop waiting for others to chart your path, you set the course, and you start your journey.

I fully understand how difficult it can be to simply change course.  When all you have known is one thing, and all of a sudden you are being required to do something else, that's frightening to many.  But if what you have been doing is not showing results, if you are still stuck in limbo, why not change things up?  I see now benefit to doing the same thing time after time.  We are entering a period of change, thus bringing a period of adjustment, that has to come.  We need to evolve.  If you have been waiting for the perfect time to step out into new things, this is your time.  I strongly, I vehemently, with much force, encourage you to move forward.  Let's be real, you already know if you're where you're supposed to be.  You already know if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing.  Many just need a little kick in the butt to start them on their way.  Let me be the first to place my foot, you know where.  Please, please, please, emphasis on please, don't lag behind.  This time we are entering is too important to miss.  Remember, it's not just you who will change, but others will also change because of what you have been able to accomplish.

Universe is universe.  Power is power.  Knowledge, knowledge, but all need a vessel to move things forward, and you and I, are that vessel.  You have something to add.  I know this to be true because you are still here.  We are all here for a specific period of time, to accomplish a specific task.  Once that task is fulfilled we are off to another adventure.  Do you realize how incredible fortunate you are to be living in these times?  You are about to be part of one of most monumental changes ever seen in our time.  People will begin to operate in their power.  Miracles will happen at such a rampant pace, you won't be able to keep up with it.  Now is the time to stand tall and proud.  The next phase needs all of us to be real, to walk in our destiny.  We each have a part to play, and no one can do what you were sent here to do.  It's time to move forward and become the real you. 

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