Saturday, March 30, 2024

New Beginnings

Ever wondered what it would be like to start all over again, to start fresh with no limitations, no expectations, no one telling you that you can't do this, or can't do that?  Ever wonder what it would be like to simply have a new beginning?  Well today I want to delve into this subject, and in the process just share some thoughts as to where we are on this journey, and where it must might take you.

Each of us start out with a clean slate, and an empty book, at least that is the perception of many, many people.  Would you believe me if I told you that your empty page, your empty book, was anything but empty?  Your entire life was designed completely  even before your conception.  The Creator of the Universe knew every aspect of your life from day one until your final breath.  God knew of your ups, your downs, your good days, and bad.  Every step you have made in life has already been known.  There was never a time when the Creator of the Universe was unaware of what was happening to you.  The book I speak about, the empty page is just a tool for you to see what is happening in your life, what you are planning for your life, and ultimately what you experienced throughout your life.

We learn from the past.  Sadly many people lock themselves in the past and never move forward to the present, which makes it impossible to even see a glimpse of the future.  There is no denying that we learn from past events.  What we have gone through in life has placed us where we are at in this present moment.  What's most important is that you realize that each day is new, each day brings new possibilities, new opportunity.  Each day is an empty page in a book just waiting for you to share with others.  Just because something happened in the past does not mean it will remain in the future, nor does is relegate you to a life of rinse and repeat.  

We are all entering a phase of New Beginnings.  Each of us has that empty canvas just waiting for you to paint your new landscape.  You get to decide what you write, what you paint.  Certainly there will be people around you who will have some input into what you do, how you do it, but ultimately it is always going to be your decision as to what you do, where you go, who you are.  Far too many people allow others to control them.  You must come to the determination that you have the ultimate decision in what you step out into.  God can provide you the vision, but you must decide to accept the calling and step out into your destiny.  I sometimes wonder why people sit idle and do nothing in life.  Could it be they are afraid of what awaits them?  Could they doubt their abilities?  Might someone just not know?  Your spirit, your true essence knows all, has all the answers, and is the greatest guide the world has ever known.  Sadly many have not acquainted themselves with their spirit.  Many go through each day simply wandering in the wilderness with hope against hope that one day they may stumble into something positive.  Waiting and doing nothing is never the answer.  I understand that some have issues with trust, and trusting what your spirit is telling you to do will not come easy, especially if you are unfamiliar with the sound of your spirit.  At the end of the day you have the decision to make, will you follow what God is telling you to do, or will you simply try to navigate life based on your own merits?  

There are many gifted and talented people who populate the world at this present period of time.  Many have learned to follow the leading of their spirit, many have learned through trial and error, and others are simply lucky at life.  No matter what one has gone through, you must know that what has happened in the past does not mean you are locked into it forever.  Once you have filled a page with words, with your narrative, it is time to flip that page, and simply start another.  Each page should be filled with newness.  Each page should paint a picture of you, of your life, of your dreams, of your visions. Each page of your book should be something that others can benefit from.  We are not here simply to take, we are truly here to give, to give the best part of who we are to others, so they might benefit.

If I were to open up your book, would I be able to see who you are?  Would I be able to see where you are headed?  Would I even have the opportunity to learn from your life?  There are too many people today who simply refuse to open up their book for others to read.  Is this because of fear?  Fearful that others will know what you have gone through, what your struggles are, where you have had doubt, fear, or anxiety?  We all have faced these same things at one time or another in our life, but if you cannot own them, then you are doomed to repeat them time and time again, remember rinse and repeat.

I want you to open up your own book today, flip to an empty page, and prepare yourself to write your story, your story, your words.  You might be surprised who could benefit from your experiences.  It might floor you to learn that many people look up to you, depend on you, desire to know more about you because you inspire them.  What better way to tell them your story then to let them read about it.  Now I'm not saying that everyone needs to actually write a book, my words today are more of a metaphor, but I think you get my drift.  If you decide not to open up your book and write your own story I'm afraid you will miss out on something truly amazing.

New beginnings is just that, newness, but a newness that is in the fullness of who you are, what you are.  New beginnings is the ability to let go of yesterday and embrace today.  New beginnings is realizing that no matter what has happened in the past it does not have to define you.  How many times have you started a new job, no one knowing you, and realizing that you get to start fresh, not having to carry the mistakes of the past with you into this new endeavor?  Certainly there may be some unanswered questions, could even be a little bit of uneasiness as you step into something new, but newness is a wonderful thing.  The simple fact is this:  each day you live is in the newness of God.  Each day you get to step out into a new day, and it doesn't matter what happened the day before.  When we can look at life this way we free ourselves up from many expectations we have placed on ourselves.

New Beginnings are here.  New Beginnings are for you.  New Beginnings are from God, freely given to you each day, and given to you so you might live a life of true understanding, a life of pleasure, and a life of freedom.  Stand in these New Beginnings and realize how blessed you are to be able to participate in them.  I leave you love, light, peace, joy, and happiness.


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