Sunday, January 16, 2022

T-Minus Ten and Counting
And We have lift off.  Anytime you have something very complex that is supposed to happen, much like a Rocket Launch, there is much that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that things run smoothly.  There is not a single person who is responsible for getting this rocket souring into space.  The team in place has responsibilities that when tied all together ensures a smooth successful launch and recovery of the spaceship. Well wouldn't you know it, life is much the same way.  Certainly you are pretty much center stage for life, but if you think you have gotten to be where you are at without the help of others, then you have really missed it.  While we may not always want to give credit for our successes to others, we need to realize that we have not gotten to our current location alone.  What I want to do today is simply make you aware that what we don't see, is sometimes as important as those things we do see.  

There is not a single day that passes that you haven't been assisted by someone else.  Some assistance comes from those we know, some from complete strangers, and even still, from those we don't even see.  Assistance can come in the form of what we read, what we hear, and of course what we see.  Assistance can come from places we know, places we've never been to, or even places we have only dreamt about.  My point is that we need to acknowledge that we are not in this thing alone.  We are the sum of all our parts, even if we don't see, or know of every part in the system.  

I think everyone would agree with me when I say that often things come to us at just the perfect time.  Many have wondered when will this happen, or when will that happen.  Trust me, things are going to happen when things are going to happen and not a moment before.  We often want things right now, but right now may not be in the perfection of the universe.  Maturity is knowing and accepting the perfection of the Universe, and knowing that everything is under control, even if we are not the ones controlling it.  Many may be wondering why I'm heading down this trail this morning.  We are about to enter a time, a time mind you that many of us have been waiting for for quite some time, but we are heading into a period of growth, a time of great awakening.  It is during this awakening that we are going to be made aware of what has been in place for thousands of years, if not millions of years.  We are going to start to see why things have been the way they have been, and we will finally begin to see what our part is in all of it.  If you think you do not have a part in the Great Awakening, then quite frankly you are asleep.  I don't say that to hurt, but rather to open your eyes to what is about to happen.  If you have been waiting, well I believe the wait is over, and that my friends makes me very happy.  

I want to paint a picture for you, and in doing so, maybe you will see how everything fits together.  I want you to think about a corner in your home.  Look at the walls and see that everything comes together.  You don't have corners that never connect.  If they didn't connect you would not have walls, and if you didn't have walls you wouldn't have a home.  Now not all corners will be perfect in measurements, but they still come together to form the corner.  The same can be said about this awakening.  Not everything will be perfect, at least what we hope perfection to be, but our perception of perfection is not always what perfection truly is.  We have to have faith that what is about to happen needs to happen, and it needs to happen in the way that the Universe plans it to happen.  Often if we will simply take our hands off of things, those things will happen as they need to be, and not simply orchestrated by us, who at best is fallible.  

Going back to the wall scenario.  Beneath the drywall lies two by fours.  Now not all the two by fours are finished, and there is always the possibility that there are some missed cuts, bad measurements, but once complete you will never see the mistakes.  Well this awakening is much the same.  We may have missteps, we may make mistakes, but when it is all said and done, the perfection will be there, just like the corners in your home.  We have to know, we have to trust, and we have to believe.  If you can't believe that you will be where you need to be, if you can't hold fast to the promise of your perfection, then you are always going to be looking for something else, and that something else is not going to put a smile on your face.  

What we do on any given day is going to have ripple effects down the road.  That smile we extend to a stranger will affect someone half a world away twenty years from now.  The way we deal with others will change lives,  as is evident by those who have made positive change in your own life.  We have all had people who have impacted our life.  Some things have been good for us, and at other times, things have happened that we would rather forget, but still a learning experience.  We have to realize that we are much like the launch of a rocket into space.  We have a part to play, and if we do not do our part then the rest of what has to happen is never going to happen.  

While there will be people who will do massive things, those huge things have no more impact on humanity than the little things you do.  Certainly there will be people who will be catapulted to the front and seen my millions. but that person who is doing stuff behind the scenes where no one sees is just as vital to what is taking place right now.  Is the custodian who sweeps floors in a Multi-million dollar company any less important than the CEO?  Well if you only see things from the surface you would say the head is more important than the tail, but you would be so wrong.  Each step we take is orchestrated, and each step is essential to the success of what is about to take place in the universe.  We each have to accept our role, embrace that role, and do what we have to do with heart, with love, and with confidence.  Things are about to take off, and once we lift off, there is no turning back.  

Now is not the time to loose heart.  Things are about to change, and things are about to take off like never before.  Many have been waiting for a long time, but those with eyes to see, ears to hear, have known that things will happen in good order, and things will happen in perfect design.  The time has come to embrace what is about to happen, and it is time to take the ride of your life.  We have ignition!

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