Sunday, September 26, 2021

When you come to a cliff, it's time to choose."
 How's it feel when you're out on the ledge?  Some might find it invigorating, other's are scared to death, while some just might begin to think about things out of necessity.  Each of us have metaphorically found ourselves looking over the cliff at least once in our life, and maybe not knowing what to do next.  To me, being on a cliff is nothing more than an opportunity to think, to reflect, and believe it or not, to dream.  There are so many negative connotations when one thinks about being on a cliff.  What I'd like to do today is lay the axe to the root of fear.  What I want to share with you today is nothing more then my thoughts on just what being on the cliff should entail, and what options you have if you find yourself facing what may seem like an impossible situation.

Let's begin by first saying that everything in life is happening because we basically put it all into motion.  The good, the bad, the ugly, it all came from us.  As hard as the may be to hear, we need to realize that we are creators, and as such we create everything we experience, everything we go through, and everything we will go through.  Now I don't say this to be a "Debbie Downer", far from it.  I say this to make you aware of your great abilities, and how you must realize that to those who much is given much is required.  So what is required?  You are required to understand your power, and in that power whether you realize it or not, you do create.  There's that word again, create.  I'm beginning to see a pattern.  Now I'm not trying to be flippant.  What I want you to see is that you can't play around with this great power that you have, even if you are not fully aware of said power yet.

It's not easy to be on the precipice and wonder what direction to turn.  Too many people will simply turn around and go back to where they came from.  Conversely, how many people do you know who would throw caution to the wind and simply take a leap of faith?  Now I will tell you that I am not fond of heights.  Get me on a ladder or on the roof of a house, and I'm simply uncomfortable.  I'll go up a ladder, but it's not what I would call my natural habitat.  I think most people have a natural fear of falling.  We as humans, at least most humans. have a survival instinct.  Some will call it flee or fight, some will call it, well, whatever they want to call it, but suffice it to say we want to live on.  Yes there are those who because of situations that they are facing feel like quitting, giving up.  Some have had such a horrendous life that coming to the end may seem like a respite.  

I've been to the cliff's edge many times in my life.  There have been times when I didn't want to turn around, as I was tired of the fight, and at the same time I didn't have the strength, nor the faith to believe I could take a leap of faith.  Being alone, being weary is like being on the edge, you look around and you just can't see a lot of options.  Do you remember the Indian Jones Movie when he was looking for the Holy Grail?  He came to the precipice and he had to decide, take the leap, or fail in his mission.  When he took the step he actually was on a stone bridge, the illusion was simply that, an illusion.  He didn't see safety, he didn't see success.  When we are at the precipice, we need only see, feel, and speak success.  Now I will readily admit I don't always see success when faced with a challenge.  Believe it or not I am human, and I'm just a prone to human emotion, human frailty as anyone else.  What I had to learned to do is step back, take a deep breath, and simply remember that I was in fact perfect in my design, perfect in my timing, and perfectly situated to have all the blessings of life.  Blessings didn't have to find me, I simply had to accept them as already being there.

I was given the title to my next book a few weeks ago.  I always know it's time to write another book when I get the title, and then the chapters come rolling in.  I will start the process in the next few days, and then I will write the book, one chapter a day at least, until it's finished.  I bring this up because I want you to understand that timing is everything, and if you will simply look for the signs, listen for the clues, you will always know what to do, and when to do it.  I like so many have had struggles over the last eighteen months.  Durning these last few months I have had a peace about me, a peace that reminds me that I am that I am, and that I need not worry about things.  I've walked up to the cliffs edge, and yes I've been forced to ask the question what do I do now?  Believe it or not the view from the precipice is not always something to fear, but rather to grab hold of.  The view from the cliff's edge is an opportunity to do something different.

Stepping out into your destiny is what is in front of you right now, even if it feels like when you take that leap of faith there is absolutely nothing there to stop the fall.  Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things yet to be seen.  We need faith, and even when faith seems like a fleeting thing, it is still very much present in your life.  When you lay down at night for a sound slumber, rarely is there any doubt that you will not be up and about tomorrow doing your thing.  This is the faith that needs to be displayed no matter what you may be facing.  I'm talking just as much to me as I am talking to you.  I need to b reminded daily of who I am.  I need to remind myself of what I am.  When I, or when you come to the edge all we have is our faith.  Faith to live, faith to do, faith to believe in. When we approach the edge we can choose to see beauty, or we can choose to see nothing but fear, nothing but doubt, and nothing but failure.  I choose beauty over fear.  

We will all come to the edge at some point in time.  How you proceed from this place is entirely up to you.  I can't make you take the next step, but I can surely encourage you to extend your faith.  I can't take the leap for you, but I can surely remind you that faith without action isn't really faith, it is simply a wish.  It is time to challenge yourself and fear not.  The task may look impossible, but impossible is nothing more than doubt.  You would never have been given the task if you did not have what it takes to complete the task.  You are fully equipped to handle all that comes your way.  You are fully equipped to walk in your destiny.  You are fully equipped to look out over the cliff and see beauty, to feel joy, and to know that all is as it should be.  Fear not, and know that you are more than enough.

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