Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How do we manage our expectations?
How does one manage their expectations, especially when those expectations might be contrary to what they truly desire and want?  This is a question I get asked over and over, and time and again I generally give the same response:  those things you think about, you ponder, you stew about, are often going to be the things you have set your sights on, whether you want them or not.

If you are not aware of the fact that we set up our lives by our thoughts, our words, and our feelings, then I have not done a very good job of making you aware of that fact.  There are certain things in this life that are as true as true can be.  One of these truths is that we orchestrate our lives, and we do it all the time.  If you are constantly talking about what you are lacking in your life you are simply asking for more of that lack to come into your life.  If your daily habit is to find all the bad in life, then you are going to have the opportunity to experience the bad on an almost daily basis.  If you want to experience all that is good in life, then you have to begin to think on the good, talk about the good, and last but not least feel the good.  We live in a universe where everything is connected.  What ever you are sending out to the universe is going to come back to you, it's as simple as that.

I've talked about the Conditioning of Man at length.  We have been conditioned since we were born to expect certain things in life.  These expectations have come from those who came before us.  Many of these expectations are as a result of their own life experiences, both good and bad.  I don't doubt that those who are talking are doing it from a place where they want and desire for you to have the best in life, but if they are unaware of the power of their own words, thoughts, and feelings, then why in the world would you want them speaking into your life?

If you are ever going to take control of your own life, then you are going to have to begin to control those things that run around in your mind, those words that want to come out of your mouth, and those emotions that have run you ragged for so many years.  Managing expectations is nothing more then setting into motion those things you desire, and then making sure that absolutely nothing to the contrary comes out of your mouth.  I'm not saying this is going to be easy, or that it is going to happen over night.  Certainly it could, but if you are like the average person alive today, it is going to take some time to get used to watching your words, thoughts, and feelings.

Let's for a moment look back at a few things.  Where there times in your life when you expected things to go wrong?  My guess is, is that nine out of ten times when you felt like this, things did go wrong.  On the opposite side of the equation, what were things like when you had an expectation of wonder, an anticipation of loving times, and an expectations that things were simply going to work out?  My guess is that things in fact did work out, and generally worked out better then you could have planned it.  It's amazing that we have the ability to set our life just the way we want it, and yet so many people run from this simply because they can't believe it.  And why can't they believe it, because they have been conditioned by those around us to think and believe otherwise.

If you really want to begin managing your expectations then you have to begin by simply being mindful of the words you say, the thoughts you are having, and the way you might be feeling at any given moment.  I know I sound like a broken record, but you need to hear this.  There will be times when you fail miserably, but you will be in good company.  I know of no one who has not messed up in the past.  I have to remind myself daily about this, but with each day it begins to get easier and easier to watch your words.  Words have the power to change a life, to change a town, a city, a state, and even a country.  Words and thought form our tomorrows.  Feelings that surround our day are the feelings that we will experience tomorrow as well.  Look, you don't have to believe what I am telling you, but if you think back, I think you will see that what I have described is exactly what has happened in most people's lives, including your own.

We are infinite beings, with unlimited potential.  The only thing stopping us from accomplishing the things we want most in life is our limited belief in who and what we are.  If you will begin each day by proclaiming that you are a perfect being, able to achieve all that you desire, I promise you that things will begin to change in your favor.  If you will begin each day by simply being thankful for being alive and saying thank you for all that you have, all that you are, and all that will be, then I promise you that things will change in your favor.  There is a saying, "As above, so below."  This means that what you send out to the universe will come back to you.  Once again, if you desire love, sow love, peace for peace, and joy for joy.  Your words, your thoughts, and your feelings are what will ensure that you have your deepest desires.  Give it a try, I promise you, things will get better and better with each passing day.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to positive thoughts bringing positive experiences - Yes, Cheers! :) Thanks for writing this, Scott. Blessings and Love always.
