Sunday, January 30, 2022

OMG, It's a Triple Black Diamond Run
 Yep, you're at the top of the summit, and it's what you've been waiting for you entire life, attacking the Triple Black Diamond Run.  It's taken years of preparation, years of training, and years of practice.  The view from the top is magnificent, and your adrenaline is pumping.  Goggles are on, safety straps are checked, and there's nothing left to do but push off.  Chime, chime, chime, and your alarm clock just woke you from your slumber, looks as if your conquest is going to have to wait for another day.  This is the ultimate cliff hanger, no pun intended.  What I want to bring to you this morning is encouragement in the form of knowledge, knowledge that you have always had, but until recently may only have begun to learn about it, or realize it was inside of you the whole time.  The topic I want to talk about is your Spirit, that magnificent creation that has always been, will always be, has had no beginning, and no end.  I've talked about it before, but for some reason I'm being prompted to bring it up again, as I believe we are entering a time when who and what we are is going to take center stage, and we need to be prepared.

When I first started out on my journey of discovery I was ill prepared for what I was about to do.  I've always been the type that wanted answers, and to many people's dismay I was always the one who asked "Why".  It wasn't that I wanted to be the contrarian,  I simply wasn't the type to simply accept everything that was being presented.  There's a huge difference between knowing something, and simply accepting something at face value.  There's a huge difference between living something, and simply wanting to experience it.  So my journey of discovery began by coming to grips with the real me.  You have to understand, and I need you to hear me, you have everything you need to accomplish all that you dream, all that you feel, and all that you were placed here to do.  Your Eternal Spirit, the real you, did not need maturing when you were created.  Your Eternal Spirit did not need to grow up, it didn't need to live through experiences, it has always been whole, full, and without exception perfect in its design.  Many will ask, or in some cases not be able to believe that your spirit has not had a beginning, and will have no end.  If you are able to grasp this concept, then you will be able to accept that your only real task in life is to get in stride with your eternal spirit, and become one with it.  Sadly many, many people will never allow a coupling of spirit and flesh, as they believe that this physical body has priority over all other things.  It's just the opposite, and the sooner you realize this, the easier life will be in the long run.

There's an old saying, "expect the worst, but hope for the best".  There is a huge difference between hope and faith.  Now this may seem a bit off topic, but stay with me and you will see where I am going with it.  We hope that things will work out each day of our life, but hoping, and actually having faith that things will be as they need to be is totally different.  Hoping that I will have finances to live the life I desire is completely different than believing that those finances already exist.  Hope is not faith, and faith is what we need to be operating in at all times.  I say all that to say this:  if you will listen to your spirit, you will never have to have hope, as you will always be in the know.  Let's go back to the mountain top for a moment.  When you are at the top and you have prepared yourself for the Black Diamond Run are you thinking about all that can go wrong, or are you thinking about the excitement of making this run?  You have a choice to make, you either push off and start the run, or figure out a different way to get down the mountain.  To me it's an absolute waste of life to prepare for this moment and then simply give up before what you have prepared for has even started.  Well this is what we have to decide each day of our life.  Whether you believe it or not, you have been prepared for this moment your entire life, and now you have to decide what to do with what you know.

Your spirit is incapable of telling a non-truth, as such you need to listen to what your spirit is telling you, and follow what it says.  People seem to have the hardest time believing that you have perfection operating inside of you, and this perfection is in the form of your real essence.  There is nothing sadder in the world than having all that you need to succeed, and yet you never take advantage of what has been placed inside of you.  Your spirit is not merely something that you occasionally communicate with, your spirit is the real you.  

We are in a period of awakening.  This Great Awakening will be missed by some, misunderstood by others, but in the end what is going to happen, is going to happen. There are plenty of people out there, people you know, people who you thought had it all, that will simply miss what is going on right now.  They will miss it because they will think they know it all, but this so-called knowledge that they have is nothing more than what their mind fabricates, which is based on what they see with their eyes, and not what they feel in their heart.  It is so easy to miss what is real because we have focused on those things that we see with our eyes.  I'm here to tell you, and you can take this to the bank: trust your true essence, listen to what the real you is saying, and don't be moved by what your eyes see.  Indeed there may be some truth to what you see,  but if you only look at the surface, and not what lies below it, you will miss most of what you are supposed to see.  

So you are about to start your run down the Triple Black Diamond Run, and you better have the faith to believe you are going to make it down in one piece.  If there is any bit of doubt, do you want to bet what the outcome will be?  You are prepared for what is about to happen, and you need to believe in this preparedness, and not doubt the outcome. To those who have been given much, much is required.  You have been given the complete knowledge of the Universe, know what you do with this knowledge is completely up to you.  Think on these things, believe what is in your heart, and go forward with a confidence that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

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