Sunday, September 19, 2021

Spread your wings and fly."
Every now and again we need to be reminded again of a few very important facts when it comes to our own development. These facts, at least what I perceive as facts, some may argue of course, but these facts are so fundamental to all of us, that I want to take just a few moments today to remind you of them.  

First, and probably the most important fact is that you are spirit.  Yes we inhabit a mortal body, but that is only temporary.  Your spirit, your true essence, is eternal, infinite, never ending, always has been and always will be.  Without regard to what your age is, whether when you were two years olds, or fourteen, or even sixty-four, your spirit has never, and will never change.  Your spirit is perfection in its design, in its operation, and it is the only thing that will never change.  Secondly, and almost on par with fact number one, you are a product of creation, and since you sprung from creation, you were always intended to create.  These two facts are ones that not everyone will be able to grasp, and in that failure to grasp and understand, numerous people are left feeling alone, incapable of achieving anything, and living a life of "if only I could..."  It should never be if you can do something, it should always be I can, I am, or even I have.  Many people will take the stand of "I will", but in truth, "I will"  only means maybe.  I know it may seem like splitting hairs, but thinking I will is not the same as "I am" or even "it is so".  

I've struggled with finances my entire life.  I've tried to figure out what this stemmed from, and to be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out.  We can walk around feeling that we have victory in an area of our life, but that victory is short lived each time we are challenged with something.  Walking in spirit, walking in truth, is in fact, a continuous process, and just because you do it once doesn't mean you never have to do it again.  No matter what your struggles may be, and everyone has them whether they want to admit it or not, but no matter what your struggles may be, if one can hold true to facts one and two, you will find that those struggles become things of the past.

Fact number three, and this I will take from a story from the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.  There is a Head of State (HOS) who is meeting with another Head of State.  During this meeting one of his aids runs into the meeting with absolute chaos written all over her face.  The HOS calmly reminds this young lady of Rule Number Six, and with that she quietly walks back out of the office, with what could only be described as a huge sigh of relief.  Moments later another individual comes screaming in with similar facial expressions, only to be reminded of Rule Six yet again.  As chance would have it this event happens a third time, with the same response from the HOS.  By the third time the other HOS is absolutely floored. He's observed three panic stricken individuals change or morph into peace and solitude just by being reminded of Rule Number Six.  Obviously HOS number two has got to find out what is going on so he asks the simple question, what in hell is Rule Number Six?  The Head of State quietly responds "Rule Six, Don't take yourself so damn seriously."  Curious, the second HOS asked what the other rules are, and he is told, there aren't any others.  When we take life so seriously we loose our ability to dream, to feel, to walk free from other expectations that others have placed on us.  When we take life to seriously we loose that childlike faith we were born with.  Life is full of illusions, most if not all, are made up.  Your reality, your truth needs to come from an understanding of who and what you are, and as this is what is changeless in your life.

When we are born we are like the caterpillar.  We have some learning to do, some growing, some changing, but our essence will not change once we morph into the glorious butterfly.  If I could have one super power it would be the power of flight.  How different is it from crawling around to having the freedom of flight.  Once you have accepted your true self, once you understand the significance of your being, then and only then will you be able to spread your wings and truly fly.  

To create, is to believe in your ability to create.  If all you do is respond after the fact, you will always find yourself questioning why this or that is going on.  When you stand in your magnificence you are then spreading your wings, and maybe for the very first time.  I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing.  Oh sure we can regurgitate fact after fact. We can claim one thing or another. We can hope til the cows come home, but until such time as you know that you know, that you know, it is basically  meaningless.  I could write volume after volume of words describing this to you.  People could scream the same stuff from the rooftops, but only you can take this information and make it real in your life.  

There is one other fact I want to touch upon today, and it might seem simple, but it is one that when taken to heart can help you achieve your butterfly status, and thus begin to fly free from the bonds of this world.  This last fact is this:  be yourself.  You were designed with only you in mind.  You are not meant to be like anyone else.  You don't have to act one way, and feel another, simply to fit in. Your uniqueness is what makes you so special, so incredibly special.  We are each an impressive creation.  Our talents are unlimited, and our destiny is right in front of us.  One must choose to stay above the fray.  One must choose to accept your greatness, your beauty, your individuality.  Remember, you already "are".  You don't have to get there, you already are there.  Your completion has always been here.  When you're feeling like "someday", or "maybe when", or even "I hope so", remember that you have always been, and will always be.  You are never ending, you are spirit.  If we can choose to live in the eternal, and simply the temporal, a lot of things begin to make a lot more sense.  

It's time to spread those wings and fly.  It's time to accept all that you were created for.  Trust me when I say this:  life is grand, but only because you are grand.  Step out into your greatness, and enjoy the flight.


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