Saturday, March 23, 2024

I hear Angels...

 I hear tell that Angels are among us.  I've heard that Angels in vast numbers can stand on the head of a pin.  I've even heard that Angels have the innate ability to disguise themselves in an effort not to be discovered.  You don't say!!!  

Most everyone I know has thought about Angels in the past.  Most if not all will at least acknowledge the possibility that Angels exist.  But how much do we really know about these Angelic Beings, and more importantly why they are here in our midst?  What I want to do today is shed some light on this topic, and in doing so, provide you with hope, understanding, and maybe a little direction.

Numerous books have been written about Angels.  Paintings, statues, monuments are everywhere depicting Angels.  At some point in time I would think that people would grasp the reality of these beings, and in doing so understand their purpose.  We've been told that Angels are God's messengers.  If this be true, what message are they suppose to bring us?  Good tidings?  Tales of what is about to come to pass?  Guidance?  In the absence of knowing or believing in Angels, I guess it really doesn't matter what type of message they bring to us.  It is my hope that you will dispose of any negative thoughts in regards to the existence of Angles, and instead begin to see their purpose.  At the end of the day only you have the ability to decide what to believe in and what not to believe in.  Sadly, many people will never accept the concept of Angels until they run smack dab into one.  Suffice it to say just because one can't see an Angel, or one has never experienced Angelic activity,  that does not mean they don't exist.

As children we were taught that we each have a Guardian Angel.  The role of these Creations is to watch over, protect, and guide.  Like any written word today, one needs to either accept it, or discard it.  You may take some time to come to your own conclusions, but let me say this: just because you can't see something doesn't make it not real.  I've never seen an Angel, at least in all of its glory.  I'm sure I've had occasions where I have been right in the middle of a bunch of Angels, but their true identity was not revealed to me.  I've often asked to see one.  Why I haven't up to this point I can only guess, but just because one hasn't appeared is not cause for me to doubt, and I suggest you see it the same way.

Many might ask why am I talking or writing about this today.  My desire is that you come to an understanding that you have been given authority over these Angelic Beings, and they are here to help, guide, instruct, and otherwise be your partner.  If you have this resource, is there any logical reason why you would not want to partake in it?  If I gave each of you your dream home, or dream car, said it was yours to do with as you wish, would it make any sense whatsoever for you not to partake in said car or home?  The answer is quite simple, it's yours, use it.  Why then when we have been given these beings for our own use do we choose to ignore it, or even doubt the existence?  Once again it comes down to the old adage that if one can't see, touch, feel, smell, or hear, then obviously there is no truth, and what we speak of can't really exist.  Let me ask you this:  have you ever seen the face of God?  Most have not, and yet most believe in a Divine Power.  Can you see air? Most can't see it, yet you need it to live, and it is there even when you can't see it.  I know this may all seem silly, and that's ok, often we are confounded with simple things because we attempt to complicate them.  

The fact that Angels exist can't or shouldn't be debated.  What should be done is coming to an understanding of why they are here, and why you should be using them in everything you do.  Understanding that you have Angels, that they are here to assist, and that they can only really do what you ask them to do, is the first step in establishing a long lasting relationship with these heavenly friends.  What causes me confusion is the resistance of some to even acknowledge that Angels exist, let alone that they are here for us.  If you were the Commanding Officer of a Standing Army, the one who has sole control of the operation of the Army, would you simply sit down on the sideline and never provide marching orders for your army, while everything around you was being over taken by the enemy?  Quite frankly if you did that, you would suck as a Commanding Officer.  Why is it then, as the Commander of your Legions of Angels, you have yet to provide them their Marching Orders?  Why are you sitting on the sidelines not taking action?  

Here is my suggestion for you today, and if I were you I would pay attention to what I am about to share with you.  If you have not made it a point to incorporate your Angels, and yes I said your Angels, into your daily life and activity, I suggest you begin to do it now.  If you have not sent your messengers out to do what needs to be done, do it now.  If you have not asked your Angels to plow the fields in front of you, do it now.  Whatever it is that is causing you to doubt that you have these marvelous beings assigned to you, stop doubting.  Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not, because we don't believe.  Stop not believing.  Start accepting that you have been blessed to have oversight of these beings, and they are simply waiting to hear from you.  Don't allow doubt to rob you of one of the strongest forces in the ever expanding Universe.  Don't allow doubt to step in and stop what is yours, what has been set up for you, what was created just for you.  

It is time to release your Angels to accomplish their mission on your behalf.  It is time to issue those marching orders.  It is time to accept your position as Commander, and use your Army for its intended purpose.  You have been given charge over your Angles, the time has come to do what you have been asked to do by your Creator.  Set these beautiful beings to flight, and see if life doesn't change in a very big way. 

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