Saturday, April 27, 2024

Let the doubters doubt, and let the believers do.

We have all faced periods of doubt in our lives at one point in time.  People have told us what to do, what to be, what we should think, and so on.  Just because someone says something does not make it true, and the sooner you are able to release yourself from other's expectations, the sooner you can step out into those things that were created for you, placed in you to do, and become the individual you were always intended to be.  Today I want to talk about you, the real you, and not what others have made you out to be.  Today I want to encourage you to take an inventory of all that is inside of you, and why it has been placed in you.  

I talk about truth a whole lot.  I talk about the difference between truth and fiction, the difference between your truth and what others have said should be your truth.  Most of the time what others think, what others say has very little to do with what you were sent here to do, and the sooner you come to this realization the sooner you can step out into your destiny. There are so many people who have not woken up to the fact that they have a mission to complete.  Many go through life trying to fit into what others expect of them.  Far too often we attempt to place a round peg into a square hole.  If you believe that you are unique, that you are different than anyone else, why in creation would you try to be something you're not?  Why do people attempt to replicate someone else's characteristics, and why do they leave their true nature, their real self standing idle, only to be swept away in the false hope of being someone else?  Sadly those who try to emulate someone else have not taken the time to accept who they really are.  Why might you ask does this happen?  It happens because one has yet to realize just how incredible they are.  

There are plenty of people around you whose destiny is never to discover their destiny.  They live in a perpetual wandering mode of operation because they have allowed others to dictate their steps.  These individuals for whatever reason, have decided that it's better to go with the flow, and not rock the boat.  Standing firm in who and what you are may not be the popular thing to do in today's society, but at the end of the day, it's the only thing you should concern yourself with.  I can remember as a youngster watching impressionist.  They sounded very close to the one they were impersonating, but you could always pick up on the subtle differences.  In this case close was not perfection, as perfection could on come to the one that was being impersonated.  If you are attempting to be like someone else because you desire to be more like them, do you think you will ever get to the point when you are just like them?  It's impossible, and if you try you will be chasing that cat's tail forever, never being able to catch it.  The only real option we have in life, at least the option that makes the most sense, is being who you were created to be.  

I know I must sound like a broken record when I talk about truth verses fiction.  It seems like the majority of my time is spent encouraging you to step out into your authentic self.  There are so many doubters walking around right now, people who profess something but don't actually believe what they are spotting off at.  There comes a time when each of us are going to have to make the decision to either walk in our truth or forever wander about wondering what this world is really all about, and wondering if you will ever fit in.  Trust me when I tell you there have periods in my life when I doubted me.  I wasn't sure who I was, what I was, and why I was here.  I'm not sure there is anyone alive today who couldn't say the same thing.  The key to it all is putting away what others say, what others expect, and simply doing what makes you happy, without regard to what others might think about your choices.  If you believe that God broke the mold when he created you, why would you desire to place yourself in someone else's mold?  Why in Heaven's name would you choose to be something you're not simply because someone said you needed to do something this way or that way?  If you desire to walk free from man's expectations, then make that decision to walk free and not worry what anyone else may say or do.

Freedom, true freedom, comes when you release yourself from all and anything that comes from someone's opinion, when that someone has never been exposed to the same things you have been exposed to.  We all have experienced different things, and that is because what we experience, what lessons we have learned, have been placed in front of us to get us to the point where we can step out into our destiny.  
The things I have learned in life were there to get me where I am at today.  Likewise, the things you have gone through have prepared you for where you are right now.  We have to get away from one size fits all.  You have gone through certain things because you had to go through certain things.  In the perfection of the Universe is the perfection of your design, and your calling.  You may question some of the things that have happened to you.  Often in the middle of a storm one is not able to see the end result, but trust me when I say that at the end of every lesson you will know why you had to go through this lesson.  Most people will ask why bad things happen to good people, and why do bad people seem to get all the breaks.  Might I suggest that you not think to much on what happens with others, rather look at what is happening to you, and the lessons you have learned thus far.  When you can see the importance of what you may have just gone through, you will see the beauty of what you are going to step out into.

It is time to believe in you.  It is time to begin doing, and not simply looking at others, dreaming that you can be like them, when you are anything but them.  Your uniqueness is something that can not be overstated.  Your destiny is so perfect, so beautiful, so amazing, one wonders why anyone would want to run away from their destiny.  The time has come to let the doubters role around in their own muck and mire, and to begin to do. The time has come to embrace all that you are, and accept your calling.  The time has come to step out, to have no fear, and to enjoy the reason for being here.  If one looks at life through the eyes of trepidation, one is not seeing life through the eyes of their creator.  Life is nothing to fear.  Destiny is nothing to fear.  Embrace life, embrace destiny, and know that each event, each experience will get you one step closer to where you need to be.  Let go of doubt, let go of fear, and simply believe.  Believe that there are no mistakes, and everything around you is there for a purpose.  Trust me, the more you know, the more you will do, and the more you do, the better life is.  Get out there and see where life takes you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Scott. This is a wonderful reminder to let go of my resistance and fear and to really trust the process.
