Monday, March 28, 2016

Would you believe me if I told you....
Is seeing believing, or are the truly blessed those who believe even when they don't see it yet?  What is believing, and if it's real, how do you manage to get a handle on it?  Is it really as simple as just believing for something, or is there more to it?  OMG why so many questions?

Doesn't it just drive you mad when someone answers a question with a question?  Even though I can't promise you that I won't ask anymore questions this morning, I will attempt to answer as many as I can in the time and space allotted to me today.

Sadly most people have beliefs that serve them well, but also beliefs that can utterly destroy them, or keep them from ever receiving those things they truly hope for.  What I want to do today is get you to release those limiting beliefs that have done nothing but keep you pushed down, and instead start believing those things that will ultimately elevate you to your proper place in life.  We as created beings were never intended to live a life of lack.   We as created beings were never placed here on earth just to simply exist, but rather to thrive and be true to our original purpose.  We as created beings were sent here to create, and most people either never learned this, or have been blinded to it by the conditioning they have been subjected to since birth.

Had you been around in the late 1950's to early 60's you would have had the opportunity to see some pretty amazing things.  Most people would never have believed we could launch men into space, have them land on the moon, talk a nice walk, and then be home for dinner.  We saw it happen, and most everyone became a believer in doing some pretty extraordinary things.  Watching "Star Trek" as a kid I thought about how cool it would be to have Communicators.  Well look at us now.  Certainly we may not be as advanced as James T. Kirk, but we have come a long way, and we are on the path to experiencing more great things.  Someone believed we could do something, and something got done. If you can believe it, you can have it, and that pretty much sums it up.

What are some of the things your are believing for today?  If you could have anything in the world what would it be?  I know people who are believing for wealth.  I know people who are believing for health.  I know people who are simply believing for a life free from worry, free from fear, and free from doubt.  The simple question is how do you get from Point A to Point B?  How do you get from a believing moment to a having moment?  The first step in getting or having something you want is to first realize that you are worthy of having everything you are believing for.  If you can't see yourself as worthy, most everything you do is a simple act of futility.  When ever you desire something you have to see the end results first, you have to feel the end results.  Truth be told I think this is the most difficult part of believing, and the reason for this is that many people have been bombarded with thoughts and words from others around you that are contrary to what you are hoping for.  There always seems to be people around you who are willing to tell you why this can't work, or why you shouldn't be believing for something.  These people can't believe anything for themselves, so they would rather see you in the same place of misery as they are.  Get away from these people, and get away from them quickly.

Believing is nothing more then setting the tone, living the dream, and ultimately walking in all those things that you know are for you.  If you have a desire, there is a reason you have that desire, and the sooner you realize that your desires are there to get you to your destiny, the sooner you will walk in each of them.  There will be people who will discount what I am talking to you about today, but these are the very same people who have let life dictate each of their actions instead of them dictating life.  If you allow others to order your steps then you have given up the one thing that is yours, and that is your ability to create, your ability to believe, and your ability to be who you were intended to be.

There are plenty of things that I have wanted in life, but until such time as I came to the conclusion that I was worthing of having those things, I was going to be without them.  We were never placed here on earth to simply exist.  We were placed here to do something specific, something that only you could do.  If you are here right now, then you are here for a reason.  Have you ever taken the time to figure out what that reason was?  I can assure you that you were never placed here to simply go through life, and struggle with this or that.  You were never placed here to simply learn what life should be like, and always watching as others got what they wanted, all along missing out on the things you want most in life.

You must believe you have a purpose, and you must understand that those things you desire most, those things you try to believe for, are the things you were intended to have, intended to do, and intended to be.  So, would you believe me if I told you that you can have all the desires of your heart?  Would you believe me if I told you that you are perfection, and in that perfection, you are capable of creating the perfect life?  If you can believe that, wonderful.  If you can't well then we have some work to do, and lucky for you I am here to help you with this particular battle.

Believing will come to you, but only if you will own who and what you are.  Trust me, knowing the real you, loving the real you, and honoring the real you is what will change you, and once you change, then you then control the game instead of the game controlling you.  Believe my friends, believe and watch things happen.

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