Saturday, January 13, 2024

Destiny, What's in it for me?

Life is a journey of discovery, and in this discovery there are many paths, many diversions, many course corrections.  But as with anything in life there comes a time when you will come face to face with your purpose, your destiny, and what you do with it is ultimately your decision.  What I want to do today is talk about destiny, why it applies to you, and why you  just might want to think about your journey of discovery.

I've been writing about destiny for over a decade.  When I first stepped out into my destiny there was some doubt of course, but that doubt was not so much about what I was going to do, rather how I was going to do it.  I never went to college to be a writer.  I never ever thought of being an author.  Many, many people thought I had gone off my rocker. After all, who was I too think that I could change the world with my message of destiny, let alone change the path of just a single individual?  Well truth be told I was fine if I only changed the life of a single individual.  That one soul who I touched might just be the one who changes an entire continent.  

What is Destiny?  Ask a thousand people, get a thousand different responses.  In my world destiny is the reason you were put here in the first place.  Destiny is the one thing you can never run away from.  Certainly there are people who will attempt to distance themselves from their destiny, but that's only because they do not want to face what is being asked of them.  Far too many people feel inadequate when it comes to fulfilling their destiny.  They do not see that they have all the talent, all the attributes, all the abilities to do the one thing they were sent here to do.  Way too many people fear destiny as if it were some kind of disease.  Destiny should be coveted, it should be cherished, it should be the first thing you think about in the morning, and the last thing you think about before you close your eyes at night.  Now some will say that we should think of our creator first and last.  Well let me ask you this, who do you think placed your destiny inside of you?  Who do you think created you specifically so you could fulfill your destiny?  You can no more remove the Creator of the Universe from your destiny, then you can remove this planet from the Cosmos.  

Every single person past, present, and future has had, has now, or will have a destiny.  I've said this so many times in the past, you were not placed here on this planet just for the free popcorn.  Each of us has a passion, a purpose.  Each and every person is equipped to fulfill their destiny, it just takes time to discover this, but discover this they will.  When I sit down to write I am ever so grateful that I have been given this gift.  Now there are people who can write circles around me.  It's not so much about skill, but to me, it's about the substance.  I never try to measure myself against anyone else.  Each person will do things differently from others.  Some may have massive success at things, while others may struggle to do the simple things.  In the end what matters is that you do what you were sent here to do.  My dear, dear friends, destiny is simply who and what you are.  Just as you cannot change the structure of your DNA, you cannot change your destiny.  Some will run from it, but that does not change the fact that you were created to do something.

One of the greatest deterrents to walking in your destiny is fear.  Fear that you aren't equipped, fear that you will mess up, fear that what you truly desire is foolish in the eyes of the rest of the world.  If we can remove fear, we can begin to step out into those things that were destined for us.  We've all been placed here to do something, and the sooner you can accept this fact, the sooner you can do what needs to be done.  I've seen dreams dashed because those around us could not accept what others have been called to do.  I've seen desires squashed because others could not grasp what was in one's heart to do.  Your dreams and desires are yours and yours alone.  Forget about what others think and simply move on those things you know to be true.  Let's get real for a moment and accept the fact that each of us have things we love, things we love to do, things we love dreaming about.  If you desire to do it, if you love certain things, why in the world would you think that these things are not meant for you?  Dreams and desires are stepping stones to your destiny, and with each step you take you are one step closer to walking in your destiny.

Destiny is not some magical thing, destiny is as real as the chair you might be sitting in to read this blog.  Destiny is so important for the sole reason that you are important.  If you think that anyone else can do what you were created to do, then you have missed the mark.  Certainly there are people who might do similar things as you, but not the same.  When one can come to grips with their calling, their purpose, this mission in life, well let's just say that life will change forever.  Think about doing that one thing that brings you absolute joy. Think about life with no worries, no fear, no doubt.  If every person on this planet was able to grasp the concept of destiny, walked in that destiny, desired to see destiny, this world would indeed be a different place.  While we can't control what others do, we certainly can make the decision to do our part, and our part is to look at destiny, and hold on to it forever.  The saddest part of existence is not realizing why we exist in the first place.  Those who cannot understand destiny will always be wanting something else.  Those who do not accept destiny will always be reaching for that Gold Ring on the Merry-go-round.  Please, please, please understand, you have a purpose.  You have been created to do something, and that something can only be done by you.  The time has come to forget what others have said, what others may think, and step out into your destiny.  Until such time there will be an emptiness in you, and that emptiness will never be filled.  

Let me end with this thought:  imagine if you will a time when all things line up perfectly with your dreams and aspirations.  Imagine just for a moment that there is nothing you lack, nothing that brings fear or anxiety.   Imagine if you will living the most perfect life there is, where you only know joy, love, peace, and happiness.  Too many people think this an impossible task, but no, it's very possible, and it's what we should be looking for, and accepting nothing less.  This is the beauty of your existence, and this is what you should be looking to be, looking to step into, and looking to live in.  This is your destiny.  The time has come to let go of expectations of others, and simply be you. The authentic you, the you that was placed here to do the unimaginable, the impossible.  Your destiny awaits you, and all that you need to do is step out into it, always knowing that this journey of discovery is yours and yours alone.  There will be people along the way sent to help, but you must take the first step, and that first step is nothing to fear.  You can do this, and when you do, hold on tight for life will change in ways you never imagined, but life will be more perfect, more inspired, more edifying than words could describe.  Walk my friend toward your destiny and never look back.

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