Saturday, April 20, 2024

Do you jump, or do you stay?

 Life is full of decisions.  Do I stay?  Do I go?  Is this real? Is this make believe?  Is left right, or is right left?  I know of no one who doesn't have to make decisions on a daily basis.  Decision making is part of our human makeup.  Some times we make the right decision, sometimes we don't.  What I'd like to do today is share with you what I believe to be the greatest decision one will ever have to make, or at least have the opportunity to make.  It is a decision that will fundamentally change your life forever once you make it, if you make it that is.  

What is the decision I speak of?  It is deciding whether you will walk in your destiny, or you won't.  It is deciding whether you will accept the calling in your life, or you won't.  It is coming to the conclusion that you have been placed here on this earth for a specific reason, and you are going to pick up your calling and run with it. What never seems to amaze me are people who have absolutely no clue that they are here for a reason.  So many people walk about aimlessly never ever coming to a point where they realize that they are not here on this planet just for the free popcorn.  

People are adrift.  Now not all people, but many people simply are oblivious to what they were created to do.  Can we place blame on anyone in particular for this occurrence, not really.  People are not here merely to take up space, or use up the oxygen, and yet many seem to be doing just that.  Sadness is not knowing that you have been called to greatness, called to walk in your power, called to do something so much bigger than yourself.  How odd that so many people simply go with the flow, when the flow is exactly where you should stay away from.  I want you to imagine that right in front of you is a Gold Platter filled with everything you desire.  This platter has your calling, has your talents, has all that you are, all that you will ever be, and all you have to do is pick it up and accept it.  Why would you not pick it up, own it, stand in it, and be blessed by it?  Sadly most people who walk away from this platter do so because some idiot told them it wasn't for them.  Sadly some idiot told them that blessings are only for a few select people, and you just aren't one of them.  Sadly some idiot was just that an idiot.  The time has come to realize that most people do not have your best interest at heart, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can step out into who you are, doing what you were created to do, and simply let the doubters and unbelievers stew in their own misery.

So I ask the question once more, do you jump, jump off into your destiny, or do you stay put, and accept less of life?  I fully get that the unknown is sometimes mysterious, sometimes scary, often overpowering, but what is the alternative?  If you stay put you will never know the fullness of your calling, the completeness of who you are.  If you stay put you are leaving the best part of you at the staring line.  Contrary to what many may have told you in the past, you do have something to offer, you do have gifts and talents, and you have a reason for being here right now.  

I get how fear can grip some people.  Why would any sane individual leave something they know for something unfamiliar, something unknown, something they can't even see at the moment?  Let's be real and honest for a moment, there are more people who would chose not to move on, then those who would look past the doubt, the fear, and jump.  My encouragement to you today is to step away from the doubters, the talk down to you kind of people, and instead take the leap.  Certainly stepping off that cliff with blind faith is not simple, but staying put and never knowing the real you, the purpose of your life, the reason for being here, I believe that is worth the risk.  Let's talk about risk for a bit.  There's a common saying about risk verses reward.  The greater the risk, the bigger the reward.  If you believe this then is it any wonder why some people never step out?  They in their nominal human mind can not justify the risk for what they perceive as minimal reward.  If standing in your power, walking in your destiny, knowing the real you is minimal, then I guess I'll take minimal any time, but I assure you it is anything but minimal.

I know I talk and write about Destiny a whole lot, some say too much, some say not enough.  No matter what others may say or think I have been created to help others discover and walk in their destiny.  At the end of the day that's pretty much all I care about.  That's not to say I don't think about my family, friends, loved ones, and of course my dogs, but destiny is almost certainly the center of all I do.  I guess I have a few simple beliefs.  I believe in my Creator, first and foremost.  I believe I was created for a specific purpose, and my choice is to accept that calling and do it to the best of my abilities.  Have you ever asked yourself what your purpose is?  Have you ever given any thought as to why you are here in this moment?  I know people who go through life with absolutely no direction.  The ups and downs take them to withering heights of chaos.  Is that any way to live?  I fully understand the challenges of life, not always pleasant.  I can grasp the significance of having to make tough decisions.  What I can't quite grasp is why anyone would want to go through life without  a vision, a dream, a passion.  Maybe people run from passion, run from dreams and visions simply because they do not want to be accountable.  Guess what?  The day will come when you are going to have to make a decision.  Will you follow your dreams, or will you walk away?  No one, and I mean no one can escape that moment in time, the decision moment, will you or will you not accept your calling?

So once again let me ask, will you jump or will you stay?  Trust me when I tell you this walking in your destiny is not something to fear, rather it is something to embrace.  If you can imagine endless unlimited joy, peace, and happiness, then you can imagine what life will be like when you accept your destiny and take the first step toward it.  Your creation was perfection as you are perfection, as your destiny is perfection.  I'm not saying you will never make a mistake, but let's not confuse missteps, or even failure as anything but a learning opportunity.  Mistakes or missteps do not, will never, and can't stop destiny.  Yes it may slow it down, but in the perfection of God time is not God's concern.  Man may focus on time but I can tell you that God does not. You will be where you need to be, when you need to be there, doing the things you need to be doing.  You might call it faith, you might call it luck, but if it were me I would call it God.  

It's time to tighten up your shoe laces and take that leap.  Staying put is no longer an option, and staying put has never been where you were supposed to be.  Freedom comes when you no longer are bound by another's thoughts, words, actions, and instead take the leap.  Trust me, you will be thankful you did.


  1. Dear Scott I really resonate with you and feel the Lord has led me to your site. I am having some very hard struggles lately and would love to have a conversation with you.sometime soon.❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Scott, you are amazing.
    I love your voice, it's very soothing. Thank you for your encouraging words of wisdom
