Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just say "NO"
This statement, "Just Say No" was made famous in the 1980's by the Late Nancy Regan, who attempted to educate America on the Drug epidemic here in this country.  I'm not here to debate the success or failure of this program. What I want to do today is share with you my thoughts on "Just say No", and how it relates to some of the things we do to ourselves that have kept us down, kept us wanting, and kept us from achieving those things we desire most in life.

First and foremost we have to set some of our own guidelines.  Maybe guidelines is not the best word to describe this, let's say "beliefs", because after all beliefs are what drive and govern what we do, how we do it, and then what we get in the end.  There are far too many people who have allowed certain thoughts to control their life.  Their words and actions say one thing, even while their heart is telling them something completely different.  If you can't see that your words and thoughts, and ultimately your feelings have a direct impact on what is going on in your life right now, I'm not sure what more I can say to you.

I've been guilty in the past of saying things, often out of frustration, sometimes out of fear, and more often then not simply because I wasn't wise enough to realize that I had been conditioned to believe certain things, even when I knew that this conditioning was counter to who and what I was.  I would allow words to creep out of my mouth that were nothing more then my own testament to what I was going through.  I couldn't understand why I never seemed to have the resources I wanted, needed, or dreamt about.  Why was I the only one struggling financially?  The simple truth was I didn't see myself as worthy of abundance.  I was so focused on what I didn't have, that I couldn't or wouldn't focus on all the things I did have.  What I had to do was 'Just say NO" to those thoughts and feelings that wanted to keep me down.  I had to start saying yes to abundance, and no to lack.  The more I would dwell on what I didn't have, the more lack I would find myself in.  If I was like the others around me who would bemoan the lack of a significant relationship in their life, then I would continue to be without the love I wanted so desperately in my life.  These things happen in every area of your life, and they happen because we have created them, as hard as that might be to believe.

Your words, your thoughts are so powerful, and until such time as you understand the power you have within you, you are going to be placing yourself in all kinds of situations that you would rather not be in.  Let me ask you a simple question:  how many times during a day do you think you say things that are counter to who you really are?  How many times in a day do your thoughts take you to places you would rather not be, but somehow you always end up there?  When you begin to think certain things, it is only a matter of time before those thoughts turn into feelings, and then those feelings ultimately turn into your reality.  Now I know there are people who will say that it's impossible to control all of your thoughts.  I agree, the mind has millions and millions of thoughts each day, but you can control turning off thoughts that don't serve you, and instead begin thinking thoughts that you desire.

If you want to turn things around in your life, if you want to begin to experience the life you have always dreamt of, then begin by saying no to the Old way of doing things and speak life into all the situations around you.  Begin to feel good about yourself, after all your design is perfection, but too many people have forgotten that perfection.  Light begets light, love begets love, and your thoughts and feelings are what will create all your tomorrows.  I can't make you believe any of this, I wish I could.  What I can do is pound it into you, in the most gentle way of course, and then allow you to take things one step at a time.

When we were younger it was easy for us to experience joy.  The anticipation of Christmas Morning and all the gifts.  We never doubted what awaited us Christmas morning, we simply expected it.  Somehow many people have lost that ability to joyfully anticipate good coming to them.  The weight and complexity of this world has tied them down, and joy has left them.  I will bet you ten to one that those who have lost their joy have also been sold a bill of goods that says that life has to be hard, has to be as it is, and there is no way to change that.  Not so my friends, not so at all.  It is time to say no to the old ways, and time to speak life into all those situations that have tried to bring all things to an end.

Thoughts, feelings, and words are all that stand in your way of having the perfect life.  If you will simply begin by acknowledging your greatness, owning your uniqueness, and loving you, then your thoughts, feelings, and words will begin to line up with your true self, and as these things begin to line up, watch things change all around you.  Just say "No" to doing things the old way.  Face it, most of the time the old way never worked out for you.  What have you got to lose if you change how you see things, what you say about things, and how you feel about things?  Trust your heart, follow your heart, and allow what is in your heart to guide you.  As you change your thoughts, as you feel happiness and joy, your words will also change, and then game on.  Just say "NO" to the old and pick up the new.

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