Monday, August 31, 2015

Transitions...they happen all around us.
Transitions happen all around us, and they happen pretty much every day.  Sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't.  These transitions happen to people we know, and to people we don't.  Some of these transitions are large, some small, and some you might never  recognize were it not for someone telling you about it.  Suffice it to say you are never going to stop certain transitions from coming around you, and each one should be looked upon with joy and happiness, because each transition brings about needed change.

I noted the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer yesterday.  As much as I wanted to be sad, I found myself almost happy.  I knew from Wayne's writings, his many appearances on various radio and TV shows, that he never planned to leave this existence with, in his words, "with your music still in you."  He understood that we simply inhabit this mortal body for a short period of time.  If you think about this universe being around for over 13 Billion Years, and that all energy was created at that moment, then the time we spend in this body is so tiny, in comparison,  it's almost microscopic.  Although his passing will leave a void in many people's lives, especially his immediate family, I think he did a pretty good job of preparing those around him for what was going to take place.  I'm just curious where the essence of the man we knew as Wayne Dyer will show us next.

Transitions happen often when we least expect them, but always, always at the right time.  If you believe as I do that the design of things is in the perfection of Spirit, then how could you think that any transition was out of that perfection?  Yes I know there are times when any transition, be it big or small, may not be happening at your perfect time.  Oh well, get used to it.  What you may perceive as the perfect time, may in fact be contrary to the perfection of Spirit, and I for one would rather operate in Spirits perfection, then my understanding of time.

I've been through many transitions in my life: careers change, children grow up and move on, people you love come and go.  There are times when I have handled these changes with grace and understanding, and there have been times when I wanted to scream "get the hell out of my life."  It would be great if I could sit here and tell you that I handled all these transitions with ease, but I think you know me well enough by now to know that I have had my share of melt downs over the years.

Here's the remarkable thing about transitions:  you have made it through all of them.  How do I know that?  Because you're still here, albeit sometimes tattered and bruised, but you are still here none-the-less.

I can remember my time in the military and we would go through a Change of Command.  You never knew what the new commander was going to be like, well maybe a little info through the grape vine, but nothing concrete to be sure.  You certainly knew what you had in the old commander, some good and some bad.  To me I was always interested in what this new person was going to bring with them.  What changes were we going to see, and more importantly how was this new person going to affect my life?  Face it, most transitions are all about you, and since you are the closest person to you, then it just makes sense how you might be interested in the change that is about to occur.

There are transitions that take place in this world that are as natural as the changing of the seasons.  We transition from summer to fall, winter to spring, and there isn't much we can do to change what is naturally going to happen.  Most people realize that you just have to roll with it, often just try to get through it, but as is the case each and every year, you will get through the seasons.  Well if you can get through the seasonal changes, why wouldn't you simply look at all other transitions the same way?  I mean, they are going to happen, they are meant to happen, and you're never going to change what is set to happen.  I for one would rather welcome it, then fight against it.  Fighting against transitional change is a loosing battle.  Trust me, I've tried to do it, and each time would walk away bloodied and bruised, and when all was said and done, still had to go through it.

Transitions bring about growth, they bring newness, and often they bring us to the place where we begin to see things as they truly are.  Transitions are nothing more then rest spots.  They give us a moment to re-group, re-think, and other wise take yourself out of the picture, and let something else dictate the course of events.  I think most control freaks hate transitions because they are not the ones making the calls.  They are the ones who have to relinquish control and don't you know that drives them mad.  As I've said before, when transitions come, step out of the way and let what is going to happen, happen.

I for one, don't mind transitions.  It's not that I am perfect at getting through them, but I know that I will get through them, and that is what puts a smile on my face.  If you are going through a transition right now, enjoy the ride knowing that when you come through it, you will be one step closer to where you were going, and where you were going is where you need to be.  Transitions, like change, are here to stay.  My advice is get used to it, but open up to them.  I love periods of change, and I love transitions, but I love them because it is getting me one step closer to where I want to be, and where I want to be is right here right now.

Transitions are needed.  Embrace them, accept them, but most importantly, learn from them.  Transitions are served up to you on a golden platter because they are indeed very valuable, and I would think that everyone would want to have some of these riches.

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