Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Call of the Wild

What is the Call of the Wild?  Does this calling have anything to do with why we are here in this existence?  Well today I want to provide you my two cents on this incredibly important topic, and it is my hope that you will walk away with a new perspective of things.  As much as I would like to believe that I have all the answers, I do not.  I am forced to dig, and dig, and dig for answers on a daily basis.  That being said, when I do come up with an answer, I latch on to it, and try to never let it go.  Well one answer that I got not long ago was this concept of the Call of the Wild, and why it is so pivotal in our lives.  

If you were able to put yourself into the life of any wild animal what do you think you would discover?  Do you for a moment think that this animal is concerned with what they have to wear? Do you think they are concerned with this bill or that bill? Does this animal walk around consumed by what they just saw on the news or read about in the newspaper?  Animals in the wild are born with instinct.  Animals in the wild will very rarely deviate from this, and those that came before them, and those that will come after them, they too are born with this instinct. There is no doubt that when a wolf gives birth to a pup the mother and father will raise it to know the landscape.  It will be taught about gathering food, seeking shelter, and how to manage their surroundings. What doesn't have to be taught is the instinct that is inside.  Would you believe me if I told you that you also have a Call of the Wild?  You do have instincts that when acted upon will provide you what you need, in the moment you need it.

If you look at a Pack of Wolfs there is a pecking order so to speak.  The leader of the pack, the Alpha Male has proven himself, and has assumed the position as Leader of the Pack.  What people fail to realize is that this leader has instincts, but instincts that are no different from the instincts of other members of the pack.  Wolfs have different instincts than bears.  Bears have different instincts from deer.  Inherent in each species are characteristics specific for this species and necessary for the survival of the species. What would human life be like if people operated from instinct, and not from what they see or hear from others?  I'm not saying we can't learn from others, but instinct is not something that can be taught.  Instinct has to be discovered, and the only way you can discover it is if you first acknowledge that you have it.  

Why am I covering this topic today?  Far too many people are basing everything they do in life on what can be conceived through what others are putting out there, and what others are putting out sadly may not be in your best interest, nor is it something you should be basing decisions on.  While instinct is truth, as it is embedded into your person by that which created you, outside influence is not always pure as the driven snow.  My question to many is why would you base a life changing decision on something that is patently  false?  If you base any decision on false information, what are the chances that the results of your decision will be less than stellar?  It's a pretty sure bet that things will not work out as they should, and you will be left to pick up the pieces, and have to start all over.  

Your intuition, your instinct, your call of the wild is what was placed in you to assist, to ensure that you always have the correct information, or at least the tools to distinguish between truth and fiction.  Your call of the wild was placed in you so that you would have a pure, unadulterated source of knowledge.  I guess the great divide is why some choose to follow this intuition, and why others simply discard it and pay it no mind.  In the wild failure to embrace instinct is going to end up costing one's life.  How often do we come back with the retort "Boy I wish I hadn't done that."?  Now we often second guess ourselves, and results from various studies have identified that our first impression, our first instinct, is often the correct one.  Problems arise when we allow our own instincts to be taken over by things we have seen, read about, or heard.  Much information that we put into our mind is not founded on anything factual, yet we base our decisions on unfounded information.  

We have natural instincts.  The time has come that we incorporate these into our lives, and not simply look at them as something like a myth.  I can't do anything to make you, or force you to listen to your instincts, but I certainly can advise you that if you want to help yourself you might want to reacquaint yourself with that still small voice that is trying to keep you out of harms way.  What saddens me is when I see people who are so dependent on what others say to guide them through life, and never ever make the decision to stand on their own two feet, and simply listen to what their own intuition/instinct is telling them to do.  Have we become so used to having the assistance of others, that we have given up on helping ourselves with the tools we already have inside of us?  There comes a time is each person's life when they are going to have to decide what to do.  Will you simply go with the flow, or will you reach out and listen to that Call of the Wild?  Will you finally realize that you have a flawless, perfect spirit, and in the perfection of your spirit, you have everything you need to live life to the fullest?  

I love animals.  I love seeing them, I love trying to figure out what they might be thinking, and what they might be planning.  I love seeing how they interact with members of their immediate family, and those who might be close by.  They appear to live in freedom, something that most mortals find impossible to do.  Isn't it time that we live in freedom, no longer bound by unbelief, no longer shackled to what someone else says we need to do?  When we live in freedom we live the way we were always intended to live.  The time has come when we will need to decide what path to take.  At the end of the day it is always going to be your own decision what course to set out on.  It is my suggestion that you do what your intuition tells you to do.  It's not difficult, well at least it shouldn't be.

Animals in the wild are sheer perfection, they are an example for us.  Maybe it's time to embrace all that you are, which includes intuition and instinct, and step forward and do those things that you were created to do.  Trust me, life changes when you decide to follow your true nature, and not simply do what others expect of you.  Freedom my friends is what you should be looking at, walking in, and living daily.  Be blessed and know that you have all you need to rise above it all.


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