Thursday, September 24, 2020

Finally, the tide is changing.
2020, what a year.  If ever there was a time when emotions have run the entire spectrum, I'd have to say it was this year.  It's so funny to look back at the end of 2019 and everyone was so looking forward to 2020.  I only have one question, how's it looking now?  

In all seriousness we may have, individually and as a whole nation, gone through the wringer this year.  However, the tide is changing, and as the old saying goes, a rising tide lifts all ships.  What I want to do today is prepare you for what lies ahead of us, and in doing so, maybe just bring a little joy to your life.  Maybe put a smile on your face.  I might even encourage you a bit, even in light of what many have been going through.  

It's hard to put a descriptor on what has transpired since the beginning of the pandemic.  What I want to share with you is that this shift, this new tide, has actually been in motion long before we even entered 2020.  Things just don't happen in the universe.  By now you must know that the universe operates in perfection.  The order of things happens in perfection.  All that has been going on right now is in that perfection.  Yea I get that we might not always feel the perfection, or see it, or even believe it.  But it is out there, and we have to grab hold of it, and never let go.  I hear so many people crying out for relief.  As an empathetic person I feel the angst that people are walking in.  I've walked in it as well, always feeling that release was right around the next corner. 

The Tide is changing, and it's changing because those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel, have held fast, and not let go of what has always been real to them: an awakening.  I know I use a lot of cliches, but it kind of helps in getting the message across.  Here's another one: "It's all for one, and one for all."  Whether you want to admit it or not, we are all in this together, and knowing that many hands make light work, why not work together to see this awakening?  When the ocean tide is coming in, it's not coming in as individual parts.  It is one tide.  It moves as one.  Yes there are different approaches that it may take depending on the landscape, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a single tide.  Well this awakening is not a conglomeration of different awakenings, it is single in its reason for being here.  

The reason we are seeing this awakening is that the time has come for all individuals to take their rightful place in the Universe.  It's time to step into your destiny.  It matters not what age you are right now.  Destiny is destiny, and whether you want to admit it or not, you have a destiny.  When I began writing many years ago I never really envisioned where it was going to take me, but I knew I had to take this path.  Certainly I was unsure of what direction I needed to go in, but deep down I knew what I needed to do.  I truly feel that deep down, every individual knows the direction they need to move in, it just takes a little prodding from time to time to get you moving in the right direction.  I want to encourage you today to set aside worry and doubt, and simply accept the truth that you are here for a purpose.  

Everyone is believing for something.  Everyone has a dream, a desire, a want.  Somethings may be meant for many, or simply meant for one.  The drive to experience all that is meant to be experienced is moving in full motion right now.  There is a reason this shift is taking place, and there is a reason why you are part of it.  What all of us have to do is protect ourselves from thoughts of worry, of fear, of wondering if things are ever going to work out.  What we need to do is feel the end result, even if the end result is not present at the moment.  If you desire for a wish to be fulfilled, then walk in that fulfillment, and feel the joy of that desire being present right now.  If you have waited and waited for results, now is not the time to give up.  If you have stood strong, now is not the time to get weak kneed.  If you have cried at night wondering when, know that now is your time to experience your fulfillment.

I know all too well what it's like to want something, want it so bad you can almost taste it, and wonder if what you want is ever going to manifest.  It seems like all we contend with is obstacle, after obstacle, brick wall, after brick wall, and no sign of any way of having what we truly desire.  Well I have good news for you, the tide is going to rise your ship along with everyone else's.  This awakening is here to aid everyone who will walk in it.  However, you have to step out into it.  You can't just say you want to be a part, you have to take the first step.  The bible says that faith without works is dead.  You can have all the faith in the word, but if you don't walk things out, if you don't take the first step, your faith is going to profit you zero, zilch, nada.  

I want you for a moment to try and feel the joy that will be yours when you walk in your dreams.  I want you to feel the excitement of having that new job, the new home, the whatever it is you are hoping for. Close your eyes and just give yourself a big hug and feel the joy of having it all.  Can you do this?  Can you feel the joy?  Does thinking about a dream coming to fruition bring a smile to your face?  This is what this new tide will do for you.  It will bring you to a place where you can feel your dreams being fulfilled.  This awakening will allow you to see all that is coming to you.  This awakening is going to teach you that you can have it all.  Know this, there is nothing wrong with wanting your dreams.  It's not being selfish, it's not being self-centered.  Your dreams are in you because they are a stepping stone to your destiny, and your destiny is there to help the rest of humanity.  Now humanity may be a single person, but it might also be an entire continent.  Don't worry about how things are going to play out, simply feel the joy of walking in your destiny.  

The tide is changing my friends, and I want you to be ever so thankful that you are a part of this changing tide.  Together we will raise all ships.  Together we will encourage all those around us to walk in their destiny.  It is all for one, and one for all.  Take a step, and then another, and then another.  Hold fast to what is in your heart, and for goodness sake smile and feel joy.  A little joy and laughter goes a long way, and for many, you have been on this journey for along time.  


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