Sunday, October 10, 2021

If you're looking for answers, be still, and know."
Is it just me, or are there a whole lot of people who seem to be waiting for answers, or seeking direction in their life?  Many have prayed, some have screamed out, others have simply given up on waiting for the inspiration, the answer, the direction.  Today I want to provide you with a simple remedy for those times when answers may not come as quickly as you might like them to come.  Today I want to encourage you not to loose faith, not to loose sight, and never give up.  There's a quote I've heard many times in the past and the main point of it is that if you give up, how do you know if what you were believing in was not just around the next corner.

Let's be real for a moment.  When we are waiting for something, no matter what it is, there is an uneasiness that exist in most people that what they are wanting, what they are waiting on, simply is never going to manifest.  Been there, done that.  If I told you that everything you desire, everything you dream of, every thought, every feeling, is already done, would you believe me?  If I said that you control the outcome, would you believe me?  If I simply said that it is finished, would you believe me?  There's a fundamental truth that everyone needs to accept.  This truth is what will finally set you free from doubt, from uncertainty.  In the midst of any turmoil, any battle, any ordeal, there is a moment when only you can determine how you will address the issues.  In the midst of any turmoil, battle, or ordeal, you must know that all things are as they were designed to be, and in this perfect design you are in the place you are supposed to be.  I know this may not be as comforting as you might like, but it is truth.  Look at it this way:  if you will begin to live life knowing the end result is already done, then getting to this point is as simple as being still, and knowing.

Let me ask you this question:  who put the dreams you have inside of you?  Who gave you your visions, your feelings, your desires?  If the Creator of the Universe put a vision inside, a dream, do you think that happened just to fool with you?  Dreams and visions are there to move you in the direction that you were intended to go.  Feelings, thoughts, words, are all meant to create the perfect picture, and that picture is what will help manifest those dreams, those visions.  There are those who will think evil, do evil, be evil.  I can assure you that these things have not originated from the divine.  Evil is present in the world, there's no doubt.  But evil, is not original, it is a divergent thought from what was intended for good.  I wish we could rid the world of evil, but I can only do my part, and not allow evil into my life.  Lets however get back to the main point:  you have been given all the answers, and those answers have always be available to you.  They may come in different forms, at different times, but they are very much present.  What we need to do is simply filter out those things that are contrary to our dreams, our visions.  

I truly understand how incredibly frustrating it is when you want something so bad, and there appears to be no end in sight.  I've been waiting for certain things in my life for a long, long time.  Certainly there are times when I wonder if what I want is really meant to be.  It is in those times when I have to remind myself that it is finished.  What you have been waiting on was complete since the beginning of time.  thoughts that are contrary to what you desire, what you know to be true, need to be nipped in the bud.  I know it's difficult sometimes to do this, but it has to be done.  A contrary thought captured, is a thought not released to do harm.  The bible tells us to think on good things.  Why is that do you think?  There are plenty of people out there who do nothing but tear down goodness by thoughts of dread.  Love and light defeats fear and hatred all the time.  

If you feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it's time to release that and know that what you hope for, what you extend your faith for, is yours already.  When you are asking yourself,"What is going on?', know that you will get the answers you seek.  As difficult as it is to be still and know, this is really the only option that makes sense.  When anxiety comes, take a deep breath, and try to relax.  Yep, not always easy to do, but anxiety, coupled with fear, is never going to bring you to a place of calm.  When you are looking for answers the best place to start is from a place of calm, and the only way to get to the calm is to release any doubt, and know you are divine in nature.  I know what it's like to pace the floor.  I know the feeling of wondering what to do.  Those jitters may be the caffeine, but pacing the floor and wondering what is going to happen will only increase the feelings of doubt.  I've been there, and when I find myself in this place I have to dig deep and remember that I am what I am.  I have to remember that all that happens is to put me in the perfect place.  When the crap hits the fan, I simply have to let go and let God.

Let me end with this, and I hope that this gives you hope.  You are a perfect creation.  Created in the image of God.  Your abilities are unlimited, and your dreams will come to fruition.  As tough as it may seem at times, there is a happy ending.  I can speak words of encouragement, send each of you love and light, but what I cannot do is make you accept the truths that are yours.  You are powerful, you are perfect, and you already have all that you need to step out into your destiny.  It's easy to fall back and doubt, to fear, to wonder.  What's tougher to do is to believe.  Believe in your goodness, your beauty, your uniqueness.  Take a moment us to be still, and let the peace that passes all understanding wash over you.  We tend to think the worst, and when it's all said and done, the worst never happens.  Let go of the fear, the concern, the doubt, and simply rest in the knowing that all is as it should be.  So let it be written, so let it b done!

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