Sunday, September 12, 2021

When in the course of human events...."
Let me assure you that today's blog is not going to be a political commentary, as I avoid conflict whenever possible, LOL. No, today I simply want to talk about liberty.  I want to encourage you to step out and recognize that you are worthy of all good things, and that without regard to what might be going on around each of us, we are still Independent, still able to dictate what happens to us, and most importantly, walk in a manner that was preordained.  How's that for a run- on sentence?

There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that most everyone has been challenged in one fashion or another the last few months, heck, maybe even the last few years.  We have seen turmoil in the streets, upheaval in our lives, and sadly many have experienced loss on a scale almost unimaginable.  It is in these times where many will question humanity.  People will question what is real, and our  belief system is tested almost daily.  Faith it seems for some isn't even enough to sustain them.  I won't embarrass myself by claiming I know it all, or even that I know what one is feeling or thinking.  We all experience different things, and we each travel on different roads.  What I do know is this, we have been equipped to handle everything that might be thrown at us, even if we doubt it from time to time.

I've been reading a book, or should I say re-reading a book by U.S. Anderson.  It's premise is that we are so much more than mere mortals. In fact, we were created to create, as I have been saying for years, and we need to accept our divine nature.  If you look at the term independent, the word liberty, at its core it simply means free.  We were never intended to be in bondage to what others think, what others say, or what others expect of us.  Conversely that also means that you're not entitled to demand things from others that you don't expect for yourselves.  I've really been thinking about struggles over the last few months.  Now I, like most other people, struggle with things daily.  Now my struggles may seem simple to some, while what I go through may seem monumental to me.  I guess it all depends on where you are, and what you are going through.  Struggles are not always something that spells doom and gloom, often a struggle is simply not knowing what direction to turn, or what to do next.  We can and do make things bigger and worse then they need to be from time to time, but I guess that's human nature, even if that nature is contrary to what God intended for us.  

They say that freedom is not always free, that it comes with a price, a cost.  The cost of freedom is always dependent on you to be perfectly honest.  You either choose to be free or you choose to be in bondage.  I guess that leads me to question what is bondage.  Bondage is when you feel you are locked into another's perception.  Bondage is when you feel as you have no recourse, no choice, no escape from the things going on around you.  The truth of the matter is that you always have a choice.  You can choose to be who you were created to be, or you can choose to fit someone else's idea of who you are.  What do you think is the best idea.  For me I choose to be me.  I choose to walk in my destiny.  Now walking in one's destiny doesn't mean we are never going to be challenged.  We all know that challenges come and go.  Walking in your destiny is simply knowing, it is believing that you have a purpose.  Destiny is destiny, and the sooner you realize you have a destiny, the sooner you can laugh at bondage, slap away fear, and walk in what some call victory.  

When in the course of human events you find yourself doubting, feel as though the whole world is against you, remember this one salient fact, you are divine.  You are "I am that I am."  The power you have to create is infinite, and once you discover this, once you begin to live it, if you haven't already, then you will be living an independent, liberated life.  There are laws that we are required to follow, laws created by man.  We follow them because we have been taught to follow them.  So why don't we all follow the laws of the one being that created us?  Why have we forgotten that we superior to the angels?  Why do we feel like we have no power, no escape, no options?  We have abdicated our rightful position, and instead accepted servitude, enslavement to what others deem is our course in life.  Well today I want you to declare you independence from what others expect, what they tend to demand.  I want you to be liberated from the shame others have placed on you for your daring to be the real you.  The real you is what the world needs, and quite frankly the real you is what the world fears.  When I say world I mean that portion who will do what they are told, and never deviate from what is expected of them. 

It's easy to be an armchair quarterback.  (I only bring that up as this is Week One of the new NFL season.)  
 But I digress.  We need to focus on us, and not on others.  What others do is predicated on what they are going through.  What you do more often than not is going to be completely different, but that does not make it right or wrong.  Independent thought, liberated action is individual, and never meant to be one size fits all.  We are all as different and diverse as each individual snow flake.  We do not have to fit the mold, for as we have been taught since the beginning of time, when we were created they in fact did break the mold.  No one is ever gong to be you, and you need not be anyone else.  Accept your differences, and walk with pride knowing that you are you.  

We live in difficult times, but there is no need to make them more difficult by not accepting your greatness, your individuality, your unique being.  We all need to be reminded from time to time what is important, and now is that time.  Take time today to remind yourself of your dreams, your passion.  If all you do is accept the calling, trust me when I say that doors will open for you so you can walk in those dreams and in those passions.  I know the beauty of life, and my desire is that each of you know it as well.

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