Sunday, January 23, 2022

You're on the Red Carpet Now!
 Yep, you've made it. The cameras are flashing, people are talking, and you are a Superstar.  How's it feel?  If you're like most people who have reached the pinnacle, it feels pretty good, and truth be told, it should feel this way. Whether you know it or not, we are all walking the Red Carpet, and the reason being: you're pure perfection.  You are one of a kind.  All I want to do today is remind you of you.  I want to take you on a journey of discovery, and on this journey of discovery remind you of all the wonders that you are, all the wonders you process, and all the wonders that you give to others.  It's a great day to simply sit back and relax, knowing that what is about to happen was ordained before the beginning of time.

First and foremost you have been blessed with a never-ending Spirit.  You are forever, having always been, and will always be.  Think of the wonders of you; you are the beginning and the end.  Now many will struggle with this concept, but that's only because they have allowed what others tell them to dictate their beliefs.  There are some simple facts in life that are non-disputable.  We are human, and as such, there will come a time when we depart this body.  There is nothing you can do that will extend your life even one second from its appointed time.  People have been looking for eternal youth, the fountain of youth, and other various things to extend life, but what they have failed to do is realize that what they have in the form of their own spirit is as eternal as eternal can be.  Now that we have taken that argument off the board we can continue with our description of your perfection and greatness.

When we think about people walking the Red Carpet we more often than not see celebrities and such.  We see Executives and the like displaying their persona with cameras flashing and people cheering in the background.  Well, for just a moment, I want you to picture yourself on said red carpet with all the Angels and Ascended Beings cheering you on, wondering about you, whispering how they wish they could be like you, longing just to get a glimpse of this incredible person.  If you can't feel this, if you can't see this, if you can't accept this, then we need to change the way you see yourself, because this is exactly how the Creator of the Universe sees you, and this is exactly how you need to see you.  You are nothing shy of perfection.  You have creative ability in your words, your feelings and thoughts, and you need to realize that there is nothing impossible when it come to you.  

When time began, you became spirit.  Your spirit did not need to be taught anything.  Your spirit was complete, it was perfection.  As such you were equipped from the moment of your creation to do anything and everything you could imagine.  Sadly, we have been bombarded with limiting beliefs in regards to what we can and can't do.  The time has come to get rid of these limiting beliefs and walk in the perfection of our design.  I've said this before, but it bears repeating: until such time as you can grasp the significance of your creation, you will always be subject to what man says you can or cannot do.  Until such time as you accept your perfection, you will always wonder what could have been.

Let's digress for a moment and talk about something that so many people contend with and that's insecurity.   Ever wonder why people are insecure?  Every wonder why people who appear to have it all, are still some of the most insecure people walking the planet?  If you talk to people who appear to have it all their greatest fear is loosing it all.  This insecurity in and of itself is enough to send people over the edge.  Many people spend so much time worrying about loosing it all, that they never have time to enjoy the things they have.  Don't fall into this trap.  What you have, quite frankly, can never be taken from you. Your creative abilities are yours forever, and forever is just that, forever.  Remember, you can see a glass as half empty, or you can see it as half full.  The decision to walk in your perfection is yours alone to make.  No one has the power or ability to take from you what is yours.  Only you can sacrifice what is yours, and giving it away is not really in your best interest.

Now back to our story.  When you step out onto the Red Carpet I want you to remember that you were placed on it for a reason.  Your presence is what others will be drawn to because they want to know how you do what you do.  Your energy, your power, will be on display, and many, many people are going to want to experience what you experience.  Don't think for a moment that you have nothing to offer.  Sadly, many people will never experience the Red Carpet walk because they will be unable to recognize the significance of their creation.  Don't be in that group.  Your eternal spirit will never ever end.  Your creation will never end.  You will never end.  I can't tell you the specific reason for you being here right now.  What I can tell you is that you are here for a reason, and you need to figure out what that reason is.  I see so many people in my daily life who have never discovered the reason for being here.  They get up each day and simply go through the motions, often wondering if things are ever going to get better for them.  I see people who wander, and wander, and wander, never knowing what direction to head, never knowing what to do next.  Don't be in that group.  The time is here for you to step out onto the Red Carpet and show the world who you are, what you are, and why you are here.

We are in the Great Awakening right now.  We are entering a period of great growth, of awesome awareness.  As you move forward in your perfection, you will bring others along with you, and that is what life is all about.  What you have been given was given to you so you might share it with others.  It was given to you that you might bless those around you.  Your simple actions today will affect the world of tomorrow.  What you give away, will come back to you a hundred fold.  As you step out onto the Red Carpet you are also inviting others to join you.  This journey of discovery is not only for you, but for humanity as a whole.  We have been given much, because we are expected to give much.  As you take your place in front of the cameras, as you share your joy, your love, your energy, know that you are doing what you were created to do.  Enjoy the spotlight, and know that you have been given a great gift, meant to be shared with those around you.  

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