Sunday, September 13, 2020

No second guessing. Promise?
Most of us have been guilty of second guessing ourselves at one point in time or another.  It might be as simple as do I want fries or onion rings with my burger.  The real answer comes when the meal arrives and the person sitting next to you has the prefect meal, and yours is just "Oh Gees".  Second guessing is pretty common place, as is wondering, or worrying, or simply wishing you had ordered the onion rings.

What I want to encourage you with today is that while second guessing may not be the preferred path for you, it is something that most of us will contend with, and something that I want to get you to stop.

I hear constantly people questioning their choices. I hear them wondering if they made the right move, chose the right career, moved to the right city.  For every answer you get, there are probably twenty other answers the are just as good, just as valid, and just as plausible.  When you continually second guess your decisions you are only second guessing your source of knowledge, and that source of knowledge is incapable of making a mistake.  If you will teach yourself to listen to your spirit, your soul, your heart, I will promise you that you will never have to worry about second guessing yourself again.

People will often ask themselves if they are doing the right thing, and when that questions pops up, you can pretty much rest assured that what you might be doing, or contemplating doing, is the wrong thing.  Don't misunderstand, the wrong thing, and the wrong time are two entirely different things, but they do come into play.  If you are having a difficult time figuring out the whole timing verses doing a thing thing, step back and relax.  Take a deep breath and simply do something for someone else.  As the picture to todays blog states, offer a smile,  a greeting of peace to someone. Extend forgiveness, even if that forgiveness is not requested.  Show love, for yourself, for others, for humanity.  If you take the focus off of what you feel you might be lacking, or missing, and instead focus on something else, often the answer will come to you.

Second guessing all the time is a curse.  We all were taught as kids, and young adults, to never change the answer on a test.  Most of the time your first guess is correct, and leave it at that.  Well, life is not unlike trying to change the answer on a test.  Don't do it!  Making decisions, deciding about your future should be determined, it should be without fear, and it should always be once and for all.  That's not to say that there may not be some course correction from time to time, but continually questioning things over and over again is never going to get you where you want to be, or where you ought to be.

I get how confusing things can get at times.  I completely understand that making major decisions is not always without risk, and certainly not without a modicum of doubt, after all we are human.  But the simple fact that you are willing to decide something shows maturity, and it shows where your heart is at.  Don't ever exacerbate making a tough decision, in a trying time, with trying to second guess the decision that you ultimately made.  I guess I'm just of the mind set that once a decision is made, the decision is made.  Maybe you won't make a decision instantly, it might take thought, it might take time, but once made let it be.  Lot's of people have made mistakes, but those mistakes can always be corrected.  What can't be corrected is when you allow things of the past, i.e. past mistakes, be the driving force behind you not being willing to make any future decisions, and if decisions are made, second guessing them.  I know a bit of a run-on sentence, but I was trying to make a point.

Here's the bottom line, and this is what I want to leave you with today:  take your time, be thorough, and once you make a decision, rest easy.  Decisions put in motion can never be classified as a bad decision if you did your due diligence prior.  Yes we may have to pivot from time to time, no worries there.  Pivoting on something, and running away from something are two different things.  Second guessing a decision is running away from a decision, and that's never going to work out in your favor.   Doubt comes when one is not convinced of something.  Most doubt comes into our lives because we are not convinced that we are in fact deserving of all manner of good.  Doubt arises because we are not quite sure we agree that we are in fact not just mere mortals, and in fact enlightened beings.  Knowing and standing in your power will almost certainly stop one from second guessing things.

Please know that second guessing yourself is very rarely going to get you to where you were intended to be.  Second guessing yourself is rarely going to get you where you actually want to be.  If you feel as though you are looking in from the outside, I will pretty much bet you have changed your mind on occasions, and that change of mind has gotten you out of place.  Start trusting what your heart is telling you.  Once you have learned to listen and follow the leading of your heart, your life will change.  Once you learn to hear what God is saying, you will stop second guessing yourself, and then things will begin to line up like never before.

Making decisions can bring fear, they can bring doubt, and often some sleepless nights.  The only way to stop all of this is to accept your greatness, walk in your divine purpose, and know that you are so much more.  If you will accept all that you are, put away thoughts of what you are not, or what you perceive to be lacking in, and simply stand in your awesome greatness, you will know what to do next.  You will not have to second guess yourself, and if you can stop doing that, each future decision will be easier, and easier to make.  

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