Sunday, January 2, 2022

It's a New Year, Yea, Yea,!! It's a New Year!!
 Guess what?  If you're reading this today, you have in fact made it thru that shit show we called 2021.  Now in all fairness, there were some very good things that transpired in the previous year.  Granted, one might have to dig deep to see them, but often digging down is what is best, especially when you want to find the truth.  Truth of the the matter is that we have been given a very precious gift, and that gift comes in the form of the many, many lessons each of us took with us into this new year. I think most people would agree that we tend to look at New Years as a beginning, a do-over, an opportunity to make right the wrongs of the past, and look to the future with joy, peace, and a little hope.  

What I'd like to do today is set the frame work for what I believe is going to be a crucial part of the upcoming year, in the hopes that I can prepare you for what is going to happen.  Let me correct that last statement, for what I believe you are going to "Become".  Everything we have gone through in life has prepared us for what we are about to do, what we are about to embark on.  Every situation, every lesson was nothing more than a proving ground for this moment. Sure that may seem dramatic, but I want you to hear me, what we are about to experience is going to make the past seem like child's play.  What we are about to experience is going to amaze those who have been asleep, only wishing they had woken up long ago. 

There can be no doubt in any one's mind, at least any normal thinking person, that things are changing fast. We have embarked on a journey that is going to amaze even the nay-sayers.  We are going to experience life the way life was always supposed to be.  We have been enslaved by generations of others who have wanted to dominate us, take advantage of us, and otherwise keep us down.  It is our time to live like Kings and Queens, enjoying life like it was always intended to be. The first step in experiencing this change, this new way of life, is to believe that you are worthy of walking in abundance, in living with health and vitality.  The first step is accepting your creation, and your creative abilities.  If ever there was a time to grasp your real essence now is that time.  One of the saddest parts of this new beginning, this journey, is that there will be those who still will not believe.  They will continue with the status quo, and they will be the ones who will bemoan the continuation of sadness, the never ending "what could be" mentality.  I want to encourage you to open up your minds, your hearts to what is about to transpire, and I want you to be a part of what was destined long ago.  

If we look back at history there have always been those who suffer because they could not, or would not change with the times.  What I mean by change with the times is that they have not been able to see how things could change, how things could be better, or how things needed to be.  Let's face it, when one has been beaten down, when one has been taken advantage of, it is hard to believe that things can or will change.  I want to encourage you not to fall into this trap.  I need you to believe that all manner of goodness, all forms of greatness, are just waiting for you to accept them.  There are so many people who will claim they have the answers, that they know the way.  Well, I don't have all the answers, and I certainly don't know what path each of you need to go down.  What I do know is this; we each have a path, and we have been equipped to handle it all.  

Here's my list of what I believe we need to grasp as we embark on our journey known as 2022.  Some of what I am about to share has been shared before, but repetition is not always bad.  We often face what we perceive to be giants in our life, but they only appear as giants because we have not recognized who we really are, or what we really are.  When you can grasp the significance of your being then you will realize that what you once thought of as giants are nothing more than tiny little nats flying about.  We have allowed others to belittle us.  We have accepted our "insignificance", or what others have told us we are, and we have not told them to stuff it up their arse.  We can no longer run away from what we are, from who we are.  We have allowed others to make us small, when in actuality we are anything but.  The time has come for each of us to stand in our power.  It is time for us to radiate to those around us an energy that would make the sun seem dim in comparison.  We are so much more than what others want us to believe about ourselves. The time has come to accept this truth.

Next on my list of what we need to grasp is this:  nothing can stop was God has placed in motion.  My recommendation is that you accept this fact and that you make the decision to be a part of it, and not just a spectator.  When one becomes a part, one begins to live, and once you begin to really live, you will never turn back and desire what you left behind.  The beauty of what is in front of us can not be described in words.  I don't know about you, but for me there is an expectation.  It's more than just hope, it is now a knowing.  Knowing why we are here, and knowing what we need to do.  We are the total sum of our parts.  We each will play a part in this next phase, and without you, someone will not be able to be where they need to be, doing what they need to be doing.  There is nothing that can stop what is coming.  

As we enter the year 2022 I long for each of you to experience all the beauty, all the joy and love, all the majesty of what is about to happen.  As we embark let us not forget that we are one with each other.  No one is more important than the other.  Each of us has greatness flowing through our bodies.  Each of us is a vital part of the equation.  The time has come to understand that we are no longer just minimal, we are in fact superior beings, sent to change the face of humanity.  The days of lack are over.  The times of despair and fear have gone by the wayside.  Today we embark on an adventure that is as magical, as beautiful, as wonderful as was always intended.  I encourage you to step into this next phase of growth, and as you do set your expectancy level too high.  We are about to enter into a time of exponential growth, increased awareness, and unbelievable joy and happiness.  Don't miss out because you doubt.  If you need proof, simply ask for it, it will be given to you.  Let's really enjoy this year, and know that we were created for such a time as this.

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