Sunday, October 24, 2021

Be Still, and know "I Am"
Take a deep breath, let it out, and know that what is happening right now was already ordained before the start of time, as hard as that might be to realize. We are in a constant state of learning, of change, of growth.  There are times when we just need to sit back and be still, and allow what is going to play out to play out.  What I'd like to do today is remind you of a few important things that just might bring you a little peace, a little comfort, and possibly shed some light on what has been going on around you.

I was with a new acquaintance yesterday, and to say that our meeting was orchestrated by Divine Intervention is an understatement.  I love when God puts me in a place where I can speak truth to someone. I love it when Spirit allows me to be the messenger of good tidings.  What we discussed is unimportant as to what I am writing today.  What is important is what God showed both of us in regards to simply being the real us.  The real us as I have said and written about numerous times in the past is Spirit.  We were created by Spirit because of love, and we need to operate as spirit from a place of love.  Far too many people have forgotten, and that's if they were ever even aware of their true essence, but they have forgotten their true nature.  They have allowed what's happening around them to dictate all that they do.  They have missed one of the most important aspects of their creation, and that is the simple fact that they are immortal, they are perfection, and they are God Incarnate.  Now some will scoff at this, but I suspect that those who feel that I am whacked for saying or thinking these things, these are the people who will continue to struggle with life on a daily basis.

It is time to just be still and know that "I am that I am", that you are the great I Am presence, believing that all that you desire, all that you dream, is just waiting for you to accept it.  Certainly we are faced with issues on a daily basis.  We've all gone through things in life that we might not be able to explain, things that we would rather forget, and things that just seem unfair.  When we focus on things that bring us down, cause us discomfort, makes us question humanity, these are the times that we must, emphasis on must, grab ahold of who and what we really are.  If you fail to recognize what greatness has been placed in you, if you simply see yourself as a mere mortal, you are going to continue to suffer like so many others around you.  

If you will purposefully be silent and reflect on this "I Am" presence, then you will begin to understand the magnitude of why you are here in this moment.  If you will reflect on all that has gone on in your life, how it has positioned you in the perfect place, in this perfect time, then and only then will you begin to operate in your totally awesome, endless, unlimited power.  If on the other hand you are walking around in defeat, going by day by day wondering if things are ever going to get better, I can bet you dimes to donuts that you have not grasped your true significance.  When you are able to understand your "I Am" presence then you will begin to look at situations as opportunities, and not simply deterrents, or roadblocks.  When you are able to understand that you have been given the most priceless gift in the universe, then and only then will you be able to step out into your destiny, and complete the task that you were ordained to complete.  There are days when each of us needs to be reminded of who we are, what we are, and why we are here.  It would be idiotic of me to say to you that I don't have days when I wonder what in the hell is going on in my life.  That being said, there are also days when I can see God's Rainbow that reminds me that all will be fine, that all will come together, and that my purpose is not simply "Gee I hope I get there someday." 

We all have hope.  It is hope that forces you out of bed in the morning.  It is hope that says today will be better than yesterday.  Hope springs eternal, and as an eternal being, we need to fully comprehend that what we do today is going to last an eternity.  It really is time that you dust off those dreams that you have set aside.  It is time that you remind yourself of all that you hope for, all that you desire, and all that you pray for is actually yours already.  You have had dreams and desires placed in you for a reason.  God the creator of the universe has not placed these dreams and desires into you simply to play take away, or to mess with your mind.  There may be people who believe that God is a vengeful God.  That his/hers only desire is to keep you guessing, keep you wanting, or make your life miserable.  This is so far from what's real.  You have dreams and desires because those dreams and desires are what will get you to your destiny.  Look at it this way: when you hope for the best for others you do so because you have compassion for them, you love them, and you want nothing but goodness for them.  If you feel this way about others, why in the world would you think that that which created you would want anything else but the same for you?  

It is so important that we grasp the concept of "I am", and that we take the time to simply embrace, hold on to, and live in this 'I Am" presence.  If you believe that we were created in God's image, if you believe that you have the Creator's essence in you, then why do you find it so difficult to accept that you should be operating in the power and might of the creator?  We see ourselves as small and insignificant because we have not accepted who and what we are.  We have been conditioned since birth to believe that we are limited.  We have been force fed inaccurate information, albeit from well intentioned people, but inaccurate information about our true essence and abilities.  We don't walk on water because we can't believe we can walk on water, and yet we have the same abilities that Christ had.  The bible says that we were reminded in times past that we would be doing greater works than Christ.  How many people do you know right now who are doing greater works?  This in and of itself should tell you that we have bought into the idea of being mere mortals.  It is time to be still and know "I Am".  It is time to stand up, time to take a firm stand, and announce to the world that we are no longer going to be pawns in this life of only a few will ever have it all.  

I would be remiss if I didn't touch on one very important subject as it pertains to walking in this "I am" presence.  If your motives are not pure, if your desire is only to lord over others, I can assure you that you will never fully walk in, nor do you fully understand the concept of 'I am that I am."  If you only desire to build up treasure here on earth, then you will never be the person you were created to be, and I promise you when it's all said and done, and what was meant for you is revealed to you, you will regret that you did not come at things from a pure heart.  When you reach out and touch the "I Am" presence, you will find that the dreams you have, the desires, will be more than you ever imagined, so, so, so much better.  When you walk in this  "I Am" presence you will not be able to understand just how phenomenal things are.  It will be like living in a perfect dream, but in reality your dreams are exactly what you should and will be walking in.  

Be still and know that "I am that I am."  I encourage you to seek out this presence, to feel this presence, to embrace this presence.  So, take another deep breath, let it out, and allow the true you, the authentic you, to finally feel what life is supposed to be like.  It is there for you, all you have to do is accept it.  Be still, and know.


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