Friday, August 14, 2015

Living life on the edge.
We like that adrenalin rush.  There are base jumpers, free climbers, and other thrill seekers who will do just about anything to add excitement to their life.  Occupying this mortal body and simply going through the day is not what true daredevils live for.  Finding the next peak to climb up or to jump from, now that is what motivates those who desire to live on the edge.

On the other side of the coin you have those who will never change up their daily routine.  Just the mere thought of things not being as they should be is enough to send certain people into a tail spin.  God forbid if the automatic coffee maker shuts off during the night and there is not that hot container of Joe waiting for them when they stumble into the kitchen each morning.  Where you fall on the spectrum is entirely up to you, but let me suggest that maybe it's time to shake things up a bit and bring a little "living on the edge" into your life.

I think if you polled those who have had a measure of success in their life and asked them how they got there, most if not all would tell you that there have been times when they simply laid it on the line.  They might tell you that until such time as they threw caution to the wind and simply jumped into the water with both feet, things always remained the same.  If you really want to begin living on the edge and having the results of such an adventure, then you are going to have to forget what has been perceived as normal and do something outside of the norm.  Always remaining in-between the lines is going to limit you, albeit, it does provide comfort to many people, but comfort is not always  going to get you to the place you desire.

There have been many times in my life when I played it safe.  The decision was largely based on my perceptions, and those perceptions were almost always based on how I thought others would perceive me.  You see, we allow the opinions of others to dictate our actions, even when those actions might be contrary to what we really desire in this life.  Living on the edge means you are going to have to forget what others expect of you and simply follow your heart.  Living on the edge means you put more faith in what you truly desire instead of what others expect of you.  Living on the edge simply means that you are putting your interest first and not simply doing what others want you to do.  I know that may sound somewhat selfish, but doing what you were sent here to do is anything but selfish.  The gifts and abilities you have inside of you were placed there for a very specific reason.  Failure to use these gifts and talents to take you to your rightful place is just plain stupid.

So let me ask you this:  are you stuck in a rut?  Has life come to a complete standstill?  Have you placed your dreams and desires on the back burner as an appeasement to those around you who can't understand that your have a mission, a purpose?  I know how tough it can be to stick your neck out and declare what you truly desire in life, but the cost of not doing that should be more then you are willing to pay.

Living on the edge is as simple as understanding that you have something to offer the rest of humanity.  Now humanity may only incorporate a few people, and then again, it might include an entire generation or country of people.  The size of humanity is not what is in question, it is the impact you are supposed to have on humanity.  Living on the edge is recognizing that you are first a spiritual being, with all the rights and privileges, and that what you have inside of you was placed there for a very specific reason.  Your infinite spirit is what should guide you in everything that you do.  Your infinite spirit is perfection, as you are perfection.

If you want to begin living on the edge then start by accepting your true essence, and never let go of this truth:  you were created with infinite possibilities, and you were always intended to walk in unlimited possibilities.  Those who refuse to even look over the edge of their own life will never be able to grasp this truth.  They will be the ones who always bemoan life in general, and will stay mired down in the expectations that others place on them.

I choose to cut free from the expectations of others, and instead walk in those things that I know are mine to walk in.  You can do the very same thing.  You can take that leap of faith, forgetting that you do not need a safety net or safety line.  All that you need, to be the person you were intended to be, is already in you.  You simply have to accept this.  I love walking or living on the edge.  There is never a time that I am not excited about what awaits me.  There never is a time when I doubt that I am on the right path.  There is never a time where I am not amazed at how grand life is and I get to be a part of life every single moment of my existence.

If you want to begin to live on the edge then simply accept your being, and own who and what you are.  Once you are able to do that I assure you that the answers you seek will be there for you when you need them.  It is time to begin to live, and when you do, wow oh wow, will things begin to turn around for you and for those around you.  Live my friends, live like there is no tomorrow, because what happens if tomorrow never comes?  Blessings and love to you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Thanks for writing this, Scott. Blessings and Love to you too. :) <3
